
  1. When to Wear a Bandage
  2. How to choose an orthopedic product
  3. The best sports and preventive bandages for the knee joint
  4. The best knee braces for post surgery and injury

The best bandages and fixators for the knee joint in 2022

The best bandages and fixators for the knee joint in 2022

When moving, the knee joint of a person experiences significant loads. Therefore, it often suffers from injuries and various diseases. To speed up rehabilitation and reduce the likelihood of injury, various bandages are used. There are several types of similar orthopedic products intended for solving different problems. It is important to choose the right one so as not to aggravate the problem, but to help solve it. The rating of the best bandages and fixators for the knee joint will help to do this.

When to Wear a Bandage

Traumatologists can recommend wearing a bandage and other devices for immobilizing the knee to treat various pathologies or prevent their occurrence. Athletes and other people who practice an active lifestyle are especially in need of such orthopedic products in order to reduce the likelihood of injury.

For therapeutic purposes, a bandage is needed in such circumstances:

  • To reduce the likelihood of injury to people without joint problems, involved in sports, obese, if the profession is associated with long walking or high loads;
  • To fix an injured knee in various joint diseases, to stop the progression of the disease, reduce its clinical manifestations or prevent relapses;
  • To limit leg mobility when limb movements are prohibited during rehabilitation after a fracture or surgery;
  • To reduce the load on the affected limb, when any movement leads to severe pain and slow down the recovery process.

Obstacles to the use of such an orthopedic device are:

  • Individual negative reaction to the tissue used to make the device;
  • Inflammation of the leg veins or thrombosis;
  • Skin diseases in the area affected by the fixative;
  • Purulent process in the knee.

The principle of operation of the bandage

This orthopedic device rigidly fixes the ligamentous apparatus and the knee joint. It is impossible to achieve a similar effect with an elastic bandage.With the correct selection of the bandage, it allows you to reduce the load taken by the knee and slows down the development of arthritis.

In some cases, the bandage has special woolen soft inserts. They have an additional thermal effect and activate blood circulation in the affected area.

With the constant use of the bandage, the pain syndrome becomes less intense, the rate of destruction of the joint slows down, and its activity is quickly restored. The compression effect of the bandage eliminates the inflammatory process, allows you to increase the range of motion of the damaged joint.

Varieties of bandages

In the assortment of pharmacies and modern stores of orthopedic goods, they offer a huge selection of products for fixing the knee. They differ in their design features, the material used for manufacturing, as well as indications for wearing.

According to the design features, bandages are:

In the form of soft bandages that perform the same functions as elastic bandages. Such bandages are needed by athletes in the process of training, during the treatment of joint diseases.

The bandage, which has stiffeners, is made of polymers. It has Velcro fasteners and straps that immobilize the joint. Such an adaptation is necessary to prevent the joint from moving after significant injuries or during surgical treatment, during attacks of gonarthrosis or gonitis.

A fixation belt to support the tendon and patella is used when it is necessary to eliminate soreness in this area. Such an orthopedic bandage provides support to the tendon, but does not reduce the range of motion.

Orthopedic products with applicators in the form of magnets act on the damaged area with heat.This helps to reduce the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and activate blood flow in the affected area.

Orthoses and splints with hinges have the most complex design. They have rigid hinges on the side surfaces that reduce the load of movement. They are applicable both for therapy and in the recovery period.

The difference in the degree of fixation

Each type of knee brace has a different fixation force. According to this parameter, they are divided into the following subspecies:

  • Compression bandages are also called dynamic bandages. They are made from elastic fabrics. Such devices are applicable in the recovery period after injury or surgery. They are worn to prevent the negative impact of a high load or reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease. Such a device warms the damaged area and reduces soreness. As a result of wearing it, swelling decreases, blood flow normalizes.
  • A functional knee brace helps to eliminate excessive joint mobility, but at the same time preserves the functionality of the knee. Such orthopedic devices have stiffeners or hinges. With their help, it is possible to eliminate soreness and swelling, to reduce the load taken by the knee. Such bandages are recommended to be worn until recovery after minor or moderate injuries, during exacerbations of joint diseases or a too mobile knee.
  • Stable orthopedic devices that make it possible to immobilize the knee joint are called splints. It is made in the form of a structure with parts made of metal alloy and polymers. With it, the joint is made completely immobile and replaced by the use of gypsum.The splint is made of hypoallergenic materials, so it does not irritate the epidermis and allows you to observe the recovery process.
  • Stage rigid bandages are made in the form of a structure that provides for the possibility of adjusting the degree of fixation. Such a device makes it possible to gradually change the mobility of the joint as its functionality is restored. Typically, neoprene is used to make such structures and is supplemented with stiffeners with hinges and a polycentric lock. Such a device is called a brace.

Sports knee pads

Bandages used by athletes are divided into:

  • Tapes are tapes with an adhesive layer, similar to medical plasters. They are used to reduce pain and intensity of impact on the ligament.
  • Thin neoprene calipers or those made from other elastic fabrics create a small fixation and warm up the sore area, reducing negative sensations and inflammation. Such devices will be useful for mild sprains or bruises, for sports activities or during outdoor activities.
  • Thick neoprene calipers or other materials with similar properties have another layer that protects the ligamentous apparatus. For better support of the joint, special belts are provided. Such devices are useful in case of injury to the meniscus or with heavy loads on the knees.
  • Thick neoprene orthoses, equipped with hinges, tightening straps and contour rings, hold the patella securely. They are needed to immobilize the knee after ruptures of the meniscus or ligamentous apparatus.

How to choose an orthopedic product

Before buying an orthopedic bandage, it is necessary to consult on this issue with the doctor observing the patient and choose only the type of product that he advises. Without the recommendation of a specialist, it is allowed to buy exclusively elastic bandages to prevent injury.

When buying a retainer, you must take into account its size. If the product is large, the degree of fixation will be insufficient. A small bandage exacerbates the disease, as it compresses the vessels and disrupts blood circulation. When choosing a product, it must be measured, because all manufacturers have their own dimensional rulers.

Before determining the required size, you should measure the lower part of the thigh around the circumference. This value determines the length of the kneecap. Some manufacturers advise taking more measurements above and below this line by 10 cm.

Strongly fixing bandages do not need to take measurements. Such products are made dimensionless and they are pulled with belts.

You should also consider the quality of the fabric from which the product is made. The fabric should be practical, breathable, not provoke allergies. After washing, it should fully retain its properties. Preference should be given to models made of non-marking, durable fabric so that it does not suffer from frequent washing and does not change its properties.

The best sports and preventive bandages for the knee joint

B.Well rehab W-332

The leading position in the selection is occupied by a knee brace from the B.Well brand. It is recommended for use both for preventive purposes, in order to prevent injury to the joint or the development of the disease, and in case of injury, sprain, bruise.In this case, wearing a bandage will help reduce pain, relieve swelling.

What does the use of B.Well rehab W-332 give? First of all, it is the stabilization of the knee joint. 3-D knitting technology and a light compression effect improve blood circulation, and also, in the presence of pain, makes it less pronounced. With all the tight fit, comfort in movement is maintained, this is provided by inserts in the knee joint, they give a better fit and repeat the dynamics when walking.

Speaking about the manufacturability of the product, it is worth noting:

  • Biocrystals of ceramics - a polymer thread in which special crystals are inlaid (content - 40%); it allows you to save the infrared radiation of the body, which ultimately promotes metabolism and improves blood supply to the knee joint;
  • 3D knitting technology allows better stabilization of the joint;
  • Special inserts in the area of ​​the knee joint improve the fit of the brace, provide a snug fit to the body, which adds comfort to movement and prevents stiffness;
  • It can be worn for preventive and therapeutic purposes (in case of injury, bruise, sprain).

Cost: from 1300 rubles.

Video review of the bandage from B.Well:

B.Well rehab W-332
  • The cut is comfortable, anatomical;
  • Spiral stiffening ribs to reduce shock load;
  • Used polymer thread with ceramics inlaid with BioCrystals;
  • 3-D knitting technology;
  • high degree of fixation of the joint without sacrificing comfort;
  • affordable cost.
  • No.

Genumedi knee brace

This bandage is made in Germany and serves as an excellent replacement for a simple elastic bandage.It is recommended to be worn for the treatment of bruises, various injuries of a traumatic nature, as a warning to prevent recurrent attacks after joint diseases. The bandage has a compression effect, due to which it activates blood flow, reduces swelling and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Genumedi knee brace
  • durable;
  • you can choose the exact size;
  • there is a detailed instruction in Russian;
  • the edges do not wrap when walking, thanks to the silicone layer;
  • has an anatomical shape;
  • with proper use and washing will last at least 6 months;
  • does not compress blood vessels and does not disturb blood flow;
  • stabilizes the knee, thanks to the ring insert;
  • eliminates the feeling that the knee "walks".
  • expensive.

The average price of a bandage is 3950 rubles.

Orthosis Genumedi PT

Thanks to silicone inserts, such a bandage relieves muscle tension, which normalizes the position of the patella when it is displaced outward. Due to the presence of a silicone ring, the patella is fixed in a normal position. The compression material provides a massage effect and stimulates blood flow. Wearing the brace will reduce the pain.
The bandage does not slip during walking due to special stiffening ribs. The compression fabric does not squeeze the vessels and actively evaporates moisture.

Orthosis Genumedi PTi
  • anatomical shape;
  • securely fixes the knee;
  • does not slip;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • for better correction there is a belt.
  • high price.

The average cost of such an orthosis: 5100 rubles.

The best knee braces for post surgery and injury

Orlett PO-303 knee brace

The device rigidly fixes the knee and stabilizes it in the lateral plane. This eliminates too much extension and flexion of the knee. The bandage relieves pain and is used after traumatic injuries and operations. The amplitude of movement can be adjusted in a different segment, as well as fix the knee at a certain angle.

Orlett PO-303 knee brace
  • the metal frame is made of light steel alloy;
  • thanks to special hinges, the movement of the knee is normal;
  • for convenience, all hinges have soft textile pillows;
  • cuffs of the orthosis are made of pleasant hypoallergenic material and do not cause irritation;
  • the frame is specially shaped to relieve pressure in the tibial region.
  • high price.

The cost of an orthosis is on average 11,600 rubles.

Orthosis FOSTA F 1292

The design of this model provides side inserts made of metal alloy, equipped with polycentric hinges. This allows you to provide an average degree of fixation. The device is one-piece, it can be worn like a stocking and additionally fixed with adjustable straps. The orthosis is recommended for various joint diseases and for accelerated recovery of health.

Neoprene is used to make the product, which provides a light massage and warms the affected area. A special ring-shaped silicone insert is provided to hold the knee.

Orthosis FOSTA F 1292
  • affordable price;
  • light massage;
  • thermal effect;
  • alleviates the patient's condition.
  • does not pass air;
  • does not wick away moisture.

The average cost of such an orthosis model is 1700 rubles.

Bandage medi patella tendon support

This bandage model is used to fix the ligament of the patella.This device is used to treat injuries of the knee joint of various severity. However, most often traumatologists advise using it to ensure a preventive effect. The device is equipped with a special anatomical pad and has a universal size.

Bandage medi patella tendon support
  • surface of the anatomical structure;
  • the material does not provoke irritation of the epidermis;
  • single size;
  • can be worn on the right and left leg.
  • size may be too big for women.

The average cost of such a bandage is 2200 rubles.

Splint postoperative Procare Super knee splint

This splint is designed to hold the leg in the postoperative period. The patient's limb is in a fully extended position. It is used for recovery after knee subluxation, as well as for various injuries in adolescence and childhood. To ensure reliable fixation, three rigid elements and side elastic reinforced inserts are provided. For comfortable wearing, a knee pad and a cutout for the knee pad are provided. The splint is held by six straps.

Splint postoperative Procare Super knee splint
  • allows you to securely fix the limb;
  • speeds up the rehabilitation process;
  • affordable price;
  • can be used for children and teenagers.
  • The fabric is breathable and does not wick away moisture.

The average price of such a splint is 3000 rubles.

Push Med Knee Brace 2.30.1

This orthopedic design has a universal purpose. It is used to speed up rehabilitation after joint diseases and injuries. Another purpose of the orthosis is recovery after surgery.The device has a rigid design that allows you to optimally hold the knee joint, but does not provoke inconvenience while wearing. For added convenience, lacing and additional straps are provided.

Push Med Knee Brace 2.30.1
  • easy to put on and fix;
  • perfectly holds the knee;
  • reduces tension and soreness;
  • suitable for sports;
  • has a therapeutic effect;
  • pleasant material;
  • good landing;
  • does not move out during movements.
  • expensive.

The average cost is 12600 rubles.

No. p / pModel namePrice
1Bandage V.Well rehab W-3311000
2Genumedi knee brace with silicone patella ring3950
3Orthosis Genumedi PT5100
4Orlett PO-303 knee brace11600
5Orthosis FOSTA F 12921700
6Bandage medi patella tendon support2200
7Splint postoperative Procare Super knee splint3000
8Push Med Knee Brace 2.30.112600

Often, bandages and other fixing devices for knee joints are very expensive, but you should not save on health and choose a cheaper model. Ultimately, such savings lead to the fact that the product wears out quickly and you have to buy a new one. It is necessary to choose a specific model only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

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