
  1. What's the use?
  2. Top 16 Finest Almond Flour in 2022
  3. Top 2 best wholemeal almond flour in 2022

The best almond flour for 2022

The best almond flour for 2022

Almond flour is ground almonds to a certain consistency. It is customary to add it to various pastries: cakes, cookies, muffins and other desserts. The article will list only the most popular and high-quality products.

What's the use?

  • hemoglobin increases if consumed regularly;
  • vitamin E, which affects vision, and also fights insomnia and seizures;
  • reduce acidity in the stomach - recommended for people with an ulcer (consult a specialist first);
  • cleansing the blood of cholesterol plaques;
  • reduces the risk of developing a heart attack;
  • beneficial effect on blood sugar levels - recommended for people with an increased risk of diabetes.

Calorie content and composition

Almond flour is one of the most high-calorie. This is due to the fact that nuts themselves are not particularly low in calories, hence the result: an average of 527 calories per 100 grams.

Now let's go through the BJU:

  • proteins - 23 g;
  • fats - 47 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14 g.

It also contains a huge amount of microelements and vitamins useful for the body (vitamins of group B, choline, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, calcium).

Let's get down to the best brands of almond flour.

Top 16 Finest Almond Flour in 2022

Vega Green

1 place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value645 kcal
Squirrels18.6 g
Fats 57.7 g
Carbohydrates16.2 g
Manufacturer countryChile
average price599 rub.
almond flour VegaGreen
  • good taste;
  • economical consumption;
  • no foreign impurities;
  • great quality;
  • sealed packaging;
  • a special clip is attached to the package;
  • large package;
  • there are no unnecessary and extraneous odors;
  • smells delicious.
  • Not found.

According to numerous reviews, pastries are delicious, moderately moist. True, some write that the composition may contain an admixture of "wheat", but there are only a few such reviews.

Spirulina food

2nd place

Weight: 100 g.

Glutennot specified
The energy value572 kcal
Squirrels21 g
Fats 68 g
Carbohydrates6 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price431 rub.
almond flour Spirulina food
  • fresh;
  • neatly packaged;
  • no debris inside;
  • without foreign odors and impurities;
  • excellent quality;
  • fresh aroma;
  • clean;
  • suitable for pasta;
  • homogeneous;
  • not wet.
  • small volume.

An extra-class product that does not spoil pastries, but rather helps to create the most delicious pastries, cakes, muffins, Italian biscotti cookies and much more.


3rd place

Weight: 1000 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value650 kcal
Squirrels24.8 g
Fats 58 g
Carbohydrates12 g
Manufacturer countrySpain
average price1080 rub.
premium almond flour
  • clean;
  • small;
  • quality;
  • fresh;
  • not wet;
  • homogeneous grinding;
  • sweet and pleasant taste.
  • None.

Universal unbleached product, which consists of 100% blanched almonds, which explains its naturalness and taste.


4th place

Weight: 100 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value610 kcal
Squirrels26 g
Fats 54 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price278 rub.
almond flour Pudov
  • small;
  • well sieved;
  • good rich taste of almonds;
  • natural;
  • long shelf life;
  • pleasant aroma in baking;
  • moderately moist.
  • high cost for 100 grams.

The flour is good, but for making desserts and pastries, you need to learn how to use it. Otherwise, everything will fall apart and crumble. According to confectioners, it can be pre-dried so that it is not too wet.

Gflour ТМ Gflour

5th place

Weight: 70 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value268 kcal
Squirrels15 g
Fats 8.4 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price2657 rub.
almond flour Gflour ТМ Gflour
  • light;
  • delicious;
  • fresh;
  • moderately dry, but at the same time moist;
  • no foreign smell;
  • pronounced taste of almonds.
  • Were not found.

Products of this brand are certified according to AOECS standards. In cooking, it is as malleable as its composition allows. It doesn't keep very long, but the consumption will not be slow either.


6th place

Weight: 100 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value602 kcal
Squirrels26 g
Fats 55 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countrySpain
average price327 rub.
Greenformula almond flour
  • good grinding;
  • rich and pleasant taste;
  • quality;
  • price.
  • None.

The product is of high quality, dishes from this flour are excellent - tasty and fragrant. The cake comes out moist and dense. Keep it not worth it where the constant rays of the sun. In addition, the maximum temperature that the product can withstand is +25 degrees.

Nut product

7th place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value652 kcal
Squirrels21 g
Fats 68 g
Carbohydrates6 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price668 rub.
almond flour
  • fresh;
  • tastes like real almonds;
  • delicious;
  • moderately oily;
  • securely packaged;
  • fragrant;
  • no big lumps;
  • suitable for making pasta;
  • little screening even with one screening;
  • nice consistency.
  • None.

The manufacturer points out that almonds go through a rigorous selection during production: only large and high-quality nuts are selected. When grinding, almonds do not lose their beneficial properties.


8th place

Weight: 1000 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value645 kcal
Squirrels18.6 g
Fats 57.7 g
Carbohydrates16.2 g
Manufacturer countryChile
average price1089 rub.
almond flour NATURALINO
  • sealed packaging;
  • best before date;
  • consistency;
  • excellent pronounced aroma of almonds;
  • versatility (you can cook confectionery and other dishes);
  • the packaging does not let the rays of the sun through;
  • no foreign smell;
  • without impurities from other types of flour.
  • Were not found.

This product pleases not only with excellent taste, but also with good consistency. Moreover, it is used not only by amateurs, but also by professional confectioners who have trusted this brand for a long time.


9th place

Weight: 150 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value578 kcal
Squirrels21.26 g
Fats 50.64 g
Carbohydrates19.74 g
Manufacturer countryIndia
average price263 rub.
Abury almond flour
  • quality;
  • almond flavor;
  • no chemical smell;
  • light and airy texture;
  • optimal volume;
  • clean;
  • budget cost;
  • light - without unnecessary impurities.
  • None.

Delicious flour, from which good and high-quality confectionery products are obtained. It is important to properly store the product so that it does not deteriorate quickly.


10th place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value645 kcal
Squirrels16 g
Fats 45 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price308 rub.
Flip almond flour
  • sealed packaging;
  • easy to store;
  • normal shelf life
  • no unpleasant odors;
  • price;
  • natural aroma and taste of almonds.
  • None.

It is recommended to store the product in a dry place with low air humidity, and most importantly - in a place where there is no direct access to sunlight. The maximum temperature is +25 degrees. In the manufacture of flour, only high-quality peeled almonds were used. Suitable for any baking: muffins, pasta, macaroons, cakes. Also, many make amazing pancakes and cheesecakes from this product.


11th place

Weight: 100 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value602 kcal
Squirrels26 g
Fats 55 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryChile
average price299 rub.
almond flour MUTE COOKING 100% ORGANIC
  • persistent aroma of almonds even in ready-made pastries;
  • quality nuts;
  • resistance to temperatures (from -15 to + 25);
  • hermetic packaging - does not allow air to pass through and closes tightly;
  • no off-flavours;
  • without lumps (if there are, they easily turn into “dust”);
  • fresh;
  • small expense;
  • no extra impurities;
  • quality.
  • None.

Please note that the manufacturer does not recommend this product for use by children under 3 years of age and pregnant women. Small particles of almond husks are visible in the flour, which only makes it more beneficial for digestion and the body.


12th place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value602 kcal
Squirrels26 g
Fats 54 g
Carbohydrates14 g
Manufacturer countryChile
average price599 rub.
almond flour Dattie
  • favorable volume;
  • quality goods;
  • pleasant taste;
  • medicinal properties are preserved;
  • easy to cook;
  • secure storage bag
  • volume;
  • economy.
  • None.

Flour is demanding on storage conditions, especially since the packaging is transparent, which means that it must be protected from direct sunlight. Moreover, it withstands relatively small temperature changes - from 0 degrees to +20. By itself, almond powder is good because it is moderately dry and moderately moist, which helps to achieve the desired consistency for baking.


13th place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value602 kcal
Squirrels25.8 g
Fats 54.5 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price677 rub.
almond flour NO SUGAR
  • good quality;
  • suitable even for making bread;
  • brand;
  • reliable packaging;
  • fresh goods;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • well dried;
  • fine grinding;
  • clean - no extra impurities;
  • no unpleasant odor.
  • cost compared to high carbohydrate flour.

According to the reviews, the flour fully meets all the requirements. Moreover, even the most fastidious customers were satisfied with the result of using this product: “all the pastries were a success”, “the pasta turned out to be excellent, smooth and beautiful”.

Breadbasket of health

14th place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value610 kcal
Squirrels26 g
Fats 54 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price259 rub.
almond flour Zhitnitsa health
  • quality;
  • natural taste;
  • without impurities;
  • no foreign smell;
  • there is no need to additionally dry the flour in the oven before cooking;
  • versatility - suitable for different baking;
  • sealed packaging for storage;
  • fresh;
  • easy to cook - you do not need to follow special rules for baking to be a success.
  • None.

Great option for professional and home use. But you need to store in a closed place with a minimum percentage of humidity. Also, the manufacturer separately indicates that, thanks to a special grinding technology, the flour retains as many beneficial properties for the body as possible.

Justsneks Extra fine

15th place

Weight: 1000 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value602 kcal
Squirrels26 g
Fats 54 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countrySpain
average price1297 rub.
almond flour Justsneks Extra fine
  • suitable for cooking any baking;
  • smells good;
  • no stale and unpleasant odor;
  • good grinding of the right size;
  • high quality;
  • the taste of almonds is felt;
  • natural;
  • in baking there is a not too pronounced nutty taste;
  • can be used in the preparation of sweets;
  • clean grind.
  • packaging without a zip - a package - must be poured into a more reliable container for storage.

The Spanish manufacturer vouches for the excellent quality and taste of the goods. Also, buyers have never come across expired flour or with beetles and food moths. If stored correctly, it will last for a long time, since the average consumption is not very large due to the properties of the almond itself.

Oleg Pekar

16th place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value645 kcal
Squirrels18.6 g
Fats 57.7 g
Carbohydrates16.2 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price551 rub.
almond flour Oleg Pekar
  • natural aroma;
  • one hundred percent almonds in the composition;
  • versatility - you can cook not only pastries, but also add a pleasant and unusual taste to familiar dishes;
  • best before date;
  • no lumps;
  • eco - packaging.
  • big expense.

Our rating is completed by such an almond flour with an interesting name. Professional confectioners speak positively about it, arguing that the product has a good consistency and a pleasant aroma.

Finely ground almond flour is generally quite expensive. You can find cheaper, but then the volume of production will be appropriate. So even with a small budget, you can treat yourself to a low-carb product of your own preparation.

Top 2 best wholemeal almond flour in 2022

Nut product

1 place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value602kcal
Squirrels25 g
Fats 54 g
Carbohydrates13 g
Manufacturer countryChile
average price599 rub.
almond flour
  • without aromatic additives;
  • universality;
  • without flavor enhancers;
  • gives off the smell of real almonds;
  • completely harmless and safe for health;
  • natural sweet taste;
  • best before date;
  • product storage packaging.
  • Not found.

The coarse ground product is made from crushed blanched nuts that have been previously cleaned.The manufacturer carefully monitors the goods produced, namely: several specialists closely monitor the process of making flour, which will continue to please its regular customers.

Makoshin's Gifts

2nd place

Weight: 500 g.

Glutendoes not contain
The energy value567 kcal
Squirrels23.3 g
Fats 50 g
Carbohydrates16.7 g
Manufacturer countryRussia
average price555 rub.
almond flour Makoshiny Dary
  • taste;
  • convenient packaging for product storage;
  • natural color and smell.
  • Not found.

Dishes with the addition of almond flour acquire an unforgettable taste, and the product itself is so tasty that some people can eat it raw.

Coarse grinding products are not cheap, but it is also quite difficult to find them on the market - not every manufacturer undertakes this.

Almond flour is not only tasty, but also healthy. It stores all the vitamins for the body, which we usually get by eating almonds. The cost, like any “non-wheat flour”, is high, but if there is a need, you can always find a product that can afford it.

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