Flour is a versatile product that can be used to make any unusual pastries, salty, sweet and others. Not a day goes by without baking, it is prepared for the holidays in the form of loaves, cakes, muffins and other variations, and daily in the form of bread, so it is important that the quality of the flour is the best. Whole grain flour is one of the best and healthiest flours to consume daily in your diet.

History does not give an exact answer when flour was first made by people. But, since the time of Kievan Rus, bread and flour had a special meaning and signs. So, it was believed that if the warring people break one bread, then they will live in peace. At the wedding, whoever bites off the larger piece from the loaf, the bride or the groom, will be the head of the house.
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- 1 What is whole grain flour and its types
- 2 Ratings of the best flour by availability and price
- 2.1 Rating of the most popular flour in the cheap price segment
- 2.1.1
"Uvelka", CJSC KHP "Zlak", Russia
- 2.1.2
"Divinka", OOO Trade House "Divinka", Russia, Altai Territory.
- 2.1.3
Garnets, OOO Garnets, Russia
- 2.1.4
"Tverdokhleb", LLC "Agrokombinat Tambovkrakhmal"
- 2.1.5
"Aleyka", CJSC "Aleyskzernoprodukt", Russia
- 2.1.6
"Volodarochka", LLC "Flour-grinding plant "Volodarsky", Russia
- 2.1.7
"Bely Terem", JSC "Melnitsa", Russia
- 2.2 Flour rating of the middle price segment
- 2.2.1
S.Pudov, Hlebzernoprodukt LLC, Russia
- 2.2.2
"Makfa", JSC "Makfa", Russia
- 2.2.3
"Ryazanochka", JSC "Ryazanzernoprodukt", Russia
- 2.2.4
"Grunele", Grunele.Rus, Russia, Altai Territory
- 2.2.5
"Gridnev", IP "Gridnev", Zverevo, Rostov region, Russia
- 2.3 Premium flour rating
- 3 How to store?
What is whole grain flour and its types
Whole grain flour is a product of a special one-time grinding process from unrefined grains. Therefore, it has larger grain particles, i.e. this is a coarse substance. It is more useful than flour of other types of grinding, since it is not cleaned before processing, which means that the shell is preserved, which contains a large amount of vitamins, fiber and other useful substances.
A whole grain product can be made from any grain, but the most popular is wheat, although other types are also in demand and are used mainly by connoisseurs of a healthy diet.
- Wheat - made from wheat grains, has a universal application for baking any bakery products.It has a pleasant aroma and taste, the color of the finished product is light gray.
- Rye is obtained after grinding rye grains, it is dark gray with a brown tint. Mostly bread is baked from it. But if mixed with wheat, then you can cook any other flour products.
- Oatmeal - is considered a dietary product, containing a large amount of nutrients. Made from oats. The color is light gray, the aroma is pleasant mild.
- Buckwheat - from grains of unroasted buckwheat, light brown in color, tastes like a light pleasant bitterness, characteristic of buckwheat. Suitable for diet food.
- Corn - from corn grains, has a pleasant, sweetish aftertaste, bright yellow color. Used for baking bread, buns. Suitable for consumption during a diet.
- Linen - obtained from the processing of flax grains, has a gray tint, taste with a slight bitterness. Very useful for diabetics and those who are on a diet.
- Rice - it turns out light gray, large particles. It does not have a strong smell and taste. It is made from rice grains that have undergone only one processing from the top layer of the husk. Not recommended for people with diabetes, but it makes delicious desserts.
- Amaranth - gray with light brown patches. It is crushed from the grains of the Amaranth plant.
- Barley - is similar to rye in color and taste, but differs in the content of useful substances, which are more here than in rye. It is obtained from barley grains.
- Pea - made from dried legumes (peas). It is rich in useful nutrients and vitamins, helps to quickly fill the deficiency of nutrients in the body. Suitable for making bread, tortillas, as well as desserts and for breading.
- Soy - as well as peas, it is ground from beans - soybeans and is an excellent and useful ingredient in the diet of vegetarians.
How to choose the right grind
Consider the most popular and commonly used type of whole grain flour - wheat and the criteria by which it should be selected.
You should carefully study the packaging, which indicates which grinding is used. Distinguish:
- wallpaper:, sifted, but the upper husk is not peeled off, i.e. there is no additional purification, this is the same whole grain flour;
- peeled from such a grain, the upper husk is removed and ground;
- whole-grain one and the same concept as whole-grain, i.e. grains are not processed, but simply ground into flour.
Therefore, no matter how they write on the packaging, all these types belong to whole grain flour.
Criteria to pay attention to
Packaging plays an important role, it is better to purchase goods in paper packaging with a sealed clasp, flour is well preserved and breathes here, and bugs do not start in it, garbage does not get into it. Also, the packaging must be marked that the product has been certified: PCT, "Voluntary certification", ISO, "GMO-free", "Ecological product", GOST. So, what to look for:
- Grain size - coarse, medium or fine grinding. For whole grains, the characteristic grain size is large.
- Color - uniform, light gray, without extra inclusions of another color.
- The composition should not contain various dyes, preservatives, flavors.
- Consistency - to the touch large crumbly grains. It should not leave a mark or sticky pieces on your hands.
- The aroma should be light, neutral, the smell of freshly ground grain, and not mold, musty smell and other flavors.
- Shelf life, on average 3-4 months, occasionally up to 6 months.It all depends on the degree of processing and grinding, and since whole grain flour is a more natural product from unprocessed raw materials, the shelf life is reduced accordingly.
The taste of baking from high-quality raw materials should be pleasant wheaten, without bitterness and sourness. The dough will turn out to be a denser consistency than when baking with white flour.
Ratings of the best flour by availability and price
Rating of the most popular flour in the cheap price segment
"Uvelka", CJSC KHP "Zlak", Russia
It is a whole grain product derived from wheat grains. Variety - wallpaper. The manufacturer offers a variety of packaging volumes, which allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

whole wheat flour Uvelka
- excellent quality at an affordable price;
- paper packaging, packaged in 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg;
- storage periods up to 12 months;
- the cost of 2 kg from 93 rubles. up to 115 rubles.
"Divinka", OOO Trade House "Divinka", Russia, Altai Territory.
The manufacturer "Divinka" always cares about the freshness of the goods and therefore produces the product in small batches, in convenient paper, "breathable" packages. Opening the pack, you can feel the pleasant, fresh aroma of wheat. The grinding of grains is large, with an admixture of bran, but baking from it has a pleasant taste.

Whole grain flour Divinka
- the product is packed in paper bags with a handle;
- packaged from 1 kg to 10 kg;
- you can find packaging in plastic bags;
- grain is grown in an ecologically clean region, in Altai, on the packaging there is a marking "Product of increased ecological purity";
- storage period no more than 12 months;
- price for 2 kg from 78 rubles. up to 110 rubles
Garnets, OOO Garnets, Russia
Flour is made by cold grinding from an unpretentious variety of wheat, due to which a greater amount of useful substances, gluten, is preserved.

whole grain flour Garnets
- whole-ground, medium grinding;
- no inclusions, additives;
- crumbly, crunchy in the hands;
- the taste is soft, delicate, grainy.
- packaging 0.5 kg, 2 kg - paper;
- quality is certified;
- universal application;
- average price category from 74 rubles. up to 120 rubles
"Tverdokhleb", LLC "Agrokombinat Tambovkrakhmal"
The manufacturer manufactures the product on unique, modern equipment, which has no analogues on the territory of the Russian Federation, we are talking about stone millstones, and makes only whole grain flour from high quality grains with an assessment of its environmental friendliness.

whole grain flour
- paper packaging, weight 1 kg;
- average price from 80 rubles. up to 132 rubles;
- reviews are positive;
- universal use, for confectionery, baking in a bread machine;
- the product is certified, complies with GOST, as well as European standards;
- marking on the package "100% natural product".
"Aleyka", CJSC "Aleyskzernoprodukt", Russia
The manufacturer manufactures products from high quality grains, an eco-friendly region in accordance with GOST, which was noted by Roskachestvo

whole grain flour Aleika
- peeled, coarse grinding;
- quality grain, environmentally friendly;
- no added preservatives;
- color natural light gray with brown patches;
- the taste of baking is natural, grainy;
- a lot of positive consumer reviews, a popular product;
- price category is average, 118 rubles. - 121 rubles;
- paper packaging of 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg.
"Volodarochka", LLC "Flour-grinding plant "Volodarsky", Russia
The flour mill is equipped for production with modern equipment and a laboratory that checks the quality of grains.

whole grain flour Volodarochka
- the product is certified and complies with GOST;
- paper packaging, weight 0.9 kg, 1.8 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg - depends on the type of grain used;
- average price, from 98 rubles. up to 145 rubles
- good feedback;
- medium grinding, without additives;
- natural color.
"Bely Terem", JSC "Melnitsa", Russia
The flour of this manufacturer contains a large number of grain shells, heterogeneous, but the dough is obtained from it airy with a golden crust. The manufacturer recommends mixing peeled rye with wheat to expand the range of homemade pastries.

whole grain flour White Terem
- corresponds to GOST;
- the pricing policy is affordable, for 10 kg an average of 350-400 rubles;
- paper packaging and bags, depending on the weight and grade of products from 1 kg to 25 kg;
- a lot of positive feedback from end users;
- suitable for making bakery products, both in the oven and in the bread machine.
Flour rating of the middle price segment
S.Pudov, Hlebzernoprodukt LLC, Russia
A fairly well-known and popular brand that can be found in any retail chain and online store, and if you suddenly don’t find the type of flour that you need, you can use their personal online store.

whole grain flour S. Pudov
- high-quality, wallpaper;
- packed in paper bags;
- on the packaging there is a PCT marking, "GMO-free", which means that the product has been certified and
- raw materials are not grown from genetically modified;
- storage period no more than 12 months;
- price for 2 kg from 102 rubles. up to 132 rubles.
"Makfa", JSC "Makfa", Russia
The flour and products of this company differ from many others in this price category by high quality, a large assortment and the availability of ready-made flour products with the “Wellness” mark, which indicates the concern for the healthy nutrition of its consumers.

whole grain flour Makfa
- affordable price for 2 kg from 100 rubles. up to 150 rubles;
- packaged from 1 kg to 10 kg and more;
- there is a QR code on the package, under which you can find many flour recipes;
- packing is dense, paper;
- marking according to GOST, which means it corresponds to the quality;
- baking from this flour turns out to be tasty, airy, suitable for both a bread machine and an oven.
"Ryazanochka", JSC "Ryazanzernoprodukt", Russia
The best technology for grinding grain, without cleaning it from germs and husks, allows you to save a maximum of useful substances. And bread made from Ryazanochka brand wholemeal flour turns out crispy and ruddy.

whole grain flour Ryazanochka
- high-quality Russian raw materials;
- fine grinding;
- without impurities and additives;
- the average price fluctuates, depending on the store from 115 rubles. up to 191 rubles;
- packing on 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg.
"Grunele", Grunele.Rus, Russia, Altai Territory
Products of this brand can not always be found in store windows, but quite often in online stores.

Grunele whole grain flour
- packed in 5 kg and 10 kg bags, sealed;
- high quality product;
- grain grown in an ecologically clean region;
- the manufacturer controls not only the quality of the grain at the input, but also at the output.
- the price category is average, about 400 rubles. for 5 kg.
- there is no smaller (less than 5 kg) packaging.
"Gridnev", IP "Gridnev", Zverevo, Rostov region, Russia
The manufacturer uses old Russian traditions and grinds grains on stone millstones without separating the bran.

whole grain flour Gridnev
- the company is responsible for product quality;
- fine grinding;
- paper packaging and burlap;
- packing 2 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 50 kg;
- complies with GOST, has quality certificates;
- marking on the package "100% natural product";
- average price;
- available in retail chains and online stores.
Premium flour rating
"French thing", Russia, CJSC "Combine of bread products "Starooskolsky"
The product complies with GOST, made from crushed whole grain, wallpaper grade, without preservatives and impurities.

whole grain flour french stuff
- complies with GOST, there is a marking on the package, “Does not contain GMOs”;
- high quality;
- the "French thing" is produced by three plants, Starooskolsky, Gorodishchensky, Kursk;
- on the side of the package, there is a baking recipe;
- paper packaging, 2 kg;
- consumer reviews, only positive;
- price from 140 rubles. up to 250 rubles
La Molisana Spa, Italy
La Molisana Spa is ground from whole grains, durum wheat, the grains are uniform, large.
whole grain flour La Molisana Spa
- polymer packaging;
- the quality of raw materials is high;
- double grinding;
- the price category is high, for 2 kg from 180 rubles.up to 300 rubles;
- pastries from it are very tasty and fragrant.
Alce Nero, Italy
Foreign manufacturer, but the quality of products is high and meets Russian standards.

whole grain flour Alce Nero
- label on the packaging - "organic product"
- high quality, fine grinding;
- gray-white without impurities, dyes, preservatives, gluten-free;
- consumer reviews are positive;
- packaging - paper;
- conforms to EU production standards;
- the price is high for 0.5 kg, almost 400 rubles.
“Compass of Health”, LLC “Scientific and Production Association”, Russia, Novosibirsk.
This is a whole grain product made from wheat grains of a variety - wild wheat (spelled), suitable for dietary nutrition.

whole grain flour Health Compass
- the manufacturer positions the product as very high quality and rich in vitamins, nutrients, fiber;
- paper packaging of 300g;
- belongs to an expensive price category, since on average for 300 g the price is about 100 rubles;
- the consistency of the flour is excellent, crumbly, grains of medium size;
- the taste is soft, neutral;
- suitable for baking bread, buns, pancakes, muffins.
- inconvenient packaging, with a small weight.
ELOVENA, Finland, Raisio Nutrition Ltd.
The brand is expensive, but is especially popular due to the absence of gluten and the high quality of the flour.

whole grain flour ELOVENA, Finland, Raisio Nutrition Ltd
- has international quality certificates;
- environmentally friendly product, without GMOs, dyes, preservatives, flavorings;
- paper packaging;
- the grinding is fine, the color is light gray, airy, light;
- bread and other confectionery products are made from it;
- the price is high, for 0.75 kg 380 rubles.
How to store?
Preserving such flour is quite simple, just like other cereals, no special conditions are required. It is enough to store it in a cool, dry, ventilated room, in a breathable container (paper bags, natural fiber bags. You should also take care to store it separately from strong-smelling products. Avoid direct sunlight. And also spread insect-repellent herbs around flour bags or mechanisms.

To extend the shelf life of whole grain flour, you can use the recommendations of manufacturers, experienced housewives.
- Pour a thin layer on a baking sheet, heat in the oven for 10-15 minutes, at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees.
- Allow to cool at room temperature, in a dry place.
- Pour into a paper or cloth bag.
- Put in the freezer for a day.
- After getting the flour, put it in a cool, dry, ventilated place.
To prevent bugs from starting in the storage place, you should use insect repellers or place dry mint, thyme, cloves, bay leaf, and garlic around the bags in the room.
Resuscitation of flour, if insects are wound up or moisture has got in: Sprinkle on a baking sheet, heat for 20 minutes at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Remove from oven, let cool and pass through a fine sieve.
Whole grain flour is not a relic of the past, but a completely healthy present, future. More and more people are switching to a healthy diet rich in nutrients. And baking from such flour is not only tasty, but also healthy for diabetics, young children, pregnant women and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.Nutritionists call bread products made from whole grain flour the most useful, therapeutic product that helps to cope with obesity, improves intestinal motility, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and is not contraindicated for diabetics. It helps to remove harmful substances, salts from the body.