Aerial yoga is a variation of regular yoga, which also includes aerial gymnastics and stretching. If regular yoga is already boring, then aerial yoga will be a great alternative. But for such yoga, high-quality equipment is also important.
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Despite the listed benefits, there are some temporary and permanent limitations. Let's list just a few.
Permanent diseases are described here, and in their presence, alas, aerial yoga is prohibited.
The following are temporary contraindications:
It should be noted that menstruation is not a hindrance to aerial yoga. Just remember: avoid twisting, inverted poses, and those poses that strain the core muscles a lot, and also do not bend back.
1 place
Length - 235, and width 140 cm.
The package includes two triple handles, which have soft holders for arms and legs, as well as a bag and a set of carabiners for mounting to the ceiling;
The hammock is made in China;
Maximum weight up to 100 kg;
The average price is from 2297 rubles.
A lightweight hammock that can be used both indoors and at home. In addition, if desired, you can transform it into an ordinary hammock for relaxation, which is also convenient and economical - you can not buy an additional piece of furniture for relaxation.
2nd place
Length - 280, width - 150 cm.
The package includes only a canvas for yoga, the mount will have to be purchased separately;
The hammock is produced in the Russian Federation;
Weight limit - 160 kg;
The average price is 3500 rubles.
An unusual canvas that is suitable even for outdoor activities thanks to a special moisture-proof coating on the surface of the fabric. The manufacturer also guarantees that the hammock can be safely used in the country.
There are many different models on the market for every taste.Moreover, polyester is very popular, because cotton is present in the composition one way or another, but there are no completely cotton models on the market at all. This is even useless, since the canvas will be very heavy and their strength will not be high, respectively, after a certain time there will be only holes.
1 place
Length / width - 270/160 cm.
In addition to the canvas itself, the kit includes 6 handles (small, medium and long), fasteners with an anchor ring and ropes with knots, and the manufacturer puts a small manual as a gift with illustrated instructions for performing some exercises;
Model from a domestic manufacturer;
Maximum weight - up to 150 kg;
The average price is from 4300 rubles.
Not detected.
The manufacturer also has models with a thin and elastic fabric, which can sag a little under the influence of a person's weight. But the proposed product is less flexible, as are the models in the following colors: blue, beige, orange and red.
2nd place
Length/width - 275/145 cm
Included with the purchase there is a backpack, 6 handles and a rope;
Produced in Russia;
The maximum load is 120 kg;
The average price is from 4200 rubles.
The goods can be taken with you to nature and to the country, because the material is protected from external influences, and due to the fact that the weight is small, the equipment can be carried in your hands.
3rd place
Length/width: 270/165 cm.
The kit includes 2 carabiners, a case and 2 rope mounts for the ceiling;
Goods of a domestic manufacturer;
The model can withstand a person weighing up to 100 kg;
The average price is about 4533 rubles.
This model helps to get the maximum benefit from its use. If desired, the training canvas can be turned into a regular hammock for relaxation.
The goods are all of high quality. They will last a long time, and their versatility allows you to practice yoga in fitness clubs, at home, in nature, in the country, and most importantly, the weight of most of them allows you to deliver the structure to the place of rest without any problems.
1 place
Length/width: 270/160 cm.
The set includes 8 carabiners and 6 handles;
Production - Russia;
The maximum weight of a person who can withstand the canvas is 150 kg;
The average price is from 5000 rubles.
The product is certified and suitable for people with any level of training.
2nd place
Length/width: 270/160 cm.
Complete set: 8 carabiners and 6 handles;
Made in Russia;
Recommended maximum weight - 150 kg;
The average price is 5000 rubles.
The backpack for carrying is made in a stylish design, and for more comfortable use there are soft inserts along the edges of the fabric.
Gabardine is characterized by a special wear resistance, respectively, it is used where quality and strength are needed, which is extremely important for hammocks that are used when doing aerial yoga.
1 place
Length/width: 250/150 cm.
The kit includes 4 carabiners, 6 handles and a bag for carrying the canvas;
Goods of Russian production;
Maximum weight - up to 200 kg;
The average price is from 2500 rubles.
The hammock is universal, can be used anywhere, and absolutely anyone with different training can use it.
2nd place
Length/width: 250/150 cm.
The kit includes carabiners and rope mounts;
Produced in China;
Maximum load - up to 200 kg;
The average price is from 2050 rubles.
Quality aerial yoga equipment that will last a long time. Moreover, the time of use does not affect the quality at all. Hammock looks like new after many years.
3rd place
Length/width: 240/140 cm.
Complete set: canvas (carabiners for fastening will have to be purchased separately;
Produced in China;
Weight limit - 100 kg;
The average price is from 3500 rubles.
The Chinese-made product is very reliable, and the material does not cause irritation on the skin, so yoga classes will take place in more relaxation and a pleasant atmosphere due to the absence of irritating factors.
In the ranking of goods, the material for the most part facilitates the care of the canvas and its use. In addition, nylon itself has many advantages. For example, it retains color, does not shed, and there are no special rules for use, which is why nylon is one of the most practical materials.
1 place
Length/width: 295/200 cm.
Equipment: steel carabiners and the canvas itself;
Produced in Russia;
The weight of users should not exceed 180 kg;
The average price is from 6500 rubles.
The brand has quality products that improve with each new generation, which makes it much easier to use and also creates more comfort, which is important for yoga. As a gift, the manufacturer also offers a disk with a set of exercises.
2nd place
Length/width: 250/150 cm.
Options: each mount will have to be additionally purchased to install a hammock. There is the first option, where the kit includes: metal bolts (pieces), mounting loops and carabiners for connection. And the second option contains a metal XMount mount instead of metal bolts;
Made in the USA;
The maximum load cannot exceed 200 kg;
The average price is from 4000 rubles.
The model for air yoga has been improved so that it is as light as possible, and the fabric itself contributes to the comfortable performance of asanas.
3rd place
Length/width: 500/280 cm.
The kit includes: ropes and anchor fastenings with a ring;
The brand is made in Russia;
The maximum weight of a person is about 500 kg;
The average price is from 6300 rubles.
The material looks and feels like silk, as it is so pleasant to the body that you don’t want to get off the hammock. The design itself may seem unreliable, but it is no less comfortable than those sold with handles for legs and arms. The main thing is to follow the rules and enjoy how the body relaxes in each position and becomes more plastic.
Products in this category are reliable and strong. Since nylon is a durable and not capricious material, products made from it are universal. In addition, nylon hammocks are pleasant to the touch and difficult to tear. Because of this, you can not be afraid to tear the canvas during an accidental sudden movement or during an experiment with a new pose.
A good hammock is the basis for aerial yoga, because if there is a poor-quality model, hard and fragile fabric, then you can not expect relaxation.And what can we say about comfort and relaxation? Therefore, pay attention to the material and the rules of use, as well as the diameter, because tall people need a large canvas (more than 2 meters in width and length), and there are more standard sizes on the market, so care when choosing a hammock is also necessary. Otherwise, there are no strict criteria for selection, which makes the search easier.