
  1. What is copywriting
  2. How to learn to write well
  3. Ranking of online copywriting training courses for 2022
  4. conclusions

Ranking of the best copywriting courses for 2022

Ranking of the best copywriting courses for 2022

In the context of the coronavirus or in other cases where you need to stay at home, you can easily earn money by writing texts. But one cannot do without literacy and spelling, as well as certain skills. The article presents a rating of online courses that will help anyone learn how to write correctly without leaving home.

The ability to write is also useful for those who want to independently create selling content projects for an online business or blog.

You can learn copywriting quite quickly, without special training.

What is copywriting

For Russia, the term is new, but despite the novelty, copywriting appeared a long time ago. The ancestor is considered to be John Caples, who created an advertising booklet for the sale of music school services, 1927.

Thanks to copywriting, rewriting, SEO copywriting, LSI copywriting appeared. The word itself comes from the English "copy" - text, manuscript, "write" - to write.

Copywriting is the ability to create articles of a political, advertising or presentational nature, the main task of which is to sell and convince. That is, this is writing information for sites aimed at pumping the results of their activities. This includes articles, reviews, descriptions. However, this is the name not only for the creation of selling, commercial texts, but also for any other text materials.

Those who are professionally engaged in copywriting are called copywriters. Most copywriters work for website owners, they are also called webmasters. You can also write articles on various topics, sell them.

How to learn to write well

With the advent of the Internet, many began to use electronic correspondence. But, the sender of the message cannot always convey the necessary information to the recipient. The point is not in the subjectivity of the perception of information, but in the mistakes made in the preparation of the text.

The ability to competently build written communication began to be in demand. This is why online written communication courses are so popular.

Things to Consider When Choosing an Online Copywriting Course

The main thing is to decide how much time, money, what you expect to receive.

A large selection of online copywriting courses - paid, free, for personal training. You need to choose training taking into account interests, priorities, constantly improve - grow in the profession.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a training

To earn money by writing articles, to become a popular author, to write a selling text, you need to constantly study, write a lot, and also master other related professions.

Online courses will teach you how to experiment with a word, write compelling texts, help you build a portfolio, and also save time because you can do this from the comfort of your home.

Advertising with training for copywriters often flashes on the Internet. There are many proposals, but little-known authors do not need to be trusted. As a rule, after graduation, they promise big earnings. But this is far from the case, for success you need to practice a lot, constantly learn.

In order not to waste time, money on poor-quality training, the choice should be taken seriously.

Criterias of choice

  • First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the training program. If in doubt, it is better to immediately clarify which program is suitable in a particular situation. Get the knowledge you need.
  • Further, it is recommended to collect information about the author of the information product - merits, status, reviews. Choose courses where the author is light, sociable, with a lively manner of presentation.
  • An important selection criterion is the availability of feedback to ask questions directly during training, at a webinar or chat with colleagues on social networks.
  • You should also study the publications of the future mentor, if any. Find out when the course appeared, take an interest in the achievements of graduates.
  • Practice assignments are a must. Without practice, it is impossible to deal with the received theoretical knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages of online courses

  • free training or low cost;
  • clear, structured presentation of the material;
  • distance learning at a convenient time;
  • an experienced mentor will reveal the secrets of mastery.
  • it is difficult for a novice author to assess the quality and effectiveness of an information product;
  • you can run into scammers;
  • dubious guarantees, if the course does not help earn money, some mentors promise to return the fee;
  • the same programs for beginners - standard tools;
  • there are no checks.

We have prepared a review of the best trainings for 2022, after passing which you will master the basics of copywriting and be able to get your dream job. And also there will be an opportunity to be your own master, not to depend on anyone, earn decent money, and develop creatively.

Ranking of online copywriting training courses for 2022

An endless stream of information can mislead a novice author. Professional training will help to understand all the nuances. For growth in the future, it will be necessary to periodically upgrade the acquired skills. Trainings will help deepen knowledge, teach you how to write correctly.

Advice. Look for courses with experienced mentors who have a wealth of hands-on experience.

Best Free Online Courses

Author's training video course from Yulia Volkodav - "Try your hand"

The course consists of 10 video lessons. It will allow you to quickly get results - write the first articles, learn how to sell them. It will also introduce you to exchanges and help you acquire electronic money.

Designed specifically for beginners who want to try themselves in this area to see if the profession suits them.

The online course will teach:

  • the main types of writing;
  • find out what copywriting exchanges are;
  • select relevant topics for articles;
  • write texts for sale;
  • correctly place articles for sale;
  • increase the uniqueness of the material;
  • write headlines, leads;
  • sell articles through directories.
  • an experienced author and trainer who will teach you how to get real money without investments;
  • the course is useful for novice users to help in choosing the path;
  • familiarity with text processing technologies;
  • full scope of training from simple to complex;
  • suitable for any level of PC users;
  • the author on examples reveals the secret of big earnings;
  • shares experience of high-speed writing of the text;
  • useful information about the main platforms for receiving orders and selling articles;
  • a large number of positive reviews from successful copywriters.
  • some video tutorials require updating information;
  • there is a need to improve the functionality of the program;
  • not suitable for more experienced copywriters.

You can learn the basics of the profession in a few days with Yulia Volkodav. First results during training.

Webinar "Profession - copywriter-marketer" from Andrey Vlasenko. Online school #Getproff

Designed for those who want to be not only a copywriter, but a bit of a marketer.
The course will help you become a sought-after specialist.

The webinar will teach:

  • write sales texts;
  • find and work with customers;
  • register on freelance sites;
  • the basics of marketing;
  • get rid of fear to take the first order;
  • apply tools to simplify and speed up the work with information;
  • create a portfolio;
  • declare oneself;
  • earn the first money.
  • quality feedback;
  • basics of the profession copywriter-marketer;
  • useful tips on earning money from leading experts of marketing companies;
  • an integrated approach that will help novice freelancers with the choice of an online profession;
  • structuredness and a carload of useful information;
  • teach you how to hook your audience;
  • Suitable for beginners and experienced copywriters.
  • standard material;
  • lack of deep immersion in the topic;
  • few reviews.

#Getproff teaches you how to write correctly, and at the same time think like a marketer.

"Initial" from the site Lifehacker - 12 lessons in the form of letters (theory + examples)

The course is designed for those who want to improve their skills, as well as for entrepreneurs and site owners.

Letters come to e-mail once a week. The first is seven days after registration.

Through the course you will learn:

  • interesting to write;
  • come up with exciting themes;
  • structure the material used;
  • create interesting headlines, eyeliners;
  • use special tools for more productive work.
  • texts with useful tips related to life, productivity, motivation, health, etc.;
  • useful material on methods, secrets and techniques that help to check the uniqueness of the text;
  • a lot of information on how to create a truly selling text;
  • short recordings, each no longer than ten minutes;
  • motivation for career success;
  • a site for those who believe that nothing is impossible, there would be a desire;
  • available as a phone app.
  • a lot of useless information;
  • for some materials there is no guarantee of reliability;
  • inconvenient site navigation system.

"Initial" from the Lifehacker website is clear, interesting, useful texts.

"School of Excellent Copywriting" - a course from Dmitry Novoselov

For beginners or those who have not worked with text professionally. Video training will give answers to many questions, quickly teach you how to master this interesting profession. It will also teach you how to make money by simply writing information for the site.

The training contains beginner-level materials (you can study on your own) + face-to-face webinars, useful to everyone.

Video training will teach:

  • the basics of a copywriter;
  • systematize acquired skills;
  • write for any task - blogs and media, social networks and mailing lists;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of content projects;
  • build relationships;
  • work at different stages of media concept creation.
  • an effective blog promotion course from an expert in selling webinars;
  • structured knowledge, with a clear sequence that will help shorten the path to more expensive orders;
  • invaluable information, especially the technical side - hosting, wordpress, creating a semantic core;
  • experience and way of conveying information, clearly explains;
  • Suitable for those who have already written something.
  • not suitable for those who have not decided on the choice of profession.

Training from Dmitry Novoselov is commercial copywriting for everyone.

"Copywriting: basics, secrets, examples" - 30 video lessons for beginners from Daniil Shardakov

The full course is posted on the author's blog. A separate topic for each lesson, for example, the principles of creating articles, models of selling texts.

Here you will learn:

  • how to work with information;
  • write interesting and competent content;
  • use headers;
  • develop a prototype of the selling text.
  • a course for those who consider the text the basis of communication with customers in sales;
  • specific examples from the practical experience of professionals;
  • interesting approach, clear explanations;
  • suitable for those who love structured data;
  • placement of the right accents, taking into account the Russian mentality.
  • the lessons offered are a superficial overview that does not affect the nuances.

Daniil Shardakov teaches to write beautifully, without heavy verbal constructions.

"Academy of the Right Copywriters" by Natalia Karya - Leading Marketing Expert

Here beginners are taught to write in a friendly, warm atmosphere. Suitable for freelancers, business owners. Teaching takes place with love and understanding. Experts recommend starting with blog materials.

The training also includes working with key expressions, the ability to fit them into the text.

What will the lessons teach:

  • write various articles;
  • work with search engines;
  • create content plans.
  • motivating recordings of webinars for those who have a fear of working with a customer on their own;
  • self-confidence and the support of an experienced teacher;
  • adaptation to modern trends;
  • helps freelancers achieve better results.
  • lack of feedback;
  • a lot of information garbage.

The Academy of Good Copywriters and its mentors love those who strive for success. Never forget that they themselves were beginners.

Best Paid Online Courses

"Copymarketing Workshop" - a 5-month training program for a copywriter-marketer from Sergey Troubadour

The training is designed for current, future copywriters, employees of Internet agencies, as well as managers, site owners. That is, those who have to deal with the selling text.

Almost anyone can become a student, except for those who do not speak the language well. Upon completion of the course, a diploma will be issued.

What will you learn:

  • work out the main formats of selling texts;
  • adapt materials to traffic;
  • test the result;
  • marketing analysis;
  • draw up commercial offers;
  • understand all the intricacies of selling copywriting.

The block on sales funnels is especially useful.

  • pleasant voice and interesting presentation of the material;
  • accompanying slides with key points;
  • without long introductions and extra water, straight to the point;
  • after three months of training - a diploma of a copywriter, after five - a diploma of a copywriter-marketer;
  • assistance in finding employment;
  • well-established feedback;
  • personal answers and analysis of tasks;
  • polite attitude to any controversial situations.
  • few reviews.

"Workshop of copymarketers" - marketing thinking + the basics of sales psychology.

"Copywriting from A to Z" - a program for teaching copywriting from scratch from the leaders of the digital market Skillbox

The full training cycle consists of 14 blocks. Also suitable for brand managers, PR specialists.

Successful completion of training is confirmed by a Skillbox diploma.

What will you learn:

  • basic knowledge of word processing;
  • create text materials for media, blogs, social networks;
  • keep the reader's attention - understand the target audience;
  • edit, correct articles;
  • marketing copywriting;
  • create advertising content;
  • distribute materials on social networks and other platforms;
  • plan time effectively;
  • express your ideas;
  • benefit the customer.
  • training is designed for fundamental training;
  • a lot of useful information;
  • structured feed;
  • lectures can be watched at any time;
  • adequate prices;
  • upon graduation.
  • problems with the organization of training;
  • delays in checking work;
  • video recordings contain visual signs of editing, are often interrupted;
  • dubious promises of high earnings.

"Training Copywriting from A to Z" is an access to unique content at home.

"Advanced course from Glavred" for editors, managers and designers

45 letters - one lesson per day, you can buy all at once. The author is Maxim Ilyakhov.
Glavred helped many to climb a step higher.

Most stock copywriters today adjust their work to given editor scores.

What will you learn:

  • remove all unnecessary so that the meaning does not change;
  • create a competent, coherent text, make it lively, easy to read;
  • to correspond with the customer;
  • business communication with colleagues;
  • how to increase reader confidence.

The course supplements the book by Maxim Ilyakhov “Write, shorten. How to create strong text. For those who have read the book, learning will take them to the next level.

  • a unique method for working with texts;
  • the course will teach you how to write strong texts;
  • written by professionals for people;
  • structured material;
  • specific advice, cheat sheets, many examples.
  • no video format;
  • price.

The training "Advanced Course of the Editor-in-Chief" is about readability and cleaning up verbal garbage.

"LSI-copywriting" - 51 lessons from Peter Panda

This is professional training, a lot of new knowledge for those who are not familiar with LSI, but understand the principles of writing texts, know the basics of SEO.

What will you learn here:

  • serve in a way that is interesting to read;
  • select the desired presentation option for a specific audience;
  • structure the text material;
  • create headers;
  • sell a service with several paragraphs of text;
  • raise the ratings of sites - bring them to the TOP;
  • create a longread;
  • position yourself.
  • a format that allows you to write articles with high ratings;
  • a complete understanding of what LSI copywriting is;
  • a lot of useful information;
  • feedback, the opportunity to receive answers to questions;
  • homework, error analysis;
  • tests after lessons help to consolidate knowledge and check the assimilation of the material;
  • links to all necessary services;
  • Upon completion of training, a certificate is issued.
  • A little high price, but it justifies itself 100%

The online training course is designed with practical work in mind.
"LSI-copywriting" is serious knowledge and quick results.

Two-month course from Anton Reshetin, Getproff

Instructions for those who decide to become a copywriter, but do not know how to start.
These are 45 video lessons of 10-15 minutes, homework, feedback.

Useful also for those who want to quickly find a new source of income.

What will you learn:

  • write useful articles, presentations, letters, commercial offers;
  • structure information;
  • highlight key points;
  • create site prototypes;
  • create project maps;
  • the basics of Internet marketing;
  • analyze the customer;
  • ask the right questions;
  • find the target audience, the advantages of the company;
  • promote yourself on freelance exchanges.

Upon completion - a certificate, a portfolio of their work with comments from the curator.

  • training format - step-by-step video tutorials with feedback;
  • a course for those who are ready to combine creative and logical thinking;
  • the ability to write based on the needs of the audience;
  • strict attitude to checking homework;
  • the manner of conducting a dialogue is a convincingly positive style in action;
  • the author demonstrates amazing sincerity and dedication to the learning process;
  • Getproff inspires hope in finding a permanent job and a stable expensive clientele.
  • technical nuances and some difficulties in mastering the program;
  • time for training.

With Anton Reshetin, each line will be, if not in the eyebrow and eye, then at least in the soul.

Online course "Designer of the selling text" from Denis Kaplunov

Consists of 10 video lessons + case studies. Here you can improve existing skills, arm yourself with new techniques. And also to improve the effectiveness of work, to reach high fees.

Suitable for copywriters, as well as marketers, entrepreneurs;

What will you learn:

  • conquer new heights;
  • motivate to make a decision;
  • competent design technique;
  • promote your services, stand out from competitors;
  • defend the right position for work;
  • make offers you can't refuse.
  • a competent course from an expert in his field;
  • useful for those who write sales texts;
  • structured material;
  • many practical examples;
  • unique techniques, rich and exciting program;
  • checking homework, comments for improvement.
  • boring, a lot of lyrical digressions;
  • price.

The online course "Designer of a selling text" is copywriting techniques, work on a specific proposal to increase sales

personal training

This is one of the new modern approaches to teaching. The process is organized by a coach - a mentor, a psychologist, a trainer. It helps to think independently, corrects if necessary.

The program is selected individually.

  • in a short time, a quick breakthrough;
  • great results.
  • cost - the more famous the coach, the more expensive.


In the context of the coronavirus, copywriting may become the most in-demand profession of 2022. But it doesn't take long to master it.

Courses will help you avoid the mistakes that most beginners make. And also they will help to upgrade existing skills, gain additional knowledge and provide themselves with a decent income.

To develop your own style of writing articles, you need to constantly improve.

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