
  1. Features of choosing an incubator
  2. Rating of the best models of incubators

The best household incubators in 2025

The best household incubators in 2025

Poultry farming is considered one of the most profitable sectors of the farm. But for breeding birds for sale, laying hens alone are not enough. With large volumes, it is unprofitable to breed a bird in a natural way: it is expensive, not every bird will sit quietly on the nest, so large losses are possible.

In this case, novice farmers are thinking about buying a special unit that will act as a laying hen. There are quite a lot of incubators for breeding birds at present. All models have different characteristics and price. Therefore, the choice of a particular device must be approached responsibly. We offer you some tips on how to choose a unit, as well as a rating of the best household incubators.

Features of choosing an incubator

There are several types of devices that allow you to automate and simplify the process of hatching eggs. All models of incubators differ in a certain set of characteristics. Depending on the needs and you need to choose the right model.

Number of eggs to bookmark

First of all, all devices for this purpose are divided by the number of eggs laid in them. To do this, they are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • Appliances for domestic purposes, allowing you to process from 40 to 120 pieces at the same time. Such models are ideal for a small farm.
  • Leads have a bookmark from 500 to 1000 pieces.
  • Industrial units can incubate up to 3000 eggs at the same time.

We recommend that a beginner poultry farmer start with a small incubator that can hold up to 80 eggs. This size is the most popular and is ideal for trying your hand at poultry farming.

Before choosing a specific model, you need to consider that the standard capacity is indicated for chicken eggs. Therefore, if you plan to breed other birds, for example, quails or geese, then the number of places for laying can vary significantly. In addition, there will be a need to buy other trays.

Incubator material

Do not pay attention to cheap models of devices, because their operation will surely result in additional expenses. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a quality device. An ideal option would be an incubator made of foam.This material does not absorb liquids, has low thermal conductivity, which allows you to keep warm inside for a long time. This is especially true in areas where there are frequent power outages. In the event of an emergency shutdown, the optimum temperature will remain for 4-5 hours. The only downside to styrofoam is that it absorbs all odors and is easily damaged.

Plastic models are also very popular. They are good because they are easy to disinfect and wash. Since plastic is much inferior to polystyrene in terms of heat retention, many experienced farmers make a special heat-insulating layer before laying eggs. When choosing such a model, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the plastic - it must be smooth, without roughness, chips, cracks and other damage. Any imperfections in the surface lead to the fact that the device may not withstand the temperature load and will quickly fail.

What country was the incubator made in?

The production of units of this type is carried out by enterprises in many countries, so the choice here is very wide. Imported models have an attractive appearance and are of high build quality. The only exception to this rule are cheap Chinese models from unknown manufacturers. But the disadvantage of such models is their high cost. Therefore, the payback of such devices will take a long time.

In this regard, many poultry farmers prefer domestic products and choose Russian incubators. They are significantly inferior to foreign models in terms of aesthetics and are not perfect in build quality. But in the event of a breakdown, there will be no problems with warranty repairs.And even after the end of the warranty, if necessary, it will not be difficult to replace a failed node with your own hands, since domestic models have a fairly simple device.

Egg turning mechanism

This is a very important parameter, since the uniform heating of the eggs depends on the timeliness and correctness of the turn. All modern models have 3 ways to rotate:

  • Manual, when the eggs need to be turned one at a time. This is a great inconvenience with a significant number of eggs. In addition, it is very important to turn with clean hands here, since microbes easily penetrate through the pores in the shell and harm the development of the embryo.
  • Mechanical involves turning the masonry with the help of a special handle that turns the trays with a system of rods or levers. This option is recommended for beginners.
  • Automatic rotation is carried out by pressing a button. In this case, eggs can simply roll in a horizontal plane, which increases the risk of shell damage. In another case, the eggs lie motionless in the cells, and the coup is carried out by their movement on rollers. There are also industrial incubators that move trays with a vertical tilt of 45 degrees.

Even in the case of automatic overturning, it is necessary to ventilate the masonry daily and cool them a little.

Temperature regulator

Another parameter by which incubators are chosen is the quality of the thermostat. It is definitely necessary to give preference to models with a digital temperature controller. It has several distinct advantages:

  • The device provides precise temperature control. This allows high-quality heating of the masonry without underheating or overheating.The accuracy class can be different and in most cases it is from 0.1 to 0.5 degrees. Although there are also models that have a temperature change step of 0.01 degrees.
  • Digital thermostats only slightly increase the cost of the incubator compared to mechanical models. They have an easy setup.

The filling of the thermostat may also vary. For example, for models with a step of 0.1 degrees. Both a triac module and a simple relay can be responsible for turning on the heating. In the first case, the device will work very reliably, but it is very sensitive to voltage drops. The relay can burn out quickly.

Air distributor and fan

This parameter is not a mandatory element of the incubator, but makes the device more convenient to use. In devices in the simplest design, there are special holes in the case through which air enters. During the operation of the thermostat, the necessary microclimate is created inside the device.

If the size of the incubator is small, then a powerful fan is not needed. If the capacity of the device exceeds 60 eggs, then artificial airflow becomes an important element in the correct operation of the device. It is best to choose models where the fan is located in the center of the cover. In such a device, air freely penetrates into all corners.

Battery powered

The ability to turn on the device for hatching eggs from the battery will be an additional advantage of the model. Of course, the cost of such a device will increase, since the batteries themselves cost a lot. But in case of an emergency power outage, such a device will be able to work on backup heating elements with less power.

If, however, we approach the choice of a device, armed with calculations, it turns out that backup batteries are not particularly needed. Within 2-3 hours, the foam layer maintains the required temperature inside the incubator. If power outages last longer, you will have to connect an additional device, such as a car battery, which implies additional costs and skills.

When breeding birds for sale, it is better not to take risks and overpay a little for the presence of additional batteries.

Possibility of warranty and post-warranty repair

Before buying, it will not be superfluous to ask the seller about the possibility of carrying out warranty repairs, since any equipment can break down. In this regard, the advantage is on the side of the products of the Russian manufacturer, since in the most extreme case it will be possible to contact the manufacturer of the device directly.

Before the first start-up of the device, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation and the rules for the first start-up. Also, do not make any innovations and improvements in the design of the model, as this entails the automatic termination of the warranty.

Rating of the best models of incubators

Ideal mother hen
votes 2

This popular Russian model is made in Novosibirsk. The increased interest of the buyer is explained by the low price of the device and high-quality performance with a good set of functions. There are several types of incubator in the assortment for the number of eggs from 35 to 104. This device can work both from the mains and from the battery. The body is made of foam, which gives it a small weight.The device is equipped with modern heating elements with high heat transfer rates and unlimited service life. An additional advantage of the model is low power consumption up to 90 W.

incubator Ideal mother hen

  • low price;
  • simple device;
  • simple repair;
  • compact dimensions;
  • high performance.
  • high temperature variation inside the device;
  • there are malfunctions in the operation of the rotary mechanism;
  • the temperature sensor may give incorrect readings;
  • Styrofoam often harbors bacteria.

The average price is 4700 rubles.

votes 0

The Cinderella incubator is also produced in Novosibirsk. This household model has become widespread due to its low cost. The peculiarity of this device is that the heating element is able to work both from the mains and from hot water.

The device has a high-quality automatic masonry flip, which is carried out 10 times in 24 hours. The device can simultaneously incubate 70 chicken or 40 goose eggs. If you abandon the rotary mechanism, then the capacity can be increased to 100 eggs. In this case, you will have to turn the masonry by hand.

This incubator has a far from ideal design and greatly loses to foreign incubator models. During operation, the thermostat may fail or the grille may break, but the device fully justifies its price. The advantage of the model is that it is easy to improve and repair if necessary.

Incubator Cinderella
  • low price;
  • efficiency approaches 90%.
  • insufficient ventilation;
  • heating is uneven;
  • The thermostat will quickly fail.

The average price is 3500 rubles.

Poseda Blitz-48
votes 0

This model is considered one of the most popular among Russian poultry farmers. The incubator has a very successful design with an automatic rotary mechanism. Due to the precise setting of the mechanism for turning off and on the heating, the thermostats are able to maintain the temperature inside the device with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees. Not every modern incubator model can boast of such indicators.

Inside the incubator is lined with sheets of galvanized steel 40 mm thick. To adjust the humidity, a special damper is provided, which allows you to maintain this indicator at the level of 40-80%.

The design of the device is intended for maximum simplification of the hatching process and at the same time ensures high reliability of operation. In the event of an emergency power outage, additional power from external batteries is provided. At the same time, after switching to a new operating mode, all settings for temperature, humidity and the frequency of egg turning are completely saved. This state in the incubator can persist for a day. After the appearance of voltage in the network, the device automatically switches to it.

Poseda Blitz-48
  • retains temperature perfectly;
  • reliable battery;
  • precise masonry turning mechanism.
  • high price;
  • inconvenient topping up of water;
  • the thermometer may fail.

The average price is 7700 rubles.

Brinsea Octagon 20
votes 0

The English-made incubator has earned a lot of flattering customer reviews. He is rightfully the leader in the ability to maintain indicators of humidity and temperature. For the manufacture of the case, high-strength plastic is used, treated with a special additive that prevents the development of bacteria and microbes.

In critical situations, an alarm is provided, which occurs at the time of an increase or decrease in temperature inside the device. The design of the tray allows you to place eggs of any size in it. The device has only one significant drawback: with a capacity of only 20 eggs, it costs more than $ 300.

Brinsea Octagon 20
  • work stability;
  • low marriage rate;
  • quality construction.
  • high price;
  • needs a lot of water to work.

The average price is 21500 rubles.

Novital Covatutto
votes 0

This device is made in Italy and has a fairly good quality. It provides everything necessary so that the process of hatching young animals does not cause much trouble. The temperature and ventilation parameters are automatically adjusted, the control box can be removed for washing the incubator, and a large window is provided for easy observation. The design of the water tank allows you to maintain the humidity level in the range from 45 to 55%.

Novital Covatutto

  • works quietly;
  • has an attractive design;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • low marriage rate.
  • high price;
  • holds fewer eggs than advertised.

The average price is 21,000 rubles.

R-Com King Suro20
votes 0

The Korean-made incubator allows you to automate the process of hatching eggs as much as possible. At the same time, the device works very reliably. The poultry farmer can only lay eggs inside the device and turn it on, he will do the rest himself. The smart incubator itself maintains the required temperature and humidity inside the body and turns the eggs.

For ease of use, there are several ventilation holes and automatic humidification.The air inside the instrument is controlled by an adjustable airflow. To protect the hatched offspring from deformities of the legs, the pallet is made corrugated.

R-Com King Suro20
  • Accurately maintains all humidity and temperature settings.
  • convenient to use;
  • practically does not give marriage.
  • capacity is low;
  • expensive device;
  • instructions in English only.

The average price is 18100 rubles.

TGB-70 A "BIO"
votes 0

This model is intended exclusively for hatching waterfowl chicks. To solve this problem, the tray is designed in such a way that the eggs are placed strictly vertically. After the initial culling, the remaining eggs are laid out at an angle or horizontally. Eggs are rotated using a special winch. The model has a reasonable price and good performance.

TGB-70 A "BIO"

  • designed specifically for waterfowl;
  • acceptable price;
  • good thermal insulation.
  • the temperature inside the chamber is distributed unevenly;
  • difficult to lay eggs.

The average cost is 11,000 rubles.

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This Ukrainian-made incubator is recommended for breeding chicks, when the ability to minimize losses at all stages is of great importance. The device is characterized by a fully automated system that does not require constant monitoring. Proper masonry care is ensured by the high-quality assembly of the chamber and the precision of electronics automation.

The device has the ability to work both from the network and from a backup power source. The only drawback of the incubator is that in the event of a breakdown of any part of the unit, its repair is very expensive.


  • the steel case has a high build quality;
  • high-quality thermometer accurately shows the temperature;
  • almost complete absence of marriage;
  • a backup power supply can be used.
  • high price;
  • expensive parts and repairs.

The average price is 40,000 rubles.

votes 0

This device can be used in small farms, as it has a large capacity. The main advantage of this model is that it makes it possible to shorten the incubation period with the help of special sound stimulation, which forces the embryos to adjust to this rhythm. In addition, the chamber is provided with a Chizhsky chandelier, which also has a positive effect on the development of the embryos. A uniform temperature is created inside the chamber due to the special distribution of heating elements.


  • shortened incubation process;
  • sound stimulation and additional ionization;
  • 210 eggs can be laid at the same time;
  • uniform temperature inside the chamber.
  • expensive device.

The average price is 22,000 rubles.

When choosing an incubator, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from your own goals and objectives, choosing high-quality models with a small number of eggs for personal use, or devices with a large capacity, equipped with an automatic control system.


