
  1. How to choose
  2. Rating of the best anti-cellulite body creams for 2022
  3. Conclusion

The best anti-cellulite body creams for 2022

The best anti-cellulite body creams for 2022

In anticipation of the beach season, short skirts and just to feel your own femininity, it is now as relevant as possible to study the rating of the best anti-cellulite body creams for 2022.

How to choose

Cellulite can ruin the mood of any woman. It is not pleasant to see your skin in ugly bumps. Therefore, having decided for yourself to start the fight against cellulite, it is necessary to indicate the criteria for choosing a cream.But before choosing, you need to remember the simple truth that not a single cosmetic product on the skin is able to get rid of cellulite alone, complex measures are important. Nevertheless, creams have their benefits, as they contribute to the activation of blood flow and lymph circulation. Caring products against orange peel contribute to the introduction of toxins, water accumulation and excess fat deposits in the tissues. In addition, due to the action of creams or lotions, the skin becomes more elastic, receives high-quality hydration and nutrition.

When choosing, decide for yourself which format you plan to purchase, since all of them have their own nuances. So, the gels are quickly absorbed, but they do not need to be rubbed, but when using the cream, the skin will have to be massaged well.

Choose a proven manufacturer. The best manufacturers have long been heard, these include Guam, Floresan, Organic Shop, Kora Phytocosmetics, Vitex, ARAVIA and other brands.

Rating of the best anti-cellulite body creams for 2022

ARAVIA Professional Organic Pink Grapefruit

According to buyers, the ARAVIA Professional Organic Pink Grapefruit body cream has proven itself to be chic. Its functionality is to nullify the orange peel, but in addition to this action, the product is nourishing, tonic, moisturizing and soothing. The composition of the product is completely natural, the main active ingredients are pink grapefruit, green tea, shea butter and panthenol. The large volume of the product, 300 ml, allows it to be used economically. The consistency is white, thick. The scent is very pleasant but does not linger. You can use it after massage with a scrub, massage the figure with a brush or just apply immediately.ARAVIA Professional Organic Pink Grapefruit absorbs quickly and has a strong moisturizing effect.

You can buy for 440 rubles.

ARAVIA Professional Organic Pink Grapefruit
  • Suitable for home use;
  • Absorbs quickly;
  • With lifting effect;
  • Leaves no stickiness;
  • Quality hydration.
  • There may be an allergy to natural ingredients in the composition.

"Bath, massage, sauna" from Belita-Viteks

The Belarusian company Belita-Viteks offers its know-how in getting rid of cellulite, this is the cream “Bath, massage, sauna”. Sold in a green tube. Inside is a delicate texture with a pleasant fragrance. The composition of the product includes vegetable, essential oils, a component of brown algae, an extract from hot pepper, grapefruit extract and other useful substances. The shiny composition is great for domestic use. Before use, the manufacturer advises to cleanse the body with a scrub, rinse it off and warm the skin well with your palms. After that, you need to squeeze out a small amount of the product, hold it in your palms, thereby heating it, and then start rubbing it into problem areas, not forgetting about the massage. If you want to enhance the effect, then wrap your legs, smeared with cream, cling film and leave for 20 minutes. The warming effect is guaranteed.

Cost: about 80 rubles.

Bath, massage, sauna" from Belita-Viteks
  • Budget price;
  • Suitable for use in the bath;
  • According to buyers, ultra efficient;
  • Makes the legs fit and beautiful;
  • Breaks down stagnant fat;
  • Rids the body of excess water.
  • Strongly warms and can burn;
  • If there are problems with the veins, then consult a phlebologist before use.

"Algae-silt" from Natura Siberica

Of the budget funds for the fight against cellulite, Natura Siberica Algae-Silt Cream is very popular. The natural ingredients included in the composition help to smooth the skin and model the desired body contours. The consistency is light and snow-white, the aroma is incredibly pleasant. "Algae-silt" from Natura Siberica is well suited after wrapping, that is, it is used not during, but after, when the film is removed and the procedure must be completed. After application to the body, a slight redness appears, and there is a warming effect. Silt mud formula helps fight nasty fat deposits.

Price: about 110 rubles, may be higher.

Algae-silt" from Natura Siberica
  • Budget;
  • Nourishes with minerals, improves microcirculation;
  • Excellent assistant in the fight against body fat;
  • Wonderful fragrance;
  • Useful composition and rich saturation with vitamins;
  • Exchange processes are activated.
  • Absorbs for a long time.

Cream-sculptor from Faberlic

The Faberlic company came up with its own anti-cellulite product and released an anti-cellulite sculptor cream. The peculiarity of this cream is that it comes with a massager in the form of three metal rollers located next to the dispenser. The massager is equipped with a self-closing lock, thanks to which the contents will not leak out. The texture is applied to problem areas (legs, stomach, buttocks) and with the help of a massager, make circular movements, rubbing the texture. After a couple of weeks of use, customers note that the skin becomes more silky, and the existing dryness is eliminated. The Faberlic Sculpting Cream is designed to act on fat deposits, at the same time facilitating the activation of natural collagen fibers. It was also noted that the use of the product allows you to remove excess fluid.

Cost: about 370 rubles.

Cream-sculptor from Faberlic
  • Prevents the appearance of edema;
  • Suitable for dry and flaky skin;
  • Good reviews on the fight against cellulite;
  • Warming and tightening;
  • It spreads well on the figure and is easily absorbed.
  • The updated version does not have a massager.

"Intense Thermo-Active" by Avon

Faberlic competitor - Avon also created their own product that helps women find the desired beauty - this is Avon's "intense thermo-active cream". The product contains L-carnitine, the functionality of which is aimed at making the skin smooth and even. The product is available in the form of a transparent gel with a pleasant aroma. It should be applied to dry parts of the body and rubbed in a circular motion until completely absorbed. The manufacturer promises that after a couple of weeks of use you will see the desired result, and a month of use will transform your figure for the better beyond recognition. Girls with hypersensitivity need to be more careful with it, apply it in a less thick layer, as it burns very noticeably. Thanks to a specially developed formula with thermal water, the appearance of stretch marks should be kept to a minimum.

Cost: about 450 rubles.

Intensive thermo-active" from Avon
  • High efficiency;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Warming up;
  • Increases skin tone;
  • Great for fighting cellulite.
  • Not suitable for sensitive skin.

Floresan Fitness Body

For more than one year, the fair sex has been choosing Floresan Fitness Body.The product has several main functions: combating the visible signs of orange peel, preventing bumpiness and caring properties, including hydration and nutrition. Saturation of Floresan Fitness Body with White Sea algae minerals helps to normalize fat and water-salt metabolism. With regular use of the tool, the figure begins to tighten and become elastic. The method of application is simple, you need to take the required amount of consistency and apply with circular massaging movements to a clean area, paying special attention to problem areas. A good composition allows you to solve the problem in a relatively short time.

You can buy for 120 rubles.

Floresan Fitness Body
  • Budget;
  • Great for home use;
  • Effectively works in combination with massage and contrast shower;
  • Suitable for sensitive skin;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Increases turgor and skin tone;
  • It spreads quickly and without stickiness;
  • It works only in combination with massage, sports and nutrition.

Anti-cellulite mask with a drainage effect Dren Guam

If you are interested in a cream mask, then take a closer look at the Dren Guam mask with a drainage effect. This Italian product is great for "edematous cellulite" and heavy legs. The mask contains algae that have an antioxidant effect and improve skin tone. The mask can be applied locally or all over the body. Before application, the body must be cleaned and Dren Guam should be distributed in a thin layer on clean problem areas. After that, wrap the places of application with a film and hold for about 45 minutes. In order to enhance the effect, the manufacturer advises to throw a blanket on top.The procedure is especially effective if it goes on a course. You do three days, and then rest for three days. The consistency is grassy in color, the aroma is specific and remains on the skin for some time after rinsing. While the procedure is in progress, you may feel a slight tingling sensation, but it does not create discomfort.

The cost of a mask with a drainage effect Dren Guam: about 2500 rubles.

Anti-cellulite mask with a drainage effect Dren Guam
  • Has an antioxidant effect;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Delightful composition;
  • Due to the oils it is well distributed and lays down;
  • Suitable for heavy legs;
  • Comfortable for sensitive skin;
  • Moisturizes, strengthens and saturates with minerals.
  • High price.

Anti-cellulite gel-corrector Black Pearl 2in1

Anti-cellulite gel corrector Black Pearl 2in1 is popular with all lovers of domestic products. This cream-gel should be applied to problem areas with standard massaging movements and wait for complete absorption. During use, a pleasant and cooling effect is felt. The corrector gel is quite suitable for sensitive skin, as it does not cause discomfort. The manufacturer promises that the use of the product will increase skin tone, moisturize and nourish it, speed up the metabolism in cells and, most importantly, help to reduce volumes, nullifying the signs of cellulite. If you read the reviews of customers, then there is not such a rosy perception, but all the same, women note that, together with physical exercises, massage and proper nutrition, they see a result that pleases them.

You can buy for 220 rubles.

Anti-cellulite gel-corrector Black Pearl 2in1
  • During use, a pleasant chill is felt;
  • High-quality hydration and nutrition;
  • It is immediately absorbed and there is no feeling of a film on the body;
  • The friability of the body is noticeably reduced;
  • The skin becomes toned and elastic.
  • It takes effort to get results.

With chilli SPA technology

Many have heard about the amazing effect of pepper and are looking for products based on it. Having studied the available reviews, we recommend trying the Chinese cosmetology product SPA technology anti-cellulite cream with chili pepper from the TianDe brand. The main purpose of SPA technology is to break down fats and remove them from the body. Due to this, volumes should decrease, and the skin becomes smoother and velvety. The product has an orange color and a strong smell. The consistency is oily and creamy, but it absorbs well into the body. The company advises just applying it to the body, but the action is not felt like that, so it’s better to use a brush and massage the areas with cellulite well, and then apply a layer of cream on top and wrap it with cling film. The procedure can take from 40 minutes to 3 hours. At first, the burning sensation is not felt, and then it collapses with full power. But the work of pepper on the body is immediately felt.

You can buy for 500 rubles.

With chili pepper SPA technology TianDe
  • With regular use, it helps to significantly reduce volumes;
  • Increases elasticity and evens out skin relief;
  • Eliminates orange peel;
  • Economic use;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Used for weight loss.
  • Must be patient, not suitable for sensitive skin.

Eveline "Slimming Cream Slimness + Elasticity. Anti-cellulite»

The products of the Polish company Eveline are actively praised, in particular their Slimming Cream + Elasticity.Anti-cellulite". It is recommended for stretch marks and orange peel. In addition, the manufacturer assures that the product reduces adipose tissue, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the figure, modeling its slender and attractive outlines. The composition includes such important components as collagen, elastin, Ginkgo biloba extracts, Lipocell-Slim complex and kelp seaweed. The cream is dense in texture, but is well absorbed into the applied areas. The aroma is menthol and invigorating. You can simply apply it to clean skin, but it will be much more effective if you thoroughly scrub the neglected areas of the body before that, then apply a slimming cream and then wrap yourself with cling film. The procedure lasts at your discretion, but do not delay more than three hours. The most comfortable 40 minutes. In the process, a tantalizing chill is felt.

The cost is about 250 rubles.

Eveline "Slimming Cream Slimness + Elasticity. Anti-cellulite»
  • Reasonable price;
  • Suitable for stretch marks and for weight loss;
  • Well suited for procedures at home;
  • Can be used for bath and bath;
  • Reviews are the best;
  • Pleasant chill in the process.
  • From one cream of weight loss will not.


Our article has shown a rating of the best anti-cellulite body creams for 2022, but you need to know that not all the best products are included there, because there are many active products. Sometimes you read a review, and you see that one person is satisfied with the tool, and the other calls it a dummy. Why such a difference of opinion? Everything is elementary here. No remedy alone will solve the problem of cellulite, stretch marks and weight loss. In order not to make annoying mistakes when choosing, set yourself up for responsible work with your own body.To do this, you need to revise your diet and add physical activity. “Why do I need cream then?” - you ask. Then, that food and sports are not able to give the body a caring effect, and it is this function that any anti-cellulite products perform. And cellulite care products help increase blood flow, thereby affecting hated fat cells.

It will also be great if you take into the habit of such a tradition as taking a contrast shower and after carrying out useful procedures for yourself. Regular care of the body, lack of laziness and the desire to reach the intended goal will certainly be rewarded with a wonderful result.

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