
  1. Appointment of powerful and long-range flashlights
  2. Main characteristics
  3. Existing types of lanterns
  4. The best long range flashlights for 2025
  5. Instead of an epilogue

The best long range flashlights for 2025

The best long range flashlights for 2025

Today's market for powerful LED lights is able to offer a potential buyer a huge number of samples, among which it is quite easy to get confused. There are also models that stand as if they were made of gold. This raises a reasonable question: why should an ordinary consumer pay such money if each flashlight is of the same type in its design and consists of a body, batteries, an LED and a reflector? And why is there such a range of prices in this market segment - from 200 rubles to 20,000 rubles for practically the same type of devices? To get answers to these questions, it will not be superfluous to get a basic knowledge of these devices and their purpose. We will tell you about the best long-range flashlights.

Appointment of powerful and long-range flashlights

By itself, a flashlight is a very useful thing both in everyday life and in other areas of human life, for example, in tourism. For domestic use, it is better to have a universal device that will come in handy in case of an unexpected blackout or if you need to highlight something in a darkened area, or you need to find a keyhole in an unlit entrance upon returning from evening walks. For such purposes, flashlights are suitable, the requirements for which are of a moderate plan - the main thing for them is efficiency and compactness, and the condition for their power will be to use lithium-ion batteries as batteries (preferably if they are batteries).

However, for special purposes, lighting devices are subject to increased requirements and special properties are needed from them. For example, if a tourist has planned a two-day walk across rough terrain, where there is clearly no electric lighting, then the powerful flashlight he uses must also have a high-quality mount in order to install it on a vehicle or headgear. As a rule, in such devices, the function of adjusting the flow of light (minimum, average, maximum) is pre-built, and there is also a “flashing light” mode.Here it will be impossible to get by with a compact household (albeit powerful) flashlight. If a sufficient lithium-ion battery is still suitable, then in addition to it you will need a good headlight and reinforced LEDs to create a bright beam.

The next category of powerful lights include devices for local illumination. Most often, they are used by motorists for night repairs, for example, when there was a problem with a car on a night track. The range in such a flashlight is achieved due to the lateral broadly directed section, and the LEDs are located relative to the reflector on the sides in order to obtain volumetric illumination.

Camping lanterns are a large group of lighting devices that are often used only for their intended purpose, although they are not inferior to professional models in terms of power and range. They are used in hiking trips or for special work in particularly dark places. Their versatility lies in the fact that the light they emit does not diverge in a single direction, but immediately covers a certain area. Thus, by installing such a device on a platform or suspension, the user's hands become completely free, and the fixed and all-round lighting allows you to better focus on performing the necessary tasks.

Main characteristics

There are quite a few technical properties of a powerful flashlight, but their study will allow you to better understand the use of lighting devices of this type with different glow elements:

  • Brightness - This setting determines the total amount of light emitted. The effectiveness of the use of brightness will be determined by the intensity of the light flux.It also defines the optical system as a whole and its parts - the control circuit, focusing, reflector and LED.
  • Range - this characteristic is measured in meters and determines the distance at which illumination will remain at a level of at least 0.25 lux.
  • Efficiency - it is defined as a time period at which the brightness will decrease from its maximum to a 10% level (as the power source is depleted).
  • Control and power controls - general ergonomics, beam angle adjustment, on / off button - all this will determine the working properties of the lighting device, and especially its suitability for repair. For example, the location of the on / off button on the end of the device is considered less convenient, but in this case it is less at risk of being disabled, it is easy to repair than the button located on the side under the thumb.
  • Protection - this characteristic indicates the level of protection of the entire device from external factors. Security is determined according to the international standard IEC 60529 and is marked with a special code. For example, the first character in the marking, designated as "X", means full protection against dust ingress into the device. The second, designated as "8", means moisture protection when the lantern is immersed to a depth of 1 meter. There are also long-range underwater lights with complete waterproofing of the light emitter and their body is equipped with a double seal in the area of ​​the unscrewing elements. They are able to withstand high pressure and dive to a depth of 50 meters.

Lumen - the most important characteristic for a long-range flashlight

It is in these units that the luminous flux is measured.If you do not plunge into the wilds of physical definitions, then the lumen is the light that one wax candle can emit, but only in a certain direction, and not in all directions.

In the lantern world, there are two definitions related to lumens:

  • Diode / lamp lumens (they are also bulb lumen) - light fluxes come directly from a diode or lamp, while losses in optics are not taken into account;
  • Lantern / torch lumens (they are also torch lumen) - the luminous flux emanating from the device already at the output includes losses on the reflector, glass or lens.

Different manufacturers may use different methods to describe the outgoing light output for their flashlights. As a rule, brands responsible for the quality of their products specify this indicator with a clear label “bulb” or “torch”. But on models from Asian manufacturers, you can often find the markings “Ultrafire” or “Aurora”, which indicate the maximum allowable luminous flux for a given flashlight, and in most cases they do not correspond to reality.

In 2009, the fundamental ANSI/NEMA FL-1 standard was adopted, through which it is possible to more realistically compare the performance of different lighting fixtures. It must contain the following indicators:

  • Working hours;
  • Highest light intensity;
  • beam range;
  • Case impact resistance;
  • Waterproof;
  • The emitted stream of light.

Thus, focusing on the specific parameters specified by the manufacturer according to this standard, it is possible to objectively and reliably compare different samples of lamps.

Dependence of the price on some structural parts

  • Frame

The price of the device directly depends on the quality of the material of manufacture.Big-budget flashlights from big-name brands always use a rugged, aircraft-grade aluminum body, plus they have anodized corrosion protection. In cheap Asian models, ordinary soft aluminum is often used, and anodized protection is imitated by painting.

  • Light-emitting diode

An important part of the design that affects the price is the LED itself. Made at the highest level, this element, coupled with a good power management board, will allow the LED to be reliably protected over a long service life. In budget options for long-range devices, a powerful LED can be installed, but the power management board may not be protected at all, therefore, the risk of overheating the LED and its premature failure is too great. In addition, the power button is not designed for their long service life.

  • Optics

High-quality optics are usually used in branded samples, and lenses are made not only from standard glass, but also from sapphire - it is characterized by increased impact resistance and almost does not scratch. Cheap models are distinguished by the replacement of glass in general with plastic - both in lenses and in a reflector. And such a parameter can greatly affect the wear resistance resource, ease of use and overall power in the future. However, the difference between the "branded" and "no-name" models, with all their declared, almost identical, parameters in terms of power and range, can be more than 20 times.

  • Batteries

Most often, modern flashlights use AA or AAA batteries (the minimum container for a long-range flashlight - a compartment for 3 pieces), or lithium-ion batteries, which are the best solution for long-range samples.The brightness of the beam, the total operating time, as well as the cost of the device itself will depend on the batteries. Due to the high cost of disposable AA / AAA batteries, their short life, long-range flashlights should only be used with rechargeable batteries. Their prices are naturally higher, but this is offset by their reusability. At the same time, existing types of batteries should be distinguished. Lithium-ion batteries are considered more modern, because they have an increased capacity, and they also do not have a "memory effect" - that is, they do not require the battery to be completely discharged before starting a new recharging cycle. For nickel-metal hydride, the situation is the opposite, since they are considered models of the past. They require a fairly large charger, they need to be constantly discharged to zero before recharging, and they themselves are very heavy. From this it can be seen that lithium-ion batteries will become the optimal choice of battery for a long-range device.

Existing types of lanterns


No matter how strange it may seem, headlamps can also be long-range. They are especially useful in underground work, when, for example, you need to move along a long and narrow corridor. Such a device will always shine at the desired point (where the user's gaze is directed), while the person's hands remain free. Moreover, headlamp models can be equipped with various types of headlights and LEDs, and in conditions of limited user movement (in an underground mine, in a car, on a bicycle), they will prove to be more effective than classic hand lamps.On the market today you can find samples with a strong mount on the back of the head and run on standard AA / AAA batteries or lithium-ion batteries (the battery pack can be mounted either on the back of the head or on the neck).

At the same time, there are also transformer models, the body of which, through simple manipulations, can turn into a hoop for attaching to the head and assemble back into a hand stick. In addition, thanks to special accessories, such a lantern can be hung on a hook and fixed by directing the beam of light in the right direction, since the angle of inclination is easily adjustable.

Hand lamps

Despite the increasing popularity of headpieces, conventional handpieces remain the most sought after. By and large, this is due to their advantageous and simple design. Most often, they are not limited to the compact body, but large volumes allow the manufacturer to make such lights brighter, longer-range and more powerful. In addition, the presence of additional free space in the body facilitates the installation of special protective and reinforcing systems, and it may turn out that a large hand lamp will become much more economical than the same forehead. Among professional tourists, hand lamps are always included in the list of necessary equipment as a spare light source. Thus, hand lamps are more used where the weight of the equipment is not a fundamental goal, for example, in caravanning.

For long hiking trips, be sure to take a long-range and powerful hand lantern with you - it will help illuminate the route as well as possible at night, provide a very bright light that will be needed when searching for the lost.As a result, hand-held long-range flashlights are professional lighting equipment and are suitable for both tourism and rescue work. Their standard light beam characteristics must be at least 200 lumens, they must have a strong metal case with protection and reliable tightness and provide a beam of 100 meters.

Nevertheless, it is worth constantly remembering that hand-held devices with such powerful characteristics are very voracious in terms of energy consumption, therefore, it will not be superfluous to take an additional set of batteries or already charged batteries with you, as well as the charger itself. At the same time, if a device powered by rare and expensive batteries, such as CR123A, is taken on a hike, then it makes sense to immediately replace them with batteries or take an additional set of disposable lithium batteries. Otherwise, a flashlight on rare elements will not work for a long time, especially in conditions of intensive use.

For fans of airsoft, hunters or the military, bright and small-sized models with a durable body and which are convenient to operate with gloves are suitable - switch modes comfortably and hold them securely. Thus, a long-range flashlight can be held with one hand, and the second hand with the weapon will be located crosswise on the first. When shooting, this position will be much more stable than the headbands, because the recoil will affect it less.

camping lanterns

For the purpose of lighting a small tent, an ordinary “headband” may well fit - it can be placed on a shelf or hung on a loop under the ceiling.However, a directional, albeit long-range, headlamp beam will illuminate the tent unevenly. And that's just talking about single, maximum, double options for tents. For large army-type tents for several people, this option is absolutely not suitable. In principle, if we are talking about medium-sized tents, then a diffuser-diffuser can be made for a powerful headband, however, this will not be a 100% solution to the problem, for example, reading in such a light is not recommended.

Accordingly, for a tent or a large army tent, special camping lights with increased range and built-in factory-type diffusers should be used - such models on the market today are probably the most powerful in their segment.

Naturally, for a competent choice of a lighting device for large spaces, it will be necessary to correlate its power with the service area:

  1. Models from 100 to 150 lumens are compact, but can cover no more than 4 meters in diameter;
  2. Models with a power of 200 to 300 lumens are already able to illuminate twice or even three times as large an area, they are perfect for a stationary camp or a multi-person tent.

The vast majority of models of powerful camping lanterns can be freely placed on a sufficiently flat surface or hung from the ceiling (fortunately, the appropriate fixtures are already included). Considering the power of the camping lamp, and also the fact that it should spread light over a decent distance in all directions under long-range conditions, modern manufacturers are trying to equip these devices with extremely capacious batteries in order to increase their continuous operation.At the same time, energy banks (powerbank) can be simultaneously located in the case, which will additionally prolong the operation of the flashlight, and you can also recharge some digital gadgets from them - players, tablets, smartphones, etc.

The best long range flashlights for 2025

lower segment

3rd place: Jialitte F112
votes 2

The most powerful and at the same time compact flashlight designed for tourism purposes. Runs on one battery. The design uses an innovative LED model "Ek-Pi-El B6". The kit includes a considerable number of additional accessories - a charger, a mount, a tactical attachment for the power button, a plastic case for permanent storage. However, nothing is known about the degree of moisture protection, and the manufacturer equipped his sample with a single mode of operation.

Brightness, lumens200
Range, meters50
Number of batteries, pieces1
Price, rubles1500
Jialitte F112
  • Extended equipment;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Good range.
  • One mode of operation.

2nd place: JetBeam DC-R10
votes 1

This flashlight is positioned on the market as a hybrid type and has a multi-purpose purpose. One CR123A*1 or 16340 class battery acts as a battery. However, there is an option to recharge it via the USB port. It is characterized by bright and reliable illumination, it is quite suitable for everyday use in intensive mode.

Brightness, lumens750
Range, meters130
Number of batteries, pieces1
Price, rubles3000
JetBeam DC-R10
  • Compactness;
  • Versatility;
  • Availability of USB charging;
  • Impact resistant housing.
  • Uses rare batteries.

1st place: Olight SR Mini II Intimidator
votes 0

The optimal model for search and rescue operations or use in hunting and tourism. The case has 3 LEDs located on mini-reflectors. Food is carried out from 3 accumulators. For charging, you can even use a device with a mini-USB connector (it is quite possible to recharge from the “power bank” of a smartphone). At the same time, there is also charging from a conventional network of 220 V.

Brightness, lumens3200
Range, meters268
Number of batteries, pieces3
Price, rubles8500
Olight SR Mini II Intimidator
  • Extended warranty (5 years);
  • 3 operating modes;
  • Moisture protection.
  • The charger is not included.

Middle segment

3rd place: Armytek Wizard Pro v3 Magnet USB
votes 0

A very comfortable flashlight to use. Can be used in both hand and head position. The kit includes a special mount for the headgear. The LED has a neutral-faded light and provides 11 (!) Operation variations. Recharging can be carried out from a standard network of 220 V and from a USB port. The whole structure is enclosed in a sealed case and can withstand immersion in water to a depth of 10 m.

Brightness, lumens2300
Range, meters125
Number of batteries, pieces1
Price, rubles9000
Armytek Wizard Pro v3 Magnet USB
  • Possibility of underwater work;
  • Charging variability;
  • Attachment variability.
  • Weak beam range.

2nd place: Ferei w155 White Neutral
votes 0

The lamp is specially designed for diving, in connection with which almost all of its strength characteristics have been strengthened (can withstand a fall from a height of 1 meter). Equipped with 6 LEDs - three in the center and three side halo.It has three operating modes, withstands diving to a depth of 150 meters. The case is made of aircraft-grade aluminum and has an anodized anti-corrosion coating.

Brightness, lumens2400
Range, meters300
Number of batteries, pieces1
Price, rubles12000
Ferei w155 White Neutral
  • duration of work;
  • Various beam directions;
  • Ideal for underwater photography.
  • Overcharge.

1st place: Fenix ​​TK75
votes 0

This model can rightly be called "veteran", because it was structurally released quite a long time ago, but still has not lost its relevance. It has 4 powerful LEDs that provide significant range and brightness. Works also from 4 rechargeable batteries, has various recharging options. There is an indicator on the case showing the remaining charge, which adds convenience. Separately, it is worth noting the good protection of internal elements, despite the fact that the device is not multi-purpose.

Brightness, lumens5100
Range, meters850
Number of batteries, pieces4
Price, rubles18000
Phoenix TK75
  • Excellent protection;
  • The presence of an additional section for the battery;
  • General ergonomics.
  • Not found (for its segment).

Top segment

2nd place: Acebeam K75
votes 0

This sample belongs to the line of professional devices. It works immediately from 4 powerful lithium-ion batteries, because it is able to produce an increased brightness of 6500 lumens. It can be mounted on a tripod and used as a stationary lamp. Brightness can be stabilized using the ECO and POWER digital modes.A protective temperature sensor is installed inside - as soon as it reaches a value of 65 degrees Celsius, the device automatically turns off. Immersion in water is possible to a depth of 2 meters.

Brightness, lumens6300
Range, meters2500
Number of batteries, pieces4
Price, rubles19500
Acebeam K75
  • Removable handle;
  • Rugged housing;
  • Increased power and range.
  • Not found.

1st place: Nitecore TM28
votes 0

An extremely powerful specimen with a futuristic design and a wide grooved surface. Holds comfortably in any grip. The optical system is represented by 4 powerful LEDs, reflectors have a special crystal coating. The design uses thermoelectric separation technology to achieve maximum light output. There are seven modes of operation - three strobe (flashing) and four standard (differ in intensity). A feature of this luminaire is that it is able to operate from various portable batteries - lithium-ion batteries, disposable lithium batteries and IMR batteries.

Brightness, lumens6000
Range, meters655
Number of batteries, pieces4
Price, rubles28000
  • Rugged aircraft-grade aluminum body;
  • Many modes of operation;
  • An innovative protection technology has been applied.
  • Extremely high price.

Instead of an epilogue

Based on the data of Russian magazines about hunting and tourism, Russians prefer to purchase devices from the middle or lower price segments for these purposes. At the same time, according to statistics, the domestic consumer does not try to save on quality and prefers reliable brands.


