Enamel paint is a chemical used to decorate building facades, car parts, or motorcycle parts. Enamel is also used to finish door frames, boat bottoms, or other similar surfaces. Types of products differ from each other not only in basic characteristics, but also in quality. Before resorting to her help, it is worthwhile to understand for yourself why you need it.
Differences also lie in the binder contained in the composition, density, efficiency of application to a certain surface, duration of stay on the object with its constant use, without loss of original qualities.
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Belongs to the category of paint and varnish coatings. The composition includes five main components:
The product is used for both internal and external work. It fits perfectly on any material. Easy to apply on:
There is a very important point. Enamel cannot be used in rooms with an increased fire hazard, since the varnish contained in its composition is highly flammable.
The main advantage of the product is excellent performance properties. The enamel coating protects the material from the harmful effects of moisture, as well as environmental influences. Preliminary preparation before staining is not required.
The list of main types of enamel paints is as follows:
Type of | Description |
polyurethane | It has amazing wear resistance, in connection with which it has found wide application when painting floors in public institutions with a large flow of people (corridors in schools, museums, cinemas). It is worth waiting a couple of days, and you can safely walk on the floor without fear of damaging the coating. It is worth remembering the safety rules. Enamel is very toxic, so it is necessary to work with it in personal protective equipment (goggles and gloves). After completion of work, the room must be properly ventilated. |
Alkyd | It belongs to the category of the best, and therefore the most popular paints. It has a number of advantages: there is an elastic structure, it is simply and efficiently applied, it dries quickly, and does not lose its original properties for a long time. It is used mainly for rooms with high humidity: swimming pools, bathrooms, saunas and so on. Each species has its own marking for ease of being on the counter. For example, the presence of a pentaflanel base is indicated by PF-253, and the first digit indicates its purpose (for internal (2) or external (1) work. The remaining digits correspond to the catalog number. |
oily | Contains natural oils. It can be used in those rooms where there is no significant temperature difference. It is used only for interior work, as it does not withstand sub-zero temperatures and the vagaries of nature. |
Nitroenamel | The basis of its production is cellulose nitrate. The main advantage is instant drying at any temperature, even room temperature. But there are also significant drawbacks, which include environmental pollution, so many countries have abandoned its use or significantly limited it. Most often it is used for woodworking. Such a coating is applied in a thin layer using special sprayers. The usual method of application is not suitable due to the speed of drying. |
Epoxy | Not for home use. Often used in industry, able to withstand significant temperatures and high humidity. |
Molotkovaya | After its application, the material becomes matte or glossy with a beautiful sheen. Combines certain elements of epoxy, alkyd and acrylic paints. Often used for coating non-ferrous metals.Does not tolerate high temperatures well. |
What to look for when buying? There are many varieties, and the main thing is not to make mistakes when choosing. At the very beginning, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the features of various types, their scope, find the best manufacturers and review popular formulations, study ratings and reviews. It is worth asking yourself the following questions:
Once you have decided which product is better to buy, go to the store and carefully look at the label and the condition of the container with the material. It must be completely intact, without visible mechanical damage, such as abrasions, scratches, dents, punctures, and so on. It should be borne in mind that if the tightness of the jar has been broken, then the paint will quickly lose its original properties and dry out.
Particular attention must be paid to the expiration date. The product must be used before it runs out. Do not leave open goods for a long time. No matter how well you close it, it will still not be possible to maintain the original qualities. Try also to find the GOST sign on the label.
If you have a question where to buy a product, give preference to specialized stores that have proven themselves on the positive side and sell only high-quality products. You should not buy goods from the hands of the market. This can turn into a loss of money.You can order a product online in an online store, but often you can not get what you expected. Which company's products are better depends on the preferences of the buyer.
The main question that worries the masters is whether it is necessary to putty the surface before applying the enamel. The advice of experts comes down to one thing: there is no need for this. Enamel has excellent adhesion to various materials, so puttying is not necessary. If there are no significant irregularities on the surface, you just need to remove dust, dirt, grease stains from it, and then apply a primer. For ceramics and enamel coatings, even priming is not necessary.
It should be borne in mind that enamel paints after thickening can be diluted using a variety of solvents or thinners.
When building or repairing a house, the question may arise, what to choose: on enamel or film. Experts recommend giving preference to the first option, as it provides not only the external effectiveness of the decor of the room, but also the service life is much longer. The film may lag behind the surface over time, while the paint has sufficient density and stability. And if pets also live in the house, then there is a possibility of scratches and even peeling off the film. Enamel will withstand any ups and downs of such a plan.
Product Main Features:
The goods are produced in Russia, but the production technology is German. This made it possible to make it inexpensive but weather resistant. Widely used for covering metal and wood frames, gates and walls. A fairly popular model that has been used for many decades. Leads the ranking of quality products. The variety of colors is impressive: there are not only classic options, such as black, white and gray, but also chocolate brown, pistachio, cream, coffee with milk and so on. The release form is cans of various sizes, which is very convenient. In stores you can buy containers from 1 to 50 kg.
The average price is 237 rubles per 1 kg.
Products are manufactured by a leading Russian company. The packaging is quite convenient - 2500, 250 or 750 ml. The alkyd base makes it weather resistant. Not afraid of mechanical damage (impact, friction, hail). It is widely used when drawing on balconies, arbors and facades of buildings. Fits perfectly, leaving no free space. You can use both a brush and a roller. The presence of a semi-matte structure makes it quite attractive. If the surface is slightly absorbent, then one layer is sufficient.Moreover, 1000 ml of products will be enough to cover a surface of 12 sq.m.
The advantage is fast drying. After two hours, it will not stick to your hands. After 6 hours takes the final solid form. Half a day is enough for the painted object to be exploited.
The cost of the goods is 1329 rubles for 2.5 liters.
The product is made by a French company. Packaging is convenient - 2.5 or 0.75 liters. Belongs to the category of universal, can be applied both to wood and to ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as plastic. Used both outdoors and indoors. Semi-gloss structure with a glassy finish. Excellent corrosion protection for carbon steel. According to user reviews, the composition is similar in smell to caramel. Consumption is about 1 liter per 12 sq.m. Available in six colors.
Finishing paint applied to railings or street benches does not lose its attractiveness for eight years. One of the components is a rust converter, which allows you not to sand the metal before applying the substance.
The product is sold at a price of 1735 rubles per 2.5 liters.
You can't call it new. Leads the TOP of unique products for painting boats and other objects that are constantly in contact with water. The main feature is resistance to moisture, which is achieved by the presence of alkyd varnish inside. Packaging of manufactured goods - 2.7 liters.
The manufacturer offers products at a price of 2799 rubles per can.
A fairly effective tool for public areas. Not afraid of frequent washing, has excellent wear resistance, has a pleasant semi-matt appearance. Products are intended for painting ceramics, drywall, plaster, concrete surfaces, chipboard. It is used both for internal, and external construction works. Packing in one version - 9 liters.
How much does the item cost? In the retail network, it can be purchased at a price of 4800 rubles per unit.
The compositions optimally lie on the surface and are moisture resistant. Basically, they are used to coat a metal surface in order to protect it from the possibility of rust. Shops offer compositions for wood and stone. Available in jars or aerosol cans. They paint car bodies, gates, forged fences, doors, and so on.
Goods of domestic production, weighed in 2.5, 0.9 and 0.5 kg. There is a package of 24 kg. The base is white, but you can make any shade yourself. Does not turn yellow over the years, retaining a pleasant whiteness, very practical, easy to clean. The composition does not contain organic solvents, the complete absence of an unpleasant odor. Due to its high adhesion, the composition perfectly adheres to any surface, including gypsum, metal, concrete and wood.
Experts recommend applying paint to gables, doors and wooden frames. If the original surface was once opened with alkyd paint, then it should not be cleaned off. This mixture can be applied on top. Base - glossy, shades - 21 pieces, which makes it possible to finish the room in any color.Among the wide variety, semitones such as light green, caramel, emerald, cream, cherry stand out.
The average cost of production is 279 rubles per 0.9 l.
High quality acrylic product. Release form - iron cans of 0.9 l, color - exclusively white. The composition includes an inhibitor that perfectly copes with rust, corroding it. There is no need to clean the metal before use. A certified product that can be used even in preschools and schools. Does not stick to hands after an hour.
Initially, it was produced exclusively for high-temperature processing of heating radiators. Due to its excellent quality characteristics, over time it began to be used in public places, since it does not harm human health. After complete drying, she is not afraid of an increase in temperature to 120 degrees. Can be applied to objects whose temperature does not exceed 45 degrees. Dries completely after five hours.
The price for 0.9 liters is 841 rubles.
It is considered the most popular paint when carrying out large-scale repairs in office premises, when it is necessary to paint the walls white, and their area is significant. Can weight - 20 kg. Enamel also covers drywall, brick and chipboard. Can be tinted to get the best shade. Applied with a brush, roller and spray gun.
For a jar, the manufacturer asks for 1800 rubles.
She is preferred when it is necessary to enamel metal parts that have to endure high temperatures. It can be an exhaust pipe, a gate turned to the sunny side, a heat-conducting route. The composition withstands temperatures of 650 degrees, while maintaining decorative and insulating characteristics. The manufacturer produces products in spray cans with a lid on which the color is drawn. You can quickly spray the contents on any surface, including uneven ones.
The average price is 160 rubles per unit.
These compounds have a variety of polymers, which increase strength and moisture resistance. Found wide application for painting in bathrooms, kitchens, showers or for outdoor application. Perfectly interact with stone, metal and wood.
Belongs to the category of the best products for such purposes. It contains polymer binders and special additives that protect it from mechanical damage (scratches, chips). By applying it to a brick or wooden surface, there is an automatic protection against the formation of fungus and from fading. The product is sold in metal cans. Large volumes are sold in buckets with a secure handle.
The average cost is 3000 rubles for 9 liters.
They differ in insignificant price due to the cheap water base. A binder is added to ensure adhesion to the surface being used. Can be applied to metal, concrete, wood. The main disadvantage is a short service life and the possibility of a rapid loss of brightness. It is believed that most of all it is suitable for painting non-critical structures that are not subject to mechanical attacks.
It is mainly used for painting fences. It has 10 color options, it is inexpensive - only 240 rubles per 1 liter. The red tint is used in cases where it is necessary to highlight the fence in order to prevent other people's vehicles from constantly entering it (for example, at a turn at night). The substance dries quickly and is very sparingly applied. It is sold in metal containers with lids that close tightly, which makes it possible to store it further.
Stores provide their customers with a large selection of products, among which there is also a primer - enamel. The scope of its application is industry and everyday life.The main goal is to prevent the metal from being destroyed by corrosion. Metal parts of the heating system, frames, fences, car bodies and so on are covered with this tool. Its main advantages:
The negative points include:
When choosing enamel, you should rely on the material for painting and further operating conditions.