
  1. What are kindergartens
  2. Railway area
  3. Kirovsky district
  4. Leninsky district
  5. Oktyabrsky district
  6. Sovietsky district
  7. central District
  8. Correctional kindergartens
  9. Waldorf Kindergartens

The best kindergartens in Krasnoyarsk in 2022

The best kindergartens in Krasnoyarsk in 2022

The city of Krasnoyarsk offers a choice of parents about two hundred kindergartens of various directions. How to choose the best option that suits not only the price, but also the quality of service, and at the same time not make a mistake with the choice? We offer a list of the best kindergartens in Krasnoyarsk in 2022.

What are kindergartens

Preschool educational institutions are divided into types according to the direction of work with children:

  • Kindergartens of compensatory type;
  • combined;
  • gardens, the priority of which is the intellectual development of preschoolers;
  • general development institutions;
  • ensuring the priority implementation of the physical direction of development;
  • providing physical and mental development, as well as correctional work with children of preschool age;
  • "elementary school - kindergarten".

Railway area

In total, this area has about 20 preschool institutions of various types, not counting the huge number of home kindergartens. Among them are municipal institutions of a budgetary type, which have very good conditions and an educational base for the development of a preschooler:

Kindergarten №10

The municipal budgetary institution has 16 children's groups, which are recruited when parents write an application.

  • five meals a day;
  • availability of children's sports facilities and playgrounds;
  • The hospitable and qualified staff and good staffing are especially noted: the presence of a gym, a swimming pool, there is also a speech therapy room;
  • Children are provided with all-round development: teachers hold many cultural events, additional education circles are also available;
  • There is security.
  • fees apply for additional educational services.

Address: st. Pushkina, 11. Official website: Working hours: from Monday to Friday from 7.00 to 19.00.

Kindergarten №8

The institution operates on a budgetary basis and does not provide any paid services. It has 11 children's groups.

  • Experienced teachers;
  • the emphasis of education on the physical development of children, which also includes many additional classes with a high-quality individual approach to the kids.
  • no significant

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Lado Ketskhoveli, 60B. Official website: dou8.rf

Kindergarten №295 general developmental type

An educational children's institution that aims precisely at the physical development of children. In addition to physical education, the directions in the work are determined: artistic and general education.

  • In addition to qualified personnel, the kindergarten has specialists - a psychologist, a pediatrician and a speech therapist.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Republic, 45a. Official websites: and mdou295.rf

Private kindergarten "Almaziki"

A well-equipped facility spread over an area of ​​more than 100 sq.m. with playground and games room.

General developmental education, including additional classes: choreography, music, classes with a psychologist and a speech therapist.

Children from 1 year old are accepted for training.

  • Own site;
  • Lots of activities and clubs.
  • The high cost of educational services.

The cost of training is from 14,000 rubles per month.
Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Zavodskaya, d. 2a. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00. Tel.: 2152216

Kindergarten "Magic Glade"

The garden is a "children's center for family trusting education", which has good equipment and a high-quality educational system with an individual program of classes for each child.

  • Small groups;
  • Programs are developed individually.
  • The high cost of educational services.

The average price of training is from 14,000 rubles per month.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Novosibirskaya, d. 1. Working hours: from Monday to Friday from 7.15 to 19.00. ☎: 89628011932

Kirovsky district

There are also many municipal preschool institutions in the Kirovsky district. Among them, in the first places of the rating, you can see the following:

Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 109

This institution of preschool education accepts children from 1.5 years old to 3 years old in the amount of 30 people in a group.

  • Children are fully brought up at the expense of the budget under the general development program.
  • A standard site with little information about educational activities.

Address: st. Academician Pavlova, d. 55a. ☎: +7 391 260-85-35. Official site:

Kindergarten №168

Another children's institution operating on a budgetary basis. The activities of professional teachers are aimed at developing the creative skills of children, for whom all the necessary conditions have been created.

  • The center has a music hall and studios, a medical center, and a sports area.
  • non-working site.

Address: Mr.Krasnoyarsk, Shchorsa, 23a. ☎: +7 (391) 260-59-05. Email: Official website:

Kindergarten №169

Provides high-quality pre-school education, taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils. The purpose of the institution is to strengthen the physical and mental health of preschoolers by organizing and conducting recreational activities.

  • Qualified personnel;
  • many activities;
  • good food.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Transitnaya, 16. ☎: +7 391 260-85-35. Official site:

Private preschool institutions:

Center for Child Development "Pchelki"

The center forms small children's groups, numbering up to 14 children aged 1 to 6 years. There are both day and short stay groups, as well as night groups. All the most necessary conditions have been created here for the children.

  • Five meals a day;
  • developing classes with professional teachers, including speech therapy;
  • fully equipped rooms for games and activities.
  • no.

Cost of visiting: from 10,000 rubles per month.
Address: st. Pavlova, d. 84. ☎: 89538548593

Children's health and development center "Kapitoshka"

Provides its pupils with a comprehensive education, including pedagogical programs in the language direction, art, as well as other interactive programs and activities for the development of each child aged 1 to 4 years.

  • Broad educational program;
  • Convenient work schedule.
  • No.

The cost of training is from 14,500 thousand rubles per month. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 19.00.
Address: st. Kutuzova, 40a. ☎: 2403181.

Leninsky district

State kindergartens:

Kindergarten №63

It is a municipal institution dedicated to the overall development of children, especially paying attention to their physical development.

  • There are classes with a teacher-psychologist and a speech therapist, as well as music lessons;
  • Children with disabilities are accepted for training, including those with hearing impairment;
  • Education takes place in ten groups.
  • No.

Address: st. Volgogradskaya, 33a. ☎: 8(391) 226-10-41. Official site:

Kindergarten №91

The garden has two branches, in which there are 10 and 7 children's groups, respectively.

  • The kindergarten constantly holds various events, tournaments and festivals, and also organizes inclusive education for children with disabilities.
  • No.

Address: st. Astrakhanskaya, 12a. ☎: +7 (391) 264–58–69. Official website: kindergarten91.rf.

Private kindergartens:


A good private kindergarten that provides quality and versatile education.

  • Additional classes with specialists, including a choreographer, speech therapist, music teacher;
  • Provides a choice of age groups for a full day or a short stay for children.
  • The high cost of educational services.

Tuition fee: 15000 rubles per month.
Address: st. Vavilov, 37, st. Michurina, 2 f. ☎: +7 (391) 2-965-946. Official site:

Family Education Centers "Academy of Childhood"

This institution is by no means a simple kindergarten in the usual sense of the word, since the work of the centers takes place on the principle of short thematic summer shifts. Effective learning is offered to pupils.

  • Educational programs and interesting activities designed for children of different age groups.
  • No.

Addresses and telephones of branches: Krasnoyarsk, Baturina, 38. ☎ 285-96-86; st. Linear, 112. ☎ 288-96-86; st. Chkalova, 39A. ☎ 218-06-25; st. Youth, 23. ☎ 293-61-65.

Oktyabrsky district

Municipal kindergartens:

Kindergarten No. 305 "Constellation"

Municipal budgetary institution, the principles of which are the comprehensive development of the child's personality. On the basis of the kindergarten, there are 14 groups, which are handled by professional teaching staff.

  • Children with disabilities are accepted.
  • No.

Address: st. Gusarova, 43, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia, 660130. ☎ +7 391 247-20-67. Official website:

Private kindergartens:

Kindergarten "Daughters and sons"

Provides a comfortable educational environment for their little pupils.

Provides accommodation and stay for children in a mini-group of a full and short day, presents a well-equipped room for games and activities, and also holds interesting events, including with professional teachers: a speech therapist and a psychologist.

  • Good equipment;
  • Staff speech therapist and psychologist;
  • Small number of groups.
  • No.

Address: st. Kirensky 32. ☎: 288-23-09. Official site:

Sverdlovsk region

State institutions:

Kindergarten No. 193 "Bereginya"

This kindergarten also received very good reviews and recommendations from the parents of the pupils. It positions itself as a general developmental type kindergarten with a compensatory and family bias and provides places in groups of full and short stays.

  • Children from 1 to 6 years old are accepted here, with whom professional, qualified teachers work;
  • The structure has a library and a swimming pool;
  • The territory is under protection.
  • No.

Address: st. 60 years of October, 85a. ☎: 73912331705. Official website:

Kindergarten No. 263

It is a state institution with the comprehensive development of kids.

  • The priority is the sports and creative development of the personality of each child;
  • Kindergarten recruits children from 1 to 6 years old in full and weekend groups.
  • No.

Address: Medical lane, 25a. ☎: 73912617297. Official website:

Sovietsky district

Kindergarten №333

Combined type garden with high-quality preschool education.

  • Qualified teachers organize comprehensive work with children, with an emphasis on creative education.
  • No.

Cost: for children under 3 years old, who are in full-day groups - 1390 rubles per month. From 3 to 7 years - 1641 rubles per month for full-day groups, 492 - for a short stay.
Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Vzletnaya, 36-a, ☎: +7 391 254-00-43

Kindergarten No. 296

A budgetary institution that accepts children from one and a half to seven years old, distributed in 11 groups. Additionally, three groups operate on the basis of the institution as private children's development centers.

  • The kindergarten has rooms equipped with everything necessary for games and activities, including a music room and a medical office.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, Mate Zalki street, 18. E-mail: Official website: ☎: (391) 220-27-16, (391) 220-27-59.

central District

The central district of the city of Krasnoyarsk has about 16 preschool educational institutions.Among them at the height of the rating:

Kindergarten No. 120

A budget institution whose priority is also the harmonious and comprehensive development of each child.

  • A good educational base and qualified teachers contribute to obtaining excellent results for kindergarten students.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Markovsky, 47. ☎: v.227-26-18. Official site: http://www.mbdou120.rf.

Kindergarten No. 1

This garden is also a budgetary municipal institution that does not provide paid services.

  • On the basis of the garden, 6 children's groups have been created, with which qualified teachers and specialists work.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Karl Marx, 21 A. ☎: (391) 227-87-31.

Correctional kindergartens

Preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 316"

This kindergarten is a correctional type institution that provides comprehensive work with pupils.

  • Qualified teaching staff.
  • No.

Address: st. Mate Zalka 6a. ☎: 220-48-61. Official website:

MBDOU No. 322 "Morozko"

A budgetary institution of a compensating type, carrying out full correctional work with children.

  • Qualified specialists work in the garden: psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, Gusarova, 31. ☎: 246-47-79. Official site:

Waldorf Kindergartens

Kindergarten "Zernyshko"

Private kindergarten operating on Waldorf pedagogical programs. Such training involves a natural upbringing without coercion. Children aged 3 to 6 are accepted;

  • versatile upbringing and education;
  • multi-age team.
  • No.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, st. Navigatsionnaya, d. 5 (South coast). ☎.: +7 902 958 0221. Official website:

Monthly fee: from 15,000 rubles / month.

Thus, from the many kindergartens in the city of Krasnoyarsk, the best children's institutions were identified according to the feedback from the parents of the pupils and the conditions of education, which will undoubtedly provide significant assistance in determining the right choice of a kindergarten.

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