
  1. On-board computer: pros and cons
  2. How to choose the right on-board computer
  3. The best on-board computers

Rating of the best on-board computers in 2022

Rating of the best on-board computers in 2022

Computer technology has penetrated into all branches of production. Automotive is no exception. Increasingly, auto manufacturers combine disparate sensors into a single on-board computer. Have the standard devices stopped doing their job? Let's try to figure out if this smart device is really needed, and consider the best on-board computers of 2022.

On-board computer: pros and cons

Opponents of innovations may say that buying a bookmaker is an extra waste of money that does not justify itself.You can monitor the operation of the car using standard devices, and you can calculate the fuel consumption yourself. But in this situation there is one "but". Not every car owner wants and can understand the performance of disparate sensors, and even more so to keep statistics. In addition, standard devices do not name error codes, much less decipher them. They do not calculate average indicators (speed, movement or acceleration time, etc.), do not signal emergency situations, are not equipped with reminder functions, and much more.

Now, in order to finally convince you of the need for BC, we will briefly describe how exactly they make life easier for car owners. So, on-board computers, depending on the model, implement the following functions:

  • diagnosing the state of car systems, in case of malfunction and error in the ECU - notification of their occurrence;
  • oil level control in auto systems;
  • electrical system diagnostics;
  • accounting of indicators: speed in a period of time, average speed, fuel consumption, fuel consumption during acceleration, braking and other driving modes, distance traveled, etc.;
  • fuel quality control;
  • text (and voice) support;
  • keeping a logbook;
  • connection of parking sensors;

and also BC can be used as:

  • taximeter, oscilloscope, tachometer, etc.

This is not a complete list of BC features, because it is individual for each model. Before choosing any of them, let's look at all the intricacies of buying a bookmaker.

How to choose the right on-board computer

When buying a BC, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • car compatibility.

In order for the BC to fully function, it must be focused on working with your car model.Therefore, before buying it, you need to clarify which control unit your car is equipped with (Bosch, Mikas, January, etc.). Then we determine the type of engine: injection, carburetor, gasoline, diesel.

  • installation method.

Next, we determine where the device will be installed. According to the type of installation, they are divided into built-in and external. Built-in (special) are installed directly on a specific brand of car. The advantage is that they are as functional as possible and fit very organically into the dashboard. Minus - with the change of car, you will have to change the BC. External (universal) are suitable for different brands and can be installed in any convenient place (for example, on the windshield).

  • operating temperature.

An important factor when choosing an on-board computer is the temperature of its operation. Most models operate in the temperature range from -20 to +45°C. Please note that models located on the windshield heat up more than built-in models on hot sunny days.

  • ease of connection and installation.

Devices can be connected to the ECU, speed and fuel level sensors. Can you do it yourself or will you have to contact the service? In addition, not all car models allow the use of BC. All these points should be considered in advance.

  • functionality.

These devices can have narrowly focused functionality: route, diagnostic, control. But most often they combine several areas of work. Therefore, before buying, it is important to decide which functions are needed and which ones you will really use, so as not to overpay for too much.

If you have taken into account all the points, then you should already have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you want. To make your choice easier, we have compiled a list of the best on-board computers of 2022.

The best on-board computers

Multitronics Di8g
votes 1

This model is a compact device capable of performing the functions of a route and service BC. The computer is designed for use in carburetor and injection cars VAZ and GAZ. Installation is carried out in a regular place of the plug on the switch panel. The main purpose of the device is to monitor fuel consumption per hour and all during the movement, monitor the temperature of the coolant, engine, ignition timing, engine speed. This BC is equipped with a warning function for engine overheating, monitoring the voltage in the on-board network. The computer displays error codes and malfunctions of auto systems on the LED display.

Cost: from 930 rubles.

HMultitronics Di8g
  • easy to install;
  • wide operating temperature range from -20 to +45°С.
  • the data on the screen is displayed only in numbers.

X-33 State
votes 0

Compact on-board computer for VAZ 2110-12. Despite its small size and the presence of only two buttons, the device is extremely efficient in operation. It performs 7 functions as a route BC, 7 as a diagnostic one, and is also equipped with signaling functions. Information is displayed on the LED display.

Cost: from 1490 rubles.

X-33 State
  • equipped with the function of drying and warming candles;
  • can change the temperature at which the fan turns on to cool the engine;
  • the optimal ratio of price and implemented set of functions.
  • not found.

Multitronics Comfort X15
votes 0

Trip on-board computer for cars VAZ 2108, 2109, 2199,2114, 2115 running on gasoline. Connected via k-line. The character LCD screen allows you to select a different backlight color. The presence of 3 custom screens allows you to view a huge number of indicators: fuel consumption and fuel balance, coolant temperature and air overboard, speed, engine speed, etc. In the “Day” display mode, you can see statistical data on fuel consumption, speed during the day, set the cost of 1 liter, etc. In the “Maintenance” mode, you can see error codes, their textual interpretation, set the mileage before replacing consumables.

Cost: from 3010 rubles.

Multitronics Comfort X15
  • you can choose the color of the screen;
  • can change the temperature of the fan on the engine;
  • displays 8 parameters at a time;
  • there are 2 programmable timers;
  • can estimate battery capacity.
  • no voice messages.

Orion BK-08
votes 0

The on-board computer is suitable for petrol and diesel vehicles with different ignition systems. This model controls the operation of the main components of the engine, collecting information directly from the sensors. The processed information is fed to the LED display. Installation can be done in any convenient place.

Cost: from 920 rubles.

Orion BK-08
  • when starting the engine, shows the charge level of the starter batteries;
  • can be used as a tachometer;
  • easy to connect and configure;
  • there is a remote temperature sensor;
  • can operate at temperatures from -25 to +60°C;
  • All the features you need at an affordable price.
  • short and thin wires.

State 110×5
votes 0

The model is designed for injection vehicles VAZ 2110. The universal device performs many functions: it monitors route indicators, diagnoses the state of the main auto systems, and signals emergency situations. In addition, the on-board computer helps to monitor the timing of the replacement of consumables. All information is displayed on a backlit graphic display. Up to 16 parameters can be displayed simultaneously on the screen.

Cost: from 2990 rubles.

State 110×5
  • can be used on cars running on gas;
  • there is an energy-saving mode;
  • warning function about a suitable maintenance period;
  • there is a "Taxi" mode;
  • can measure the dynamic characteristics of a car;
  • you can choose a male or female voice in messages.
  • not found.

Orion BK-135
votes 0

This BC model is suitable for almost all cars, both domestic and imported. It is installed in place of the car radio or in the glove compartment of the same size. The device monitors the operation of the car in real time, and also records the values ​​of fuel consumption, car mileage. Information comes either from the ECU or directly from the sensors and is displayed in the form of numbers and graphs on a color TFT screen. The display can show up to 6 parameters simultaneously.

Cost: from 6080 rubles.

Orion BK-135
  • "hot" buttons allow you to switch modes without entering the menu;
  • software update via the Internet via USB;
  • All necessary wires and adapters are included.
  • non-volatile memory (all measured information is stored even when the terminal is removed from the battery);
  • you can change the backlight color.
  • not found.

Multitronics TC 50UPL
votes 0

This model is a trip on-board computer for injector and diesel (with OBD-2 protocol support) foreign and Russian cars. In terms of installation, this BC is universal, because. can work both from the ECU and from sensors. Installation is made on the dashboard. The computer is equipped with an LCD screen with RGB backlight in various colors.

Cost: from 5500 rubles.

Multitronics TC 50UPL
  • easily connects to the diagnostic socket;
  • supports more than 40 original protocols of foreign cars;
  • you can connect 2 parking sensors of the same manufacturer;
  • equipped with a fuel quality control sensor;
  • voice voicing of messages;
  • there is a taximeter;
  • about two hundred functions.
  • not found

Multitronics SL-50V
votes 0

Shuttle BC for injection vehicles running on both gasoline and diesel fuel. Installation is carried out in a place for a car radio. The device is able to receive information from the ECU or from speed sensors and an injector. Computer operation can be presented in 3 modes: universal, auto diagnostic protocol and OBD-2 protocol. The universal mode is activated when the computer does not support k-line operation with the control unit of your car. It is characterized by a minimum set of parameters. When the device is operated according to the protocol, the range of functions performed is significantly expanded: it becomes possible to control the engine temperature, dry spark plugs, turn on the fan on the engine, etc. In addition, the car owner will be able to select indicators that will be displayed on user displays.

Cost: from 3790 rubles.

Multitronics SL-50V
  • large LCD screen with backlight (80 mm);
  • you can connect parking sensors;
  • controls the quality of the fuel.
  • work according to the OBD-2 protocol is not possible on all car brands.

Prestige V55-CAN Plus
votes 0

This BC model can be mounted on both cars and trucks of any manufacturer. Suitable for cars with any type of engine. It combines the functionality of a route and service bookmaker, and also collects statistical data on the use of a car for a certain period (day, month, trip). Attaches to windshield or dashboard with adhesive tape. Information is collected from the ECU, fuel level sensors and overboard temperature sensors. The received and processed information is displayed on a color LCD screen, which can display up to 12 parameters simultaneously.

Cost: from 5610 rubles.

Prestige V55-CAN Plus
  • convenient and clear control menu;
  • speech accompaniment;
  • The software is updated via the Internet;
  • you can connect the parking sensors of the same manufacturer;
  • can be used in 8 different modes, including tachometer, taximeter, logbook.
  • only suitable for cars from 1996 (American production) and from 2001 (European and Asian).

Multitronics CL-550
votes 0

On-board computer for vehicles with injection petrol or diesel engines. Displays route and service data, and also collects statistical information about the functioning of vehicle systems. The device is built-in and is installed in a 1DIN connector. The device has a color TFT screen with custom backlight settings. In addition, you can configure multi-displays in your own way and display from 1 to 9 parameters on them. The BC is equipped with a 32-bit processor.Support for a large number of auto diagnostic protocols (universal and original) allows you to diagnose up to 200 parameters. Errors that have arisen in the auto control unit and failures are immediately announced, which makes it possible to correct them in time.

Cost: from 4390 rubles.

Multitronics CL-550
  • you can customize the "hot menu" with the most popular functions;
  • there is a mini-USB connector;
  • it is possible to configure and save parameters using programs via a PC (connection via mini-USB);
  • you can connect parking radars;
  • can be used as an oscilloscope.
  • not found.

Multitronics MPC-800
votes 0

An on-board computer that uses an Android smartphone or tablet as a display and connects to them via Bluetooth. Despite this, it can work autonomously without a mobile device and save all travel information. In almost all cars, it is connected to the diagnostic block. The BC is equipped with a powerful processor, which favorably affects the speed of its operation. The device diagnoses up to 200 parameters, reads and resets errors not only from the ECU, but also from airbags, ABS, climate system, etc.

The cost is from 4450 rubles.

Multitronics MPC-800
  • supports the maximum number of vehicle diagnostic protocols;
  • can be used on almost all cars;
  • does not take up much space;
  • can signal that the parking lights are not turned off, turn the headlights on and off;
  • pronounces errors in the computer, as well as their decoding;
  • it is possible to connect parking sensors front and rear;
  • you can additionally connect various external sensors (fuel level, speed, ignition, etc.).
  • For full-fledged work, an additional gadget (tablet or phone) is required.

The on-board computer greatly facilitates the life of car owners. After all, he takes on the responsibility of monitoring the technical condition of the car, controlling the oil level in various systems. To some extent, it also allows you to save money, because if it is available, there is no need to contact the service, every time as soon as a light bulb lights up. The correct operation of the engine is also under his control. With additional features, this device will tell you when you need to replace consumables or undergo the next maintenance.

A variety of modern BC models allows you to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding motorist. When buying, it is important to take into account all the points voiced above so that the purchased device becomes not only a decoration for the interior of your car, but also your faithful assistant.


