
  1. Causes of pungent foot odor and profuse sweat
  2. How to choose the right drug
  3. The best medicines
  4. best remedy for sweaty feet
  5. Folk remedies for sweating and smelly feet
  6. Conclusion

The best remedy for sweating and smelly feet for 2022

The best remedy for sweating and smelly feet for 2022

Foot odor is a depressing problem for most people. Those who know this firsthand experience great discomfort and inconvenience in the social sphere, the unfortunate have many complexes. Moreover, this problem remains urgent throughout the year. In the summer heat, the foot begins to sweat even in light open shoes, and in winter, moisture and smell become especially unbearable. It becomes embarrassing if you need to take off your shoes at a party or in the hospital: the nauseating "ombre" introduces into the paint. There is a solution - special remedies for sweating and foot odor.

Causes of pungent foot odor and profuse sweat

With increased sweating of the feet, the moisture that the feet secrete is actively absorbed into shoes and socks, thereby forming a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria. And therefore, not only the smell begins to disturb, but also the painful itching.

What are the causes of excessive sweating? First of all it is:

  • uncomfortable, tight or poor-quality shoes;
  • synthetic socks;
  • some diseases of the internal organs;
  • genetic feature;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • neurological disorders;
  • viral infections;
  • fungus;
  • lack of certain vitamins.

At the same time, if the "aroma" becomes strong, then this means only one thing - foot hygiene is not respected. Or observed irregularly.

In order to completely get rid of such a problem as excessive moisture separation and a hateful smell, you first need to:

  • regularly, 2 times a day, wash your feet with warm water and antibacterial soap;
  • visit doctors: therapist, endocrinologist, dermatologist and treat the underlying diseases that may be the root cause of the problem;
  • use medicines and other means prescribed by the doctor.

An integrated approach and proper treatment usually gives a great positive result.

How to choose the right drug

To get rid of such a delicate problem as excessive sweating and odor, there are many different drugs and methods. The criteria for choosing a tool contain such important points as:

  • popularity of models and the brand in general;
  • budget average price;
  • user reviews;
  • the composition of the drug.

Cosmetics and medicines for sweating come in different types: these are pastes, gels, ointments, powders, liquid preparations and sprays. What to look for and how not to make mistakes when choosing, our rating of the best remedies for sweating and smelly feet for 2022 will tell you.

The best medicines

Pasta Lassara

Average price: 21-25 rubles.

Salicylic-zinc paste is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases. Excellent dries and has a bactericidal effect. Pasta Lassar successfully treat acne, pustular skin lesions and ulcers. As part of the product: salicyl, zinc and petroleum jelly, which actively softens the skin.

Perfectly helps with sweating feet, can be used even with damage such as microcracks.

Important: when treating not only the legs, but also the armpits, it is advisable not to replace the Lassar paste with its analogue - salicylic-zinc ointment, since it does not contain petroleum jelly and it can dry out the skin.

Pasta Lassara
  • low cost;
  • the ability to use for wounds and ulcers;
  • has a softening effect;
  • can be used not only on the skin of the feet, but also on other, more sensitive areas of the body.
  • not detected.

Teymur paste

Average price: 40-42 rubles.


Of all the drugs included in the list of rating drugs, this paste has the most complex composition. The main ingredient of the drug, which is a powerful antiseptic, is boric acid. Further included are:

  • methenamine (eliminates odor);
  • talc (dries out the skin);
  • borax (prevents the paste from spoiling);
  • salicylic acid (exfoliates dead cells, dries and disinfects the skin);
  • formaldehyde, zinc and lead - prevent the growth of microorganisms.
Teymur paste
  • budget price;
  • universality (can be used in other parts of the body: armpits, groin area);
  • does not require constant use;
  • has a cumulative effect.
  • can only be applied to healthy, undamaged skin.


Average price: 41-44 rubles.

For those who do not really like pastes and ointments, there is an excellent analogue - Galmanin powder. Sold in small jars or bags. It can be used even for those people who have very dry, prone to irritability, skin.

This tool contains:

  • salicylic acid;
  • zinc oxide;
  • talc;
  • starch.
  • mild effect on the skin;
  • budget price.
  • used for mild manifestations of excessive sweating.

Five days (5D)

Average price: 75-172 rubles.

Sold in sachets, it normalizes the processes of sweating and removes all unnecessary odors well. Gives a strong refreshing, antibacterial and cooling effect. It has a cumulative property and after one course of treatment retains a stable result.

They can be treated directly on the surface of the skin of the foot or applied to clothing. Powder can be poured into shoes if it is planned to wear it for a long time, more than 5 hours. With regular processing of shoes during the week, a long freshness is preserved, up to 5-6 months.

The composition of the drug:

  • boric acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • zinc oxide;
  • camphor;
  • menthol;
  • triclosan.
Five days (5D)
  • long-term effect;
  • quick result;
  • dries, refreshes, prevents irritation.
  • contraindications for dry skin.


Average price: 180-200 rubles.


Formagel is produced in the form of a colorless gel, in aluminum tubes of 10 and 15 gr.The structure of the product allows the complete absorption of all components into the skin, which maximizes their therapeutic effect. After application, the gel forms a kind of protective film that eliminates allergic reactions and irritations.

Formagel is known for its high degree of effectiveness in the treatment of excessive sweating in a short time.

The composition of the drug:

  • formaldehyde;
  • water-soluble methylcellulose;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • refreshes and deodorizes the skin.
  • after 40 minutes of application, it is required to wash off the product.


Average price: 130-150 rubles.


Urotropin is a strong antimicrobial agent based on methanamine. It has a complex composition and is used in the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system, skin rashes and excessive sweating. Available in liquid, tablet or powder form.

  • budget cost;
  • high efficiency.
  • use only on skin that does not contain damage;
  • has a wide range of side effects.

best remedy for sweaty feet

Some medicines, such as ointments and pastes, take a long time to be absorbed. Gels and liquid preparations are absorbed much faster. Well, deodorants can be sprayed immediately before dressing - they do not leave marks. Cosmetic sprays differ among themselves in ways of influencing the problem: some stop the release of moisture and refresh, others have a long-term healing effect.

Faberlic Expert

Average price: 149-200 rubles.

Faberlic Expert antiperspirant cream with talc effect is Swedish cosmetics from well-known best manufacturers.You will not find it in a pharmacy or a regular store, you need to order it in an online store, on the official website of Faberlic or from brand representatives.

The cream effectively regulates the intensity of perspiration on the soles of the feet, gives menthol freshness and comfort for the whole day.

The cream contains many complex ingredients, here is just a small list: purified water, aluminum chloride, cetearyl alcohol, isopropyl miristate, propylparaben, perfume fragrance and other components.

Antiperspirant cream Faberlic Expert
  • blocks the release of sweat;
  • refreshes;
  • gives the skin softness and elasticity;
  • absorbs quickly and leaves no residue.
  • are not available.


Average price: 230-270 rubles.

Scholl foot deodorant antiperspirant is produced by an English cosmetics company. It perfectly copes with the elimination of excess aromas and excess moisture, has fungicidal properties. It contains active ingredients such as cyclomethicone, aluminum hydrochloride, propylene carbonate and perfume compositions.

You can use deodorant daily, which is perfectly refreshing and helps prevent the appearance and development of the fungus.

Scholl Foot Antiperspirant Deodorant
  • pleasant perfume fragrance;
  • Ease of use;
  • inexpensive.
  • not detected.

Dry-dry (Dry-Dry)

Average price: 750-800 rubles.

Dry-Dry has developed a wide range of products to combat odor and heavy sweating. One of them is a spray of the same name, which is produced in Sweden.

The drug is relatively expensive, but its price is justified by its high efficiency and economy of use (1 bottle for 6 months).How to use the product: once every few days, on the washed surface of the skin.

The composition of the spray includes:

  • aluminum chloride hydrate (actively narrows pores, forms a thin invisible film);
  • denatured alcohol;
  • flavors.
Spray Dry-Dry
  • long period of exposure;
  • short soak time (15 sec.);
  • antimicrobial action;
  • cooling effect.
  • can not be used on sensitive skin with damage;
  • has a number of contraindications;
  • high price.


Average price: 850-900 rubles.

According to buyers, Odorex foot spray gives a strong refreshing and antiseptic effect. The drug acts for a long time, after the first use it reduces excess moisture by half. It is also an antiseptic and is applied only to the skin. Do not spray on clothes or shoes. The spray contains the following ingredients:

  • methamphetamine;
  • aluminum chloride;
  • ethanol;
  • glycerol;
  • fragrance.

Before applying deodorant, wash your feet with soap and dry them. Use the spray directly before going to bed and wash it off with water in the morning, without the addition of cleaning agents. It is necessary to do this procedure for 3 days, then rest for 10 days and repeat again according to the scheme.

  • long duration of action;
  • fast and long-term effect;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • contraindicated for damaged skin.

Choosing the right deodorant is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The search for a remedy for the smell of sweat should be approached very responsibly. You can’t just take the first drug you like from the shelf, you need to thoroughly study the composition and type of product.

In addition to sprays that need to be sprayed, there are also antiperspirants in the form of cream and gel deodorants. Which one to choose and what to rely on when determining - you need to proceed from personal preferences and medical indications.


Average price: 230-250 rubles.

Rexona Foot Deodorant Gel provides ultra-fast sweat odor protection for up to 24 hours, even if you are actively exercising. Suitable for men and women, has a large number of favorable reviews from consumers. It reduces the intensity of moisture separation, regulates the water balance and blocks the growth of microorganisms and bacteria that cause an unpleasant and persistent odor. It has a pleasant and delicate texture, quickly absorbed and leaves no residue.

The gel contains many ingredients: water, propylene glycol, perfume fragrances and others.

Rexona foot deodorant gel
  • Ease of use;
  • sustainable effect;
  • normalizes the process of sweating.
  • not detected.

Gehwol Med

Average price: 650-700 rubles.

Gehwol Med foot deodorant cream effectively eliminates the pungent smell of sweat and normalizes perspiration. Designed for people with sensitive skin and for diabetics.

The composition of the cream includes:

  • manuka oil;
  • zinc oxide;
  • jojoba oil;
  • aloe vera.

All these ingredients perfectly prevent the development of fungal diseases and the spread of bacteria, as well as soften the skin.

Gehwol Med foot deodorant cream
  • high efficiency;
  • softening and moisturizing;
  • antibacterial effect.
  • not detected.


Average price: 960-1250 rubles.

Mavala foot gel from the Swiss cosmetics line provides a pleasant refreshing effect and prevents unpleasant odors.

The gel contains a unique Deo-active complex, which has a targeted effect and carefully cares for the skin of the legs throughout the day. It is an antiseptic and is applied to dry, clean skin of the foot twice a day. It has a light and gentle scent.

Mavala foot gel
  • light refreshing effect;
  • very fast absorption;
  • Ease of use;
  • high quality product.
  • sensitive to sub-zero temperatures;
  • Do not use on damaged skin.

Folk remedies for sweating and smelly feet

There are many ways to solve the problem of unpleasant odor and sweating of the feet on your own, at home. They are completely harmless, but require regular implementation and a long time for results to appear. Ideally, you need to combine folk methods and medical methods of treatment for a quick effect.

Options for baths from infusion of herbs:

  • mint and nettle;
  • sea ​​salt and chamomile;
  • oak bark and birch buds;
  • decoction of sage;
  • decoction of veronica;
  • rowan leaves.

You need to choose one option from the proposed list. Mix herbs one to one, by eye. Boil and insist on a water bath. Then strain and dilute with warm water in a container in which baths are made.

Before performing the procedure, it is important to test for an allergic reaction: apply a decoction to a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. After washing your feet with antibacterial soap, you can proceed. It is necessary to do such baths every day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.


To get rid of the problem of excessive sweating and bad smell of feet is possible only if you use an integrated approach. To do this, you need to conduct an examination of your body, strictly monitor the hygiene of your feet, shoes and clothes, and use medicinal and cosmetic preparations. If you strictly follow all these rules, then the problem will disappear in a short time. Take care of your health and you will always be full of strength and energy!

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