
  1. General device
  2. Modern types of cats
  3. Do-it-yourself cat making questions
  4. The process of putting on climbing crampons
  5. Difficulties of choice
  6. Best climbing cats for 2022
  7. Summarizing

Ranking of the best cats for climbers for 2022

Ranking of the best cats for climbers for 2022

Crampons are considered a necessary element of tourist equipment for mountain tourism or mountain sports: mountaineering, ice climbing, ski mountaineering, drytooling and the like. Devices are a special metal structure that is attached to shoes and is used for reliable movement on firn (compacted snow), ice, or rocks. On the shoe sole is the base of the device, from which sharp teeth emanate, resembling cat paws with claws. The functionality of the entire device lies in these teeth, which, when passing through compacted snow, greatly simplify walking, properly distributing the weight of the human body. The pointed tips, which serve as a supporting element, simply cut the snow layer, which allows the athlete not to spend additional effort on trampling the path with the entire area of ​​​​the shoe.To climb the ice cliffs, climbing crampons will become the most necessary item - their claws will cling to the ice surface, preventing the climber from falling down.

General device

Modern models of the devices in question, as a rule, include two components in their design: the front part is fixed on the toe of the shoe, and the back part is fixed on the heel. Both of these parts are equipped with sharp iron teeth, which are the functional element of the cat. At the same time, the design also includes special fasteners for fixing the device on the boots.

IMPORTANT! Previously, people preferred to use models with a monolithic platform, however, it turned out that such options are inferior in efficiency to separate models, because. the latter distribute weight better.Thus, in our time, samples with a one-piece platform are very difficult to find on sale.

Number of teeth

The design of cats can have a different number of teeth, which will affect their design:

  1. Ten-toothed - such samples are the simplest and are not used for movement in particularly difficult conditions. They are designed for climbing snowy slopes with a small slope or suitable for driving on flat horizontal glaciers. It is worth noting that they are applicable to any type of shoe.
  2. Twelve-toothed - they have two additional teeth, which means they are more stable. In such models, along with standard vertical claws, a pair of additional ones is provided, located at the level of the middle of the sole. They are intended for descents on slopes with sharp corners. These samples are often used in classical mountaineering and ice climbing.
  3. Monoteeth - such models have a single front claw versus two that are installed on standard models. From this it is clear that the total number of claws is 11 pieces. This design allows for more accurate foot placement on the surface and makes it easier to use the welt, such as when climbing rocks. Monotooth cats weakly destroy the ice surface at the moment of fixing, which is carried out due to deeper penetration into a single point. Usually, a monotooth is a removable element and can be easily replaced with two standard claws.

Fixing systems

In total, there are three ways to attach cats to shoes:

  • automatic;
  • Semiautomatic;
  • Tethered (soft) mount.

The auto fastener consists of a rear frog brace and a front retaining brace.This type of grip is the most comfortable in use, providing a real hard-hold adhesion that is only suitable for double-edged boots with braces.

On the other hand, the soft fastening is versatile, as their strap and elastic grips allow fastening on almost any type of shoe. It is worth mentioning that such a system is less rigid, because a person does not need to have certain skills in order to conveniently and tightly fix them.

Next: semi-automatic fasteners - they can combine the properties of both previous options, when the front tethered girth is connected to the rear fixing "frog". Accordingly, it is possible to fix such variants of crampons on boots with double welts, this is especially true for special (but not ordinary !!!) climbing shoes.

As a standard of modern style (for the segment of mountain shoes in the “hi-fashion” category), it is possible to cite three options for fastening on the example of products from Grivel (hereinafter, the markings are indicated):

  • "С-O-M, Сramp-O-Matic" - automatic fastening;
  • "New Matic" - semi-automatic mount;
  • "New Classic" - soft tether.

Today, crampon sets on the market are immediately equipped with some options for fasteners and fastenings, in order to ensure that the user has the opportunity to adapt them to the existing arsenal of "athlete/tourist" mountain shoes. A striking example here is the devices from the Petzel company with the LLF Universal technology, which allows changing the form of its fixation from semi-automatic to automatic, and vice versa.

In any case, the method of fixing crampons should be selected in direct proportion to the model of footwear that is supposed to be used.And this will depend on the features of the terrain to be overcome. In overwhelming cases, many models of cats have systems for convenient adjustment to shoe size. Nevertheless, you need to make sure on the spot, at the time of purchase, that this or that model of crampons really fits the chosen type of mountain boot. This factor is especially relevant if it is supposed to use non-standard options, when the boot size is either very small or very large.

Modern types of cats

Climbing crampons, which are used by tourists and athletes of our time, can be divided into four main types:

  • Soft - they are perfect for ski tourism or climbing on glaciers, because they are considered, in this case, universal devices. Their clasp consists of plastic fasteners and allows you to wear such devices on almost any boot. Usually, such samples are used during not very difficult hikes on icy surfaces, firns and snowfields. However, their mount wears out very quickly, moreover, it is not very firmly fixed on the boot.
  • Rigid - they are better adapted to uplifting the back edge of the boots. Rigid samples are characterized by a special fixation system, which is provided by metal staples (as opposed to plastic ones). It is convenient to adjust such models by means of a special controlled mechanism, which is made in the form of an adjusting wheel located in the rear mounting part. It is worth noting that they are not designed for any footwear: for them, climbing boots must have front and rear welts. Over time, due to the proper adjustment of cats, it is generally possible not to regulate them.In general, hard models are best used on classic climbing routes where intermediate difficulty or purely technical climbing is foreseen.
  • Semi-rigid - this option is exclusively sporty and is intended for sport ice climbing. Their design includes a metal "frog" on the back and plastic claws on the front. For the use of such samples, special mountain boots with a hard rear edge will be required. The main advantage of semi-rigid models is their flexibility, due to which better depreciation rates are achieved, while increasing resistance to deformation. They can be quite seriously fixed on the shoes, violating its integrity. It is quite possible to call this type universal for most types of footwear for climbers;
  • Anti-slips - they are simple plates that are fixed on the inner sole of the crampons. Their purpose is to prevent cats from sticking with snow - namely, this factor reduces the effectiveness of the devices in question. They are made of stretchable plastic and last from 1 to 3 seasons (depending on the quality of the material). For climbs that are not particularly difficult, they can be an extremely economical option.

Do-it-yourself cat making questions

In the old days, the availability of high-quality mountain equipment was available only to mountain shooters from various power units. Such injustice gave rise to the mass production of handicraft models of cats, which were not very reliable. However, some craftsmen "from blacksmithing" were quite capable of forging massive cats (usually from steel).The essence of the handicraft technology was that the claws were made separately, and then, using special screws, they were fixed on ordinary climbing shoes. If you dig deeper into the history of this fact, then, according to the bushes, it was preferable to fix cats on hockey skates. This method justified itself by the fact that the sole of a hockey skate is extremely resistant to manual modifications. The oldest and most popular method of producing artisanal cats “at home” is the method of attaching an iron plate with small teeth, which is fixed to the front of a hockey boot. The entire structure is held by steel rings, along which a dense tarpaulin belt is passed, which makes it possible to strengthen the fixation.

The danger of homemade

Today, the risk of creating and using homemade products is absolutely not justified. And the question is not even that the technological process will take a lot of time and require a lot of effort from the master, which will simply be due to a decrease in the degree of safety of using such a device. This can be explained as follows: any screw that is screwed in the wrong order (outside of factory production) will definitely have an effect when the user climbs sheer ice. Moreover, a poorly made device is quite capable of simply flying off the leg, damaging the boot, and even injuring the lower limb.

Important! It is always worth remembering that mountain equipment is not the elements of an extreme hike that you can save on. User safety is paramount!

The process of putting on climbing crampons

In principle, there are not so many tips for putting equipment on boots, but they should be followed.This is especially true if the user is going to visit difficult areas:

  • The length of the base of the cat should be thoroughly adjusted to the length of the boot. When putting on, the heel is first installed, then the toe. Then, you need to adjust the length of the size bar (if the model allows it), after which you need to fix the equipment properly (without breaks).
  • After the main fixation, it is necessary to adjust the size of the front and back parts of the crampons.
  • Further, when the cat is in a fixed state, it is required to tighten the safety belt to the stop. The resulting sling will not allow the device to fall off the foot in the event that the main retainer inadvertently jumps off.

Difficulties of choice

The main principle of selecting cats is their adaptability to the development of the future route to be conquered. It should be remembered that aggressive cat paws with pointed teeth, coupled with a rigid mount, are only suitable for difficult routes, which abound on surfaces with ice.

Lightweight models, with a reduced number of teeth, are intended for movement on firn or fragile ice.

Rules for the care of climbing cats

As a rule, cats are made of EXACTLY rusting alloys. Thus, storage should take place in proper condition, exposure to moisture should be prevented and they should be "listened" to squeaks when used. It is always worth checking the crampons for correct fastening: they should not hang out. If such situations take place, then it is necessary to fasten the bolts (for older versions) and damaged rivets in a timely manner. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the buckle straps.Any damage to these elements, even the smallest, must be excluded.

Transport conditions

Undoubtedly, the usual sharpened teeth are effective enough for thin ice, which allows the user to move on it without problems. Nevertheless, they can also do harm if their use and transportation "leave much to be desired." From this it is clear that if the cats are not “on their feet”, then it is preferable to carry them in one way: to equip them in a special bag made of durable fabric, which is simply impossible to make a hole, after putting rubber tips on the claws (which are very difficult to find in size). ).

Sharpening "claws"

As well as any object that should have sharpened edges, this device (cat) wears out and becomes dull. Sharpening of fangs for cats should be done before each season, sometimes even more often if it involves long trips. To a greater extent, this applies to both ice and rock climbing. To sharpen claws, you can use both a simple file and machine equipment. The main thing is that the following requirements must be met:

  • Before starting turning, thoroughly clean the worktable from dirt, dust, sand;
  • In the case of using a vice, clamping the structure of the crampons should occur as accurately as possible, but at the same time reliably;
  • Sharpening spikes should not end with a too pointed upper end - a tip of 1.5-2 millimeters will be sufficient to break through ice;
  • At the end of the sharpening operation, you must make sure that there are no burrs;
  • The final step will be washing the resulting device and drying it.

Best climbing cats for 2022

Budget segment

3rd place: "Anti-slip for cats C12"

A variant of simple anti-podlips for cats that are not characterized by anything special. They are able to establish, more or less, reliable adhesion to the surface (necessarily together with crampons), on which the athlete / tourist ascends. Nevertheless, they have proven themselves not badly, judging by the reviews of the indigenous inhabitants of the permafrost regions (USA, Russia, Canada). Perfectly able to prevent the appearance of frost on cats. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1000 rubles.

Anti-slip for cats C12
  • Comparatively normal resistant rubber backing;
  • Good overcoming of snow sticking;
  • Very democratic price.
  • Increased wear.


A good representative of the budget class, which has a large number of teeth. Judging by the reviews, it is quite suitable for overcoming horizontal icy surfaces. Its spikes, although they seem impressive, are definitely not suitable for conquering Everest. It's all about the weak alloy used, which, although hard, can collapse at the slightest sharp mechanical shock, which for this device is an overload. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1300 rubles.

  • Adequate price for 10 "fangs";
  • Great option for beginners;
  • Convenient mounts.
  • Not suitable for long climbs.

1st place: "ICE MASTER / LARGE 42/44"

These cats are an excellent item that can prevent falls from an icy slope and at high altitude.The model is available in 4 sizes, which allows you to adapt them to any shoes. The teeth are sharpened in a special way, which means confident grip on reliable surface points, additionally supporting body weight. These cats will be useful both for hunting participants and for trekking and mountain running. The recommended cost for retail chains is 3200 rubles.

  • 12 powder coated metal teeth;
  • 4 sizes in assortment;
  • Case for transportation and storage.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Climbing Technology ICE CLASSIC"

The design of this device has 12 teeth, which is a classic option. Mounts are made of soft plastic. At the same time, the kit includes anti-slip pads and a bag for transportation. In the manufacture of this model, all past "negatives" were taken into account, which did not pass the certification of CE, EN and UIAA standards, as well as the ISO 9001:2008 quality system. At present, all processes are regulated at the level of the competent EU authorities. The recommended cost for retail chains is 4300 rubles.

Climbing Technology ICE CLASSIC
  • Good "crabs" (professionalism) of the middle level;
  • Sufficient initial set;
  • Certification according to European standards.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "FROST Cats"

This model is optimal for winter trekking (which implies the possible training of military special forces). The design assumes a six-prong base with adjustable shoe size. At the same time, the adjustable fit of the boot is carried out with the help of ratchet locks, which are not designed for NATO boot standards.From this it is clear that the cat can only be fixed individually, by adjusting its base to the appropriate boot. The recommended cost for retail chains is 6,000 rubles.

FROST cats
  • Available EU certificates;
  • The material of the claws is chrome-plated steel;
  • Adequate price.
  • Under the military model - it is difficult to fit;
  • Big weight - 554 grams.

1st place: "STALKER - UNIVERSAL"

This sample is a completely updated version with universal mounts. They are durable and stand several positions higher in terms of availability in terms of quality. Their new properties lie in the hybrid connection of steel with flexible plastic plates, which together makes movement on ice as stable as possible. Boots fit almost any, from simple to special mountain or trekking. Fastening is carried out by nylon straps, which have proven their reliability. The recommended cost for retail chains is 10,500 rubles.

  • Reliable nylon fastening;
  • Hybrid technology of plastic plates;
  • Reasonable price for comfort.
  • Not detected.

Premium class

3rd place: Grivel G1 Classic

These crampons represent a new class due to their updated flexible platform. Despite their sufficient mass, they are able to fully satisfy all the needs of both an industrial climber and an amateur climber. Fastening to shoes is carried out with reliable nylon straps, which are equipped with stable clamps. The recommended cost for retail chains is 8500 rubles.

Grivel G1 Classic
  • Soft mount;
  • Sufficient stability;
  • Democratic price.
  • Not detected.


This option, in principle, is ideal for people involved in industrial mountaineering. There are 12 claws in the model, 2 of them are forged (which means their durability). It is possible to switch to a monotooth. The three internal tines help keep the body weight at the right height and provide the maximum load on the foot for traction when holding on to the slope. The remaining teeth maintain the desired immobility of the body position at a height. The kit includes: anti-slip pads and a carrying case. It is worth noting that the "claws" have anti-corrosion treatment.

  • Extended delivery set;
  • Variability in the formation of the hooking foot;
  • Anti-corrosion treatment of "claws".
  • Not detected.

1st Place: "Singing Rock Lucifer III Tech"

In this model, the front teeth act as length adjusters, moreover, they were given a couple of holes, since the toe itself became little needed. In this model, the geometry of the teeth has changed dramatically and their average pair has increased in length. The kit comes with Bouncer Fakir III anti-slips - they are made of soft metal, which is adapted to work effectively at low temperatures. The recommended cost for retail chains is 15,000 rubles.

Singing Rock Lucifer III Tech
  • Application of innovative technologies;
  • Possibility of work in the conditions of low temperatures;
  • Good set.
  • High price


Climbing crampons are the best option for extreme enthusiasts (as well as athletes) who want to protect themselves on “unstable” routes. In addition, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable model for themselves, which will serve "faithfully" for many years, of course, subject to proper operation and care for it.

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