
  1. Moscow parks appreciated by nature lovers
  2. Embankments for joggers near the water
  3. Other places in the capital suitable for running
  4. Jogging through the streets of the city
  5. Free clubs for runners

The best free running stadiums and parks in Moscow in 2022

The best free running stadiums and parks in Moscow in 2022

Jogging along well-groomed paths among wildlife, breathing in fresh, pleasant air, will bring health and good mood to any person. Today, recreational running is a popular type of human physical culture that does not require large amounts of money and hard training.

Comfortable sportswear, a park or square with high-quality paths, beautiful, well-groomed shrubs and trees, clean air - this is all that is needed for running. The runner not only loads his body, strengthening his health, but also contemplates the nature around him, restoring his peace of mind. In Moscow there are many wonderful places adapted for this type of physical education, the story of the most beautiful parks and squares of the capital will be discussed below.

Moscow parks appreciated by nature lovers

Thanks to the intelligent design of the urban space, the stone jungle of Moscow contains precious islands of wildlife, where people can afford to relax, listen to the birds singing, the chirping of cicadas, walk under the crowns of mighty trees, listening to the rustle of their leaves, imbued with the beauty of wildlife.

There are at least fifteen natural areas in the city that are perfectly adapted for jogging. They have tracks with different coatings:

  • ground
  • asphalt.

Natural areas have a variety of landscapes, clean air and are away from noisy highways. Maxim Gorky Park, Sokolniki, VDNKh, Ekaterininsky, Krasnaya Presnya, Kolomenskoye and the Bauman Garden, this is not a complete list of the natural pearls of the city of Moscow.

When doing a health-improving run, the cells of the body are significantly saturated with oxygen, metabolism is enhanced, and the human body is rejuvenated. If there is a small green square near the house, which is far enough from busy roads, then it can also be used for jogging, the main criterion is clean air.

Gorky Park

In the center of the metropolis, a diamond is hidden, filled with natural power, uplifting and allowing a person weary of the hustle and bustle of life to have a great rest. Guests of the park will be amazed by the grandiose Muzeon, the Sparrow Years and the spacious, cool paths of the Neskuchny Garden will delight. On the territory there are sports grounds, various excursions and cultural events.

In 2000, the park underwent a grandiose reconstruction. Modern infrastructure offers visitors bike rental and many other services and entertainment.

Every year in May, the Running Club organizes teams for morning runs. Participants meet in the Sports Pavilion and practice in the morning chill. In the mornings, the park is almost empty and no one interferes with the lesson.

  • entrance to the green area is free;
  • round-the-clock work;
  • Hours of operation may vary during various events.
  • not detected.

Izmailovsky park

Located within the city limits, this place of nature is recognized by ecologists as one of the cleanest urban parks in Europe. The unique natural area has incredible beauty.

In the park, the Adidas Runclub company regularly conducts training sessions for runners. Any person, even with minimal training, on Tuesday and Thursday from 7.30, and on Saturday from 11 o'clock, can come to the Central Square to the Adidas site and start training for free. People who prefer self-study will enjoy the extra effort after training on the workout grounds.

The main events are held on the alleys of the Big Circle, house 7.

  • access to the park is round the clock;
  • the park has a developed sports and entertainment infrastructure;
  • 20 sports grounds;
  • pizzerias;
  • Cafe;
  • various attractions.
  • not detected.

Sokolniki Park"

The unique, large natural complex of the capital, created one of the first in the city, is the custodian of the national, garden and park culture.

The Yoga Run sports and running club conducts running trainings in Sokolniki on a system of voluntary donations, each participant, depending on the quality of the service provided and their own income, determines the amount of the contribution. Races run daily. Runners choose the route of the 10 km lesson: along the alleys of the park or dirt paths among the trees.

In summer, bicycle rental is available in Sokolniki, the cost of a bicycle ride for an adult is 360 rubles per hour, on an iron horse for children - 140 rubles per hour, on a sports horse - 460 rubles per hour. A bike for a teenager will cost 260 rubles per hour.

Location: st. Sokolniki Val.

  • daily runs;
  • bike rental;
  • entrance to the natural area is free.
  • not detected.


The monument of Soviet park architecture is one of the sights of the capital of Russia. On its vast territory, you can freely ride a bike, both for a child and an adult.

  • suitable for both morning runs and evening runs;
  • in the city center, which is convenient for many.
  • not detected.

Park "Bitsevsky Forest"

On an area of ​​2200 hectares, the second largest, strictly protected, natural and historical area of ​​​​the city is spread.

A person will get a special pleasure by running along the forest paths of a spacious and bright pine forest.

The location of the natural zone is Novoyasenevsky tup street.

  • large territory;
  • beautiful nature.
  • not detected.

Park Kolomenskoye

In the museum-reserve Kolomenskoye there is a wonderful monument of antiquity, listed in the UNESCO list, the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, there is a beautiful apple orchard, a red wooden staircase across the Voice ravine and the embankment of the Moscow River. People who are passionate about running can choose different routes to practice their favorite sport. Asphalt running lanes are more suitable for professionals, and for beginners it is better to run along dirt paths among the buildings of the ethnographic museum.

  • developed infrastructure;
  • near the Moscow River;
  • two types of running lanes.
  • not detected.

Location of the park: Novoyasenevsky bluff.

Courtyard of the business center "Factory Stanislavsky"

Near the metro station Taganskaya and Marksistskaya there is a complex of buildings of the business center. In the courtyard of the complex, you can easily arrange a morning running workout, a large number of stairs will increase the athlete's endurance. Benches under the crowns of trees are perfect for relaxing.

  • the complex is well equipped for running, which will appeal to both beginners and professionals.
  • not detected.

Location of the complex: Stanislavsky street, 21.

Kuzminki Park

Running marathons are often held in Kuzminki, both beginners and professional athletes can become participants. The jogging route can run along the embankment along asphalt roads or nearby along unpaved paths. In the natural area there are sports grounds that are well suited for warming up.

  • two types of running lanes: unpaved and asphalted;
  • availability of sports grounds.
  • not detected.

The location of the park is the Kuzminsky forest park.

Park of the 50th Anniversary of October

Beautiful landscapes will delight the eyes of a person running along the paths of the natural territory of the 50th anniversary of October. A picturesque river flows through the park with beautiful bridges through it, shady alleys and beautiful glades will create an unforgettable feeling of calm and tranquility. Asphalt paths are usually occupied by cyclists and rollerbladers; paths covered with crushed gravel are suitable for running.

  • beautiful nature;
  • Nearby is a pond where you can cool off after a workout.
  • there are no paved trails for running, only gravel, which is not suitable for all joggers.

Location of the natural area: st. Udaltsov.

Vorontsovo Manor — Vorontsovsky Park

Privacy lovers will not be disappointed by arranging a training session in this estate. Near the metro station "Kaluzhskaya", there is a quiet and beautiful place that magically pulls a person out of the routine fuss and pacifies the soul. There are many ponds that will give life-giving coolness after exercise. The natural area is dissected by many concrete and earthen paths suitable for recreational training.

  • a great place for solitude with nature and jogging;
  • ponds nearby.
  • not detected.

Location of the estate: Vorontsovsky park.

Tagansky park

There is a unique sports complex in the park: 4500 m2 In winter, the territories are transformed into a chic ice-skating area, and in the warm season, a football field is created, along the borders of which there are running lanes with a special coating. The park has a sports complex with volleyball, table tennis and dance parties.

  • playgrounds equipped for active games;
  • a lot of space;
  • special coating of running lanes.
  • not detected.

Location of the complex: st. Taganskaya.

Embankments for joggers near the water

Water is in constant motion, contemplation of it brings peace and tranquility to the human soul. The reservoirs have cool and refreshing air, so jogging along the banks of the rivers is more fruitful and healthy for the human body. The main thing is that the place of employment is sufficiently removed from busy roads, the air must be clean and fresh. There are several suitable sites in the capital: Vorobyovskaya embankment, 6 km of the river bank in the park named after. Gorky, Rostovskaya embankment and 5 km from the Big Krasnokholmsky bridge to the Crimean Val.

Vorobyovskaya embankment

It is part of the Park. Gorky.

  • Fresh air;
  • next to water bodies;
  • away from busy traffic.
  • not detected.

Rostov embankment

Without breaking away from the rhythm of the city, watching the views of the modern architecture of Moscow City, on the one hand, and contemplating the nature of the Maiden's Field park, on the other hand, the running person will have an excellent and fruitful workout.

  • a great place for solitude with nature and jogging both in the morning and in the evening;
  • near a pond.
  • there are no specially equipped running lanes.

Other places in the capital suitable for running

Novodevichy Ponds

For light, restorative runs, the Novodevichy Ponds area is perfect, due to the fact that the track surface is concrete, long and intense workouts are not recommended. The advantage of this place is the possibility of laying a variety of routes: along the alleys next to the ponds or to the Frunzenskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments.

  • suitable for both morning runs and evening runs;
  • in the city center, which is convenient for many.
  • not detected.

Location - Novodevichy proezd.

Stadiums of the capital

It is not always possible to train in the most suitable places. In this case, jogging on school playgrounds and numerous city stadiums: Spartak, Sokol, Energia, FOK Salyut, Burevestnik is a way out.

If it is inconvenient to get to the stadium, you need to find a public garden or an ennobled natural area within walking distance. The main condition for training is the availability of equipped treadmills. It is not recommended to run for a long time on asphalt or concrete roads, it is best to train on dirt or fine gravel paths with a changing profile. The comfort of training and the absence of injuries in athletes depend on the quality of the coating.

In stadiums, a special rubber coating is used to provide the necessary cushioning and protect the joints and ligaments of the runner. They are located along the edge of the playing field of the stadium, their average length is about 400 m.

  • special coverage of the stadium;
  • created comfort for training.
  • Not every area of ​​the city has one.

Advice: for jogging, use special, running shoes, ensuring the correct distribution of loads on the foot and protecting against injury. Professional running shoes are the best choice.

Jogging through the streets of the city

For those who want to improve their health, and there is no stadium or park nearby, the location of housing becomes an insurmountable obstacle. The way out of this situation is to identify quiet streets, large landscaped courtyards.

In Moscow, it is fashionable to jog along Tverskoy Boulevard or Malaya Nikitskaya.A suitable jogging option, from Plyushchikha Street, with minimal car traffic, through the Maiden's Field square to the Trubetskoy estate in the Khamovniki area. A very good training route on the territory surrounding the Novodevichy Convent, making a circle across the embankment. The desire and aspiration of a person will allow him to lay his own, unique jogging route.

  • freedom of movement;
  • quiet places for jogging both in the morning and in the evening.
  • car traffic nearby.

Recommendations: using the knowledge of his area, the athlete needs to tentatively suggest a jogging route, walk along it, checking the quality of the route, determining the time of training, places of rest. Those wishing to have breakfast after training should choose a cafe on the route. After all the research, a person will definitely determine for himself the optimal route, the time required for the lesson and will run with pleasure.

Free clubs for runners

People are social creatures, so doing something together is always more pleasant and more fun. There are many public and sports associations in the capital that organize running training, help to get rid of mistakes, teach the correct running technique and conduct other recreational activities. A person, being in a friendly environment of like-minded people, acquires additional motivation, improves running technique, and shares his experience.

Each sports club has its own criteria and style, some have strict rules and tough workouts, others are distinguished by a gentle exercise regimen such as Running Girls.

Manufacturers of sports shoes: Nike, Adidas runners, organize running communities to promote their brands, they include both professionals and beginners.They also offer additional yoga and Pilates classes. Among a large selection of proposals, a novice runner will find a company to his liking, strengthen his health, improve his mood and have fun.

The city government creates and maintains in good condition free treadmills in the Mikhalkovo estate, in the parks of Bibirevo, Kuntsevo.

  • additional classes;
  • organized rest;
  • comfort during training;
  • is free.
  • not detected.

By running, people relieve stress, improve their health, communicate with like-minded people, and have fun. This sport does not require large material investments and special conditions, it requires the desire and will for a healthy and fulfilling life.

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