
  1. How to choose the right pool for swimming with a child
  2. The best pools for children's swimming in Kazan

The best pools for children in Kazan in 2022

The best pools for children in Kazan in 2022

It has long been known that water has a positive effect on the human body, especially children. Swimming develops coordination, strengthens muscles and normalizes their tone, helps to strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, many parents think about giving their child for swimming as early as possible. To do this, you have to think about choosing a suitable pool. We present you a rating of the best swimming pools for children in Kazan.

How to choose the right pool for swimming with a child

Now the pools where infant swimming is practiced are widespread.They, as well as possible, meet the needs of young parents who dream of teaching their kids to stay on the surface of the water as early as possible.

In most cases, trainers in such pools begin to work with children from the age of three months. Some accept even very small ones, who have barely learned to hold their heads on their own.
Such classes are held in some children's centers or at polyclinics. Usually, the child is treated individually in a small bath. You can go to swimming lessons immediately after the umbilical cord heals. Therefore, parents seeking to swim with a baby should choose pools located close to home.

All the necessary information about the schedule, the cost of classes, the necessary medical certificates can be found out by phone. At the same time, it is also worth asking about the education and level of professionalism of the trainer and what method of water disinfection is used in this pool.

Before you start exercising with a child in the water, it is imperative to consult with a pediatrician. This is necessary to assess the child's health and physical performance. Also, the doctor will identify possible contraindications to swimming. If there is such a need, an additional examination by an otorhinolaryngologist or other narrow specialists may be prescribed.

In addition, the pediatrician may know that in the pool chosen by the parents, one of the children involved in it was injured. In this case, he will probably advise you to contact another educational institution.

Pool water quality

For children's swimming, the choice of a pool for water quality is one of the determining ones.No matter how much you would like, the water in any pool cannot be absolutely sterile, as many children visit it. In such a liquid there are a lot of chemical elements and organic impurities. Whatever method of disinfection is used for water, microorganisms from the bodies of visitors, dust and other contaminants will still get into it.

To reduce the negative impact, water must be disinfected. For this, several methods are used:

  • The most famous, reliable and time-tested method is to purify the liquid with chlorine. This option is very cheap and affordable, so it is used more often than others. But the disadvantage of chlorination is that this substance negatively affects the condition of the skin, irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes. In addition, bleach dries hair and can cause an allergic reaction. To mitigate such a harmful effect, it is customary to alternate chlorination with other, less harmful methods of purification.
  • Ionization of water using copper and silver ions is the most modern and progressive way to neutralize harmful substances in water. At the same time, this processing option is also considered the least popular. The thing is that exceeding the permissible dosage of a substance can cause poisoning with toxins. Although the positive property of ionization is the duration of the processing result and the impact on all harmful microorganisms.
  • Ozonation or water purification with ozone does an excellent job of eliminating viruses that cannot be treated with chlorine. But in order to prolong the result of such treatment, a small percentage of chlorine is still added to the water.
  • Ultraviolet cleaning is also one of the novelties.The disadvantage of this technique is that the processing result is stored for a short time and requires significant financial costs.

What details to look for when choosing a pool

To reveal some details that are not noticeable at first glance, it is recommended to visit the pool on your own. The water should be clear, without any signs of turbidity. There should be no slippery areas, corrosion of metal parts or limestone deposits on the walls of the bowl and the bottom.

If after the first lesson in the pool there are no signs of irritation, rashes on the skin, the child does not feel tired and does not show signs of weakness, then you can continue training. It is also worth paying attention to the child's bathing suit: it should not change its shade. If even the slightest doubt arises about the safety of the pool for children, you should not take the child there even if it is located very close to the house or the most experienced and qualified trainer conducts classes there.

What to buy for the pool

To go swimming, any child will need to purchase several items:

  • a swimsuit for a girl and swimming trunks for a boy;
  • rubber hat;
  • Goggles;
  • rubber slippers.

You will also need a large bath towel, soap and a washcloth to clean up before visiting the pool.

Babies don't need a bathing suit. Instead, you will need to purchase special diapers for swimming. They will protect against accidental water contamination. A bathing cap and glasses are also not needed for babies.

All children and parents must bring a certificate from a doctor with permission to use the pool before the first lesson.To obtain such a certificate, you must pass several tests and visit a pediatrician or therapist.

For recreational swimming, children need to purchase a special sports insurance. It will be needed in case of injury or harm to health during training and will reimburse the costs of treatment and rehabilitation.

The best pools for children's swimming in Kazan

Basin Orgsintez

Address: Yamasheva Avenue, 7
Phone: 8-843-562-52-71

The pool is the largest swimming pool in Kazan. Two of the three baths located within its walls are intended for children's health-improving swimming.

Anyone who wants to learn how to swim, improve their swimming skills or go in for water sports can visit Orgsintez. Here you can just relax and get a lot of positive emotions in your free time.

For children, not only traditional swimming lessons from the age of 7 are provided, but also sections of infant swimming "Mother and Child", as well as classes in limited groups with disabled children.

  • one of the largest basins of the republic;
  • various programs for children's swimming;
  • baby swimming;
  • activities with disabled children.
  • not detected.

The cost of a subscription for children is from 1200 rubles.

Pool Ak Bars

Address: st. Vagapova, 17/1
Phone: 8-843-562-08-71

As in other pools of the capital of Tatarstan, in the Ak Bars pool, children and adults are taught the tricks of swimming under the guidance of experienced and highly qualified trainers. This pool has a youth focus. The dive center has gained particular fame, which has won prizes in various competitions many times.

  • training in the swimming section for children from 7 years old;
  • children from the age of three can attend children's swimming groups "Mother and Child";
  • suitable for youth recreation;
  • there is a dive center.
  • not detected.

The average cost of a subscription is from 2450 rubles.

Gulfstream Basin

Address: st. Second Azinskaya, 1g
Phone: +7-843-279-11-40

This pool is not in vain received such a name. It stands out from the others not only for its large size, but also for its warm water. It is heated all the time so that the temperature never drops below +28 degrees. There is also an opportunity to use the services of the SPA center and swim in the pool with a water temperature of +34 degrees.

  • large swimming pool;
  • there is a SPA center;
  • warm water in the pool.
  • no subscriptions for a month;
  • no baby swimming groups;
  • high price.

The average cost of 1 lesson is from 500 rubles.

Swimming pool of the Shamil Tarpishchev Tennis Academy

On the territory of the sports complex there is a seven-lane swimming pool that meets all modern requirements. In addition, there is a separate children's pool, where you can swim with children from the age of three.

  • large modern swimming pool;
  • there are sections of children's swimming;
  • there are water aerobics classes;
  • there is an opportunity to train individually;
  • high qualification of trainers.
  • not found.

The cost of a subscription is on average from 2000 rubles.

Baby swimming center Karasiki

Address: st. Matrosova, 9
Phone: +7-843-272-73-85

This pool is specially designed for the development of swimming skills in infants. Here you can engage with children from 2 weeks to 5 years.All trainers have a specialized education and extensive experience working with children. There are also specialists who are ready to deal with a "special" child.

Going swimming in the center "Karasiki", you can not worry about the fact that the water in the pool is with bleach or dirty. The most modern technologies are used for water purification and disinfection. The water temperature in the pool is maintained at +32 degrees.

Taking into account the specifics of the pool visitors, a special playroom is provided in its premises, where the child can relax after classes or watch cartoons. In addition to group lessons, there is an opportunity to work out with the baby individually, as well as invite a coach to the house for the smallest swimmers.

  • great place for swimming with a child;
  • there are different types of training;
  • the opportunity to teach the child individually;
  • many payment options;
  • high quality water treatment.
  • not found.

Subscription price - from 1900 rubles.

Pool Planet Fitness

Address: Fatykh Amirkhan str., 1
Phone: +7-843-526-56-16

This pool is also designed exclusively for children's swimming and teaching children this sport. A child can be brought here from the age of one and a half years. All children are divided into groups, and not only the age of the baby, but also his swimming skills and skills are taken into account. Additionally, classes are held with future mothers in aqua aerobics.

  • you can work with children from 1.5 years old;
  • the pool is geared towards children;
  • there are several groups depending on the level of preparation of the child and his age;
  • convenient work schedule.
  • not found.

Subscription price - from 2000 rubles.

Pool Triumph

Address: st. Oleg Koshevoy, 17
Phone: +7-843-562-06-01

This pool is also one of those where you can learn to swim with your children. For this, 2 pools are provided, which are used depending on how good the initial skills of the child are. For very young children, baby swimming groups work in this pool together with one of the parents.

Children up to 14 years old can study both in groups and individually. Older children study exclusively in groups. In addition, there is an opportunity to do aqua aerobics for adults and expectant mothers.

  • 2 pools with different depths;
  • infant swimming groups;
  • individual training;
  • discounts for regular visitors;
  • water aerobics.
  • not detected.

Subscription price - from 2000 rubles.

This is not a complete list of pools where you can teach a child to swim. In addition to these, there are also smaller pools in Kazan, which can offer not only teaching children to swim, but also many entertainment services. Most of the pools in the capital of Tatarstan have been built recently and are in excellent sanitary condition.

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