Dacha for many modern people is not the usual garden with beds and plantings, but a place of rest with green lawns, lawns, gazebos and trees. An ideal decoration for such a summer cottage will be your own pool, especially since it will not be difficult to install your own pond. There are several types of reservoirs, so we offer you a rating of the best pools for summer cottages, as well as some tips on how to choose the best option, how to use it and how to care for the reservoir.
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Pool manufacturers now offer several varieties of home ponds and a huge number of models. To determine exactly which one is suitable, you need to study several parameters:
Currently there are the following types of pools:
Each type of reservoir has both positive aspects and disadvantages. But in any case, each type of device fully performs all of its declared functions. The difference between reservoirs of different types is their size, shape and design features. It is these questions that should be guided by when buying a country pool.
When choosing a summer cottage, you first need to think about who will use it and how often. Depending on this parameter, the following types can be distinguished.
These reservoirs are compact, have a very simple design and are inexpensive. Therefore, such options are very popular among cottage owners. For the manufacture of such a device, a durable PVC film is used. Outwardly, it looks like a double shell with a hollow chamber into which air is pumped to create a shape for the pond.
The pond with an inflatable structure has a small size and, as a rule, a round shape. The largest diameter of such an inflatable structure is about 5 m, and the depth does not exceed one and a half meters. In the upper part of the inflatable structure there is a special ring that acts as a holder for a large amount of water. When filled, the wall is stretched, which is why the reservoir takes the form of a bowl, and its diameter becomes smaller. To increase the strength and stability of the structure, special holders are used, made from thin-walled aluminum tubes. Inflatable options for babies are produced shallow with a soft bottom and sides.
Such inflatable structures are easy to transport, they do not require special conditions for transportation. To install such a pool, you only need a flat area.
The disadvantage of the inflatable device is that they need to be pumped up from time to time, and the body is easily damaged. Since inflatable structures are poorly adapted to water purification, it must be changed frequently.
A feature of the frame-type pool is that its design is collapsible. Outwardly, such a reservoir looks like a frame with a round, oval or rectangular frame filled with water.The edges of such a device are even, the inside is made of durable PVC film. The purpose of the frame is to give it shape and reduce the pressure of a large volume of water on its walls. In summer, a structure of this type is easy to install in a place chosen in the country house, and after the end of the swimming season, the model is quickly dismantled and sent for storage.
The frame pool has a reliable and stable design that will last a long time. Such an option can have impressive dimensions: a capacity of up to 250 m3 of water and a depth of up to 2 m. Such dimensions allow you not only to play in the water, but to fully swim and even dive.
There are also disadvantages to this device. Among them is the need for a protective awning to avoid pollution. Filling and draining water into such a large tank requires time and effort. In addition, a special purification system is required for mandatory regular water purification. Additional accessories for the frame version are often very expensive.
If there is a summer cottage of a significant size, you can install a stationary plastic pool. Such an artificial reservoir is suitable for those people who have precisely decided on the size and appearance and have enough material resources to carry out earthworks. Plastic bowls are installed for a long time, they are not dismantled with the onset of autumn, and for their installation it is necessary to dig a large hole.
In shape, a plastic pool is a bowl made of a special composition that is resistant to chemicals and a variety of mechanical damage.The shape of the bowl can be very different - from standard round, oval and rectangular to asymmetrical with smooth contours, cast steps and height differences. The walls of the bowl can be up to 1 cm thick.
The surface of such a device does not need additional processing, since all bowls are made only in the factory. The largest plastic ponds can have a capacity of up to 9000 liters, so they are suitable for swimming, diving, and entertainment.
To install such a pool, it is necessary to dig a pit and prepare a concrete pad or formwork. Such options can be used all year round. To do this, the model is installed in a covered pavilion and a water purification system, a mechanism for supplying and draining water are mounted.
The disadvantages of plastic pools include their large size and high cost. To bring such a bowl to the dacha, special freight transport is required, and special equipment is required for installation. Before installing a plastic device, you need to prepare the site for several days.
Such a design is arranged once and for several decades, and its installation requires significant financial costs. To make a concrete pool beautiful and memorable, the walls and bottom are laid out with mosaics or decorative tiles. The shape of a concrete bowl can be very different, they often make a depth difference, install a jumping tower if desired, and mount massage devices.
In order to be able to use the device all year round, they often make a sliding or removable roof over it and install a pavilion.Before installing a concrete version, a preliminary project is necessarily drawn up, underground utilities are installed and mounted. Complex installation work is required to create a concrete structure for a reservoir.
Regardless of the design of a summer cottage, it requires mandatory care. At the same time, a pool that is not protected by an awning or a roof gets dirty much faster than a closed one. Therefore, before installing an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to choose the best option for its purification.
To collect small debris remaining on the surface of the water surface, special nets are used. This option is suitable in the presence of a design of a small size. To cope with this task in a large volume, use special water vacuum cleaners.
To clean the bottom and walls from dirt, special filter pumps with sand filters are purchased. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the power of the filter, which depends on the type of structure.
Any pool needs to be decontaminated from time to time so that it performs its tasks well. To obtain transparent clean water, it is disinfected using chemical reagents. It can be liquid oxygen, chlorine or bromine. With these substances, you can change the hardness index, eliminate cloudy sediment and get rid of algae growth. If you do not use chemistry to disinfect a country pond, after a short time the pool will become a flowering pond.
A pool in the country is not just entertainment for a large company, but also an object that requires constant attention.You need to be prepared for the fact that at any time various kinds of troubles may arise, as well as regularly carry out activities to keep the reservoir clean.
One of the troubles with water can be its "bloom". In this case, the water acquires a green tint due to the reproduction of algae in it or the presence of a large amount of metals.
You can get rid of algae by adjusting the acidity of the water, and then adding a large dose of chlorine and drugs that prevent the development of algae. To reduce the metal content, a lot of chlorine is also introduced first. Then the filter is turned on and a special substance is introduced, which collects small metal particles into large ones. After that, the dirt is removed mechanically.
If the water has acquired a rusty hue, then its acidity is below normal. You can solve the problem by adjusting this indicator.
Silt may form on the bottom and walls. If this happens, it means that there are organic substances in the water, which serve not only as a source of pollution, but can also spread the infection, so it is necessary to immediately clean the structure.
The addition of a fast-acting shock chlorine or a water softener will help to cope with cloudy water. These drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions.
There are many ways to clean pool water. Many manufacturers in a wide range produce a variety of water purification products. It is best to use products that include chlorine, bromine or active oxygen. The easiest way to clean the pool is with a chlorine-containing preparation, since such a product does not have a negative effect on the skin.
Preparations with bromine can also purify water well, but they are much more expensive. Such products are mainly used in a closed version, for which a higher temperature is maintained.
If the water temperature in the pool does not exceed +25 degrees, then an excellent result can be obtained with the help of preparations in active chlorine.
In addition to regularly cleaning the pool with chemicals, it is imperative to use filtration to maintain the freshness of the water. The cleaning device must be operated for at least 6 hours daily.
Typically, the following filters are used for country ponds:
If a frame model is used as an artificial reservoir in the country, then the procedure for caring for such a device will be as follows:
An inflatable pool designed for the entertainment of children is much easier to clean. From it you just need to drain the water daily and clean the walls and bottom from accumulated dirt and mucus.If the model has a sufficiently large volume, then chemicals are used for cleaning that keep the water fresh.
Such a pool can be cleaned in all available ways. But the best option for cleaning a stationary device would be a special automatic water purification system.
This option allows you to save time for the care of the reservoir and, despite the high cost, it also saves money, as it quickly pays off. The system starts whenever there are impurities in the water.
This Chinese-made version is the smallest inflatable pool for adults. The round device has a diameter of 366 cm and a depth of only 90 cm. Due to its small size, this design can be easily placed in a small area.
The average price is 5200 rubles.
This version, like the previous model, is made in China. It is quite large in size. The oval tank holds 16.6 m3 of water. Thanks to a special underlay, the device can be installed even on uneven surfaces. The kit comes with a powerful pump that allows you to fill the reservoir relatively quickly.
The average price is 36,000 rubles.
This option is recognized as the best among inflatable models in terms of price and quality.It has the largest dimensions: 610 cm long, 366 cm wide, pool depth 122 cm. Such dimensions allow an adult to swim and even dive. The set comes with a powerful pump, which allows you to fill the pond very quickly. A ladder is provided for easy access to and from the pool. To protect against debris and foliage, a special awning is provided.
The average price is 35,000 rubles.
This version of the children's pool has a simple round shape and is very cheap. A distinctive feature is the bright pattern on the walls. Due to the fact that the body is fully inflated, the likelihood of injury to the child is reduced.
The average price is 1300 rubles.
This children's model is considered an excellent option for games. The building is large and can serve as a portable children's water park. There is a slide, a water cannon and plenty of water. 3-4 children can have fun in this device. For safety, high sides and a special mesh are provided.
The average price is 40800 rubles.
This model from a well-known company has a bright unusual design. There is a small slide and several game elements.Since the model has a very small depth, it is suitable for games even for children aged 3-4 years. Thanks to the hard bottom, the device is perfectly installed even on uneven surfaces.
The average price is 3500 rubles.
This option is perfect for a large company. Due to the gigantic size and volume of 18500 liters, the hull is difficult to install. But on the other hand, up to 10 people can rest freely in it. For such an impressive size with a depth of 132 cm, the model has an affordable price. The device comes with a cartridge filter and a cleaning kit.
The average price is 19,000 rubles.
This model is recognized as the best compact version of the frame design. It can be installed in a small area. Despite its small size, it has sufficient depth to allow diving. As an added bonus, there is a special awning that protects against debris during non-working hours. Among the shortcomings, one can note the low power of the pump included in the kit. With it, it will take at least 5 hours to fill the reservoir.
The average price is 26400 rubles.
The main advantage of this reservoir is a very high-quality performance, which is reflected in its cost. The kit comes with a high-quality powerful pump, which allows you to fill a container with a volume of 17 m3 in 4 hours. To protect the bottom, a special litter is provided. There is a special ladder to make it convenient to climb inside.
The average price is 23500 rubles.
This hard-walled model has great depth, but otherwise doesn't stand out much from the competition. Compared to other rigid structures, it does not have any special advantages. Is that the set comes with a ladder for ease of use.
The average price is 53,000 rubles.
With a rigid frame, this model is perfect for year-round use when equipped with additional accessories. The Czech-made device perfectly tolerates temperature changes, which compares favorably with competitors. It can be dug into the ground and thus get a full-fledged pool. The kit comes with a garbage collection device and a high-quality sand filter.
The average price is 45,000 rubles.
First of all, this option attracts attention with its design. It seems that it is made of wood, although in fact the body material is durable plastic.The device has a large diameter - almost 5 m and a volume corresponding to it. The kit comes with a powerful pump that allows you to quickly fill the pond. To protect against pollution, a special awning is provided.
The average price is 84,000 rubles.
As you can see, modern stores offer to purchase pool models for summer cottages for every taste and budget. You can find very high-quality expensive models, or you can get by with an ordinary inflatable pool.