
  1. When you need a doctor for the soul
  2. How mental disorders are dealt with in Volgograd
  3. Trust but verify

The best private psychiatric clinics in Volgograd in 2022

The best private psychiatric clinics in Volgograd in 2022

The offer to visit a psychiatrist will cause few positive emotions. And it doesn’t come to mind at all and it’s very in vain, if there is dissatisfaction with life, sleep is gone, problems with weight, incomprehensible fears. Depression, from which every second suffers, at first does not even seem like a disease. As a result, they turn to a psychiatrist, already in a serious condition. And he, by the way, provides not only clinical assistance, but helps to recognize the disease, teaches how to cope with it correctly and in a timely manner. About when a doctor is needed and which psychiatric clinic to choose in Volgograd, we will burn below.

When you need a doctor for the soul

Psychiatry deals with mental disorders that affect consciousness, attention, volitional qualities, perception of the world, emotions, memory. Such disorders change behavior, quality of life, in the later stages turn people into socially dangerous. And if you turn to a specialist with ordinary depression, insomnia and high blood pressure immediately upon the onset of symptoms, you can quickly restore peace of mind, enjoy life, and please everyone around.

If your health is more important to you than the opinion of society (grandmothers, neighbors, fellow rivals, other envious people), pay attention to a few points below, which indicate the reasons for visiting psychotherapists, psychiatrists:

  1. You can spend the weekend lying in bed under the TV, not wanting to see anyone. You can spit on a lack of appetite for a couple of days, or, on the contrary, an indefatigable atypical overeating for you. It's nervous, but not yet depressed. When this behavior lasts for more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor.

2. There are different types of depression:

  • Reactive (under the influence of external factors, the death of relatives, for example) can pass by itself if a person has a strong will or external circumstances have changed. But it happens that it drags on for 3-4 years, then it has to be treated with the use of medicines.
  • Endogenous - an internal disease caused by a lack of serotonin, norepinephrine, and other neurotransmitters of happiness. This depression will not go away on its own, it will be recognized and a psychiatrist will help to remove it.
  • Ironic, when a person hides his condition, refers to the black perception of the world with irony, and then suddenly commits suicide.
  • Postpartum - can pass by itself without the intervention of doctors, but there have been cases when young mothers simply went out the window without receiving timely support and assistance.

  1. Addiction. Today, the reason to consult a psychiatrist is:
  • smoking;
  • internet addiction;
  • gambling addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • shopaholic;
  • telephony, etc.

  1. Super ideas. This is not only anorexia, bulimia, but also workaholism in the name of a career, which deprive a person of a full-fledged bright life, fixing him on one point.

5. Severe stress, with consequences in the form of fears, panic attacks, phobias, obsessions.

In some cases, you can cope on your own, but it will be more difficult and longer. Not everyone can cope with depression alone, more often everything is only aggravated by various addictions.

How mental disorders are dealt with in Volgograd

The quality of medical care is evidenced by the presence at the Volgograd State Medical University of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy. Moreover, it has been working since 1939, many doctors of sciences and high-level specialists have come out of its walls.

The psychiatric direction of medical care is actively developing in Volgograd. Here they try to prevent or stop anxiety and depressive disorders in the early stages with the help of art therapy, group movie screenings. The population is advanced in this matter, prevention, rehabilitation, treatment is carried out according to the most modern methods, both domestic and foreign. It was in Volgograd that the Festival of Mental Health, which was sensational throughout the country, took place a couple of years ago.

In Volgograd, there is a network of private specialized medical facilities that provide assistance to addicted, mentally ill patients - seven centers and clinics. The rating of the best of them is built according to the quality and quantity of services provided, taking into account the feedback from patients and their relatives.

TOP-4: the best psychiatric clinics in Volgograd in 2022

DIALINE on Krasnoznamennaya

Review rating - 4.8 points.

DIALINE in Volgograd and the region is the largest network of clinics, a leader in local private medicine. Ten multidisciplinary clinics-branches operate in the Volgograd region, providing medical services for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. A healthy lifestyle, trust, responsibility and support are declared among the corporate values.

Each clinic has the main areas of general medicine, one focuses on gynecology, the other focuses on cardiology. Psychiatry is in the clinic on Krasnoznamennaya Street, called the Center for Psychosomatics. It guarantees an individual approach, treatment of the disease, prevention. A psychotherapist of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences, sexologist S. Kolov, who has a large archive of recovered patients and more than a hundred scientific papers on this topic, works at the reception.

At the stage of diagnosis are applied:

  • psychometric methods: examination, discussion, testing;
  • laboratory research.

For a complete picture, in some cases, consultations of specialists are assembled. Further treatment is prescribed, five different methods of treatment are used depending on the complexity of the diagnosis:

  • psychotherapy, which includes more than a dozen methods from Gestalt therapy to hypnosis;
  • physiotherapy with ozone therapy and Intelect Advanced systems;
  • massages;
  • drug treatment;
  • individual nutrition programs, physical education, work on one's "I".

In terms of psychiatry, you can contact this clinic with questions:

  • weight loss, correction of eating behavior;
  • andrology, sexual complications;
  • difficulties of adolescence, gambling.

The Center for Psychosomatics is actively developing video consultations and other forms of help for people with mental disorders.

The cost of an appointment with a psychotherapist:

Reception Time Price, rub.)
Primary 2 hours 4 200
Repeated 1 hour 30 min. 2 630
3 or more 1 hour 1 580

Specialists of the psychiatric direction of the clinic have developed a detailed list of body failures, noticing which it is advisable to visit the Psychosomatic Center:

  • anxiety, apathy, laziness, dullness of life, stress, depression, insomnia, hypochondria, sexual difficulties, decreased self-esteem;
  • psycho-addictions: the Internet, fears, panic attacks, phobias, persecution mania;
  • heartache, high blood pressure, rapid pulse;
  • fainting, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, pain in the spine;
  • shortness of breath, choking, asthma, cough for no reason;
  • pain in the abdomen, stomach, intestines, lump in the throat, increased gas formation, inability to control appetite (absent or cannot stop);
  • hormonal failure, metabolic disorders, mood swings, obesity, diabetes;
  • high sweating, skin rashes, psoriasis, eczema, increased hair loss;
  • women: postpartum depression, lack of orgasm, menopause, decreased libido;
  • men: lack of erection, decreased libido, premature ejaculation, enuresis.

There are no small things in the human body. Any small failure entails a wave of problems for the whole organism.Moreover, psychosomatics gives consequences that are better to prevent, it can be impossible to cure.

  • doctor of science instantly reads all pain points, optimally chooses treatment, quickly and efficiently returns to normal life;
  • cozy, clean, modern and fast;
  • you can come here with any deviations - from extra pounds to a relative's binge, they really help.
  • it is not clear why such money has to be paid for the second and subsequent appointments;
  • There was an attempt to impose additional services.

Academic Medical Clinic

Review rating - 4 points.

"The interests of the patient - in the foreground" - this is the motto of the institution, located in the historical center of Volgograd. In a multidisciplinary clinic with more than 40 departments of general medicine, there is a psychiatric profile. Reception is conducted by a psychiatrist-narcologist, sexologist. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system. By identifying the causes of an inadequate reaction to the surrounding reality, the doctor stops the disorder of consciousness, removes unnecessary emotions, and relieves stress.

A psychiatrist treats with methods of psychotherapy and pharmacology for:

  • manifestations of manic-depressive syndrome;
  • the presence of signs of drug addiction;
  • insomnia;
  • the appearance of phobias, nightmares, somnambulism, psychosis;
  • detection of a personality disorder.

These borderline conditions can become serious diseases if you do not see a doctor in time. Here, diseases such as alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, nicotine addiction can be prevented. Assistance is provided on an outpatient basis. In severe cases, detoxification is carried out at home with subsequent transportation to a hospital.

Reception (examination, consultation) Price, rub.)
Primary 1 550
Repeated 930
dispensary 730

The clinic develops complexes for determining the causes, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation of mental difficulties, addictions, using the latest techniques in this area.

  • pleases with the level of service: conscientious medical staff, friendly nurses, doctors who know the business;
  • the qualification of the psychiatrist corresponds to the highest level, unearthed the cause, helped to recover;
  • not the most pleasant place is a mental dispensary, but here they know how to brighten up the unpleasantness of the situation, they really help.
  • At the reception, not always friendly ladies meet;
  • the queue to see a specialist is an indicator of his professionalism, but you want to get there right away, the problem is with the psyche, he doesn’t like to wait.

Rehabilitation center "Insight"

Review rating - 4 points.

A narrow-profile institution deals with the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling. The center has existed for about ten years, on its account there are hundreds of people cured of addictions. Full recovery is guaranteed here, thanks to the use of the latest medical technologies. Much attention is paid to rehabilitation, stable remission appears as a result of the formation of adequate habits in patients, a new outlook on life, themselves, and society. By transforming a person, restoring his social status, doctors return clients to life without doping.

In a hospital, rehabilitation technologies are used:

  • educational and information methods;
  • psychotherapy (small groups);
  • 12 steps program (rehabilitation);
  • complex work of the therapeutic community.

Consultations are free, anonymous, you can contact around the clock.Most often, relatives of those who are addicted to drugs, games, alcohol come, who themselves “fell out of reality” do not understand that they are sick and need medical help. Relatives and relatives should not be afraid of a medical facility, they should be afraid of the consequences of addiction and stop actions aimed at self-destruction as soon as possible.

Withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal), a hangover, doctors can remove not only in the clinic, but also at home. This, of course, will not solve the problem. In a hospital, the patient will be monitored 24 hours a day, he will be provided with psychological and medical assistance at any second. In addition, this temporary "fence off" from the world will exclude relapse. The hospital allows you to pull a person out of a dysfunctional environment, quickly stop the disease, and effectively consolidate the result. In addition to the main treatment, the patient undergoes a complete examination.

Insight psychiatrists are sure that the problems of any addiction should be sought in psychological trauma. And the process of recovery does not depend on codes and drugs, but on the motivations of the patient. The right motivation gives a large percentage of those cured.

The rehabilitation program consists of several stages, but the minimum period of stay in the Center is 4 months. Full course (4 stages) - up to 9 months.

Stages of rehabilitation:

  1. Entry. Adaptation, recovery - 1 month. Diagnostics of the physical and mental condition is carried out. Acquaintance with the rules, principles, philosophy of the community. A mentor is identified, an individual rehabilitation plan is drawn up. The necessary treatment is being carried out.
  2. Integration. The basic rehabilitation course is 2-3 months. Motivation for a sober lifestyle, the desire to accept help and recover from addiction.Psychocorrection for the formation of an objective attitude to the actual state, the formation of a healthy lifestyle program in the subconscious.
  3. Personal growth. Stabilization stage - 2-3 months. Work with the patient's personal problems that destroy his harmonious inner world, leading to relapses. A sense of responsibility is developed, the ability to take care of loved ones, others.
  4. Post-rehabilitation period - 3-4 months. Passes outside the Center, on its own. Assistance is advisory, self-help groups work. The patient will spend 10-14 days at the Center in order to reduce stress from interaction with society - prevention of relapse.

During the entire treatment, the program "Family Therapy" is worked out with relatives. They also need psychological help and knowledge about behavior with a rehabilitated relative.

And now - fantastic! The Rehab Center provides a lifetime guarantee for addiction treatment. Each patient who has undergone treatment receives a lifetime warranty certificate. Such self-confidence is confirmed by statistics:

  • 86% of patients are completely cured after the first course of rehabilitation;
  • 14% develop a stable remission (lifelong) after repeated treatment.

RC guarantees:

  • complete recovery;
  • complete anonymity;
  • intensive treatment;
  • maintaining the health of the patient;
  • obtaining consent to be treated;
  • post-rehabilitation support;
  • best price.
Service Price, rub.)
Consultation (by phone, in person) is free
Call a narcologist (dropper at home) from 1 990
Stationary (day, round-the-clock): removal of withdrawal symptoms, withdrawal from hard drinking from 1 600
Complete individual psychotherapy course from 990

The final price depends on the complexity of the service, the cost of providing assistance to a particular patient.

  • the results are impressive, the reviews confirm that professionals work here;
  • I like the attitude of the staff towards patients;
  • I don’t drink for 8 months, I work, I like everything, thanks to the doctors;
  • many thanks to the Center for the son and peace in the family, drug addiction was defeated.
  • The service is worth the money, but not everyone can afford it.

YugMed on Kubanskaya

Review rating - 3 points.

The YugMed company in Volgograd is represented by two branches. Medical activity began in 2003 with ultrasound diagnostics. Today it is a serious center that works with children and adults, there is a clinical diagnostic laboratory, a psycho-narcological center. All doctors have the highest and first category in their specializations, diagnostics are carried out on the latest equipment of the Expert class. More than 8 thousand clients pass through YugMed clinics in Volgograd every month.

The clinic on Kubanskaya Street, in addition to 40 medical specialties, provides psychotherapeutic and narcological services. On an outpatient basis, they help patients suffering from a mental disorder, and healthy people who have received a mental trauma. Here they help not only adults, but also children (psychotherapist and child psychiatrist). They are treated with psychotherapy sessions (individual, group), couples are consulted. Of the methods used hypnosis, psychoanalysis and others.

Actively in the clinic they are struggling with the syndrome of alcohol dependence. It is important that complete anonymity is maintained. It is equally important that they work with the relatives of the patient. Within the framework of restorative medicine, a rehabilitation program operates.

To overcome the barrier of the first visit, an Internet consultation (free of charge) is provided. The initial appointment costs 2,000 rubles, then prices vary depending on the complexity and duration of treatment.

How professionals can help:

Therapy Impact
supportive restoration of mental balance, emotional background
retraining helps to find the meaning of life, find the right path
reconstructive clears the memory of negative moments (conflicts, resentment, etc.)

Within these areas, specialists focus on the personality of the patient. Problems that, complicating life, cannot be solved on their own, as a rule, "live" in the unconscious part of the human psyche. Only a specialist can cope with them, develop habits that are useful for the body, tune in to behavior that helps develop in society, survive the black streak with minimal loss to health.

  • there is a 24-hour emergency service with home visits;
  • they help well not only children, but also parents when the transitional age begins;
  • a free online session on the Internet was enough, just pro doctors;
  • there is no single price list for services, everything is so individual that there is no idea how much it costs for two different patients.

Trust but verify

Also in Volgograd there are:

  • narcological clinic "Reab", located in the Central District;
  • multidisciplinary medical center "MOYVRACH" in the Voroshilovsky district;
  • narcological clinic "Narkopost" in the Krasnooktyabrsky district.

Seven medical institutions - a complete list of officially registered private clinics providing psychotherapeutic and psychiatric services to the population. It is very important to contact trusted certified institutions with your situations. Otherwise, you can become victims of scammers, not get help, and worsen your health.

Do not believe that former alcoholics do not exist. Volgograd psychiatrists debunk the myth with their results.In addition, they prove that going to a psychiatrist is not accompanied by diagnoses of debility and schizophrenia: doctors help you restore a vivid picture of life after suffering misfortunes, stress, and depression.

There is no need to be afraid of psychiatrists, they are needed to improve health and quality of life. The desire to end depression, to solve psychological issues is just a sign of sanity and a healthy head. Those who refuse the help of a specialist on the advice of loved ones definitely have psychological problems. You should not swim alone in the negative of your own problems, when you can quickly and efficiently return to a normal positive track with the help of a psychiatrist-psychotherapist.

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