
  1. background
  2. Tablet Selection Criteria
  3. The most popular tablet OS in the world
  4. Windows VS Android
  5. How to make a choice?

Which tablet is better: Windows or Android?

Which tablet is better: Windows or Android?

A multimedia tablet PC is a device that replaces a camera, video and audio player, GPS navigation and many other functions and devices for users.

Before buying a tablet, first of all, they compare the technical characteristics, but it is also important to decide on the choice of the operating system that is installed in it. In this article we will try to figure out which tablet is better - Windows or Android.


In 1968, A. Kay, in collaboration with the Xerox Corporation, developed the KiddiComp tablet for children. It provided the opportunity to play all sorts of games and was equipped with an integrated editor so that children could draw.

To some extent, KiddiComp was equipped with options that are in every tablet today.First of all, this is data entry by pressing with the stylus, and then by pressing with your fingers. In 1987, the world-famous Apple Corporation showed interest in the project.

The experts realized that tablet PCs can be used not only by children, but also by adults in order to solve everyday tasks. It was on the basis of this idea that in 1993 the MessagePad Newton appeared on store shelves.

But in all respects it was unrealistic to call it a tablet computer, since it was mainly designated as a pocket PC. In addition, the device was released with a lot of errors and did not “know how” to access the Internet.

In 1994, the Acorn Computers brand demonstrates to the masses a tablet PC, thanks to which it is possible to work on the World Wide Web. A similar innovation in the form of Acorn NewsPad immediately attracted the attention of a large public and fans of IT technologies, and after that the device was sold in many stores.

A similar device was demonstrated almost at the same time by Intel Corporation. Its WebPad was equipped with a powerful chipset, an impressive display and a large number of programs for office workers and entrepreneurs. In addition, the use of a stylus was not required at all to control the tablet. All actions were performed with the help of fingers.

It is from the above time that most of the corporations that are active in the field of creating digital devices today realized that the tablet PC has incredible potential, and immediately began to quickly study the technology of such development.

Tablet Selection Criteria

The choice of a tablet PC should be treated a little differently than the choice of a smartphone - one way or another, these two devices have completely different “missions”. The phone is needed, first of all, to make calls. The key option of the Tablet PC is to provide users with access to the Web.

In this regard, when buying a tablet PC, it is necessary to include in a number of primary criteria that affect the comfort of working on the Internet, namely, overall performance, screen dimensions and, of course, the operating system.


The chipset model, number of cores, clock speed, video accelerator and RAM size determine the speed of the device when searching for data on the Internet, when watching videos and, in particular, when playing games.

An ordinary user who does not require “supernatural” from a device would be wise to buy a tablet with at least the following performance parameters:

  • The number of cores is at least 4;
  • Clock frequency – at least 1.4 GHz;
  • The amount of RAM is from 2 GB.

Screen: dimensions and proportions

Tablet PCs are produced in the following form factors: 7, 8 and 10 inches. The tablet with a 7-inch display is distinguished by practical dimensions and fits even in a small pocket. It is comfortable for use as an e-book, but this option is not suitable for watching videos.

10-inch devices are mainly aimed at activities with various multimedia type files. But buying an inexpensive tablet with a large display is not worth it, and there are 2 reasons for this:

  1. Such a device can be very large and heavy;
  2. On the screen of a budget tablet, most likely, graininess will be noticeable.

8-inch devices are not popular. They are in some way a borderline option, from which in reality the advantages of all the above devices have been “taken away”. In addition, you should not buy an 8-inch tablet due to the fact that a minimum of useful accessories is made for such devices.

Regarding the screen resolution, it is worth noting that an acceptable solution for a 7-inch tablet will be HD (1280x720 px), for a 10-inch FHD (1920x1080 px). It makes no sense to buy a device with large dimensions: the user will not feel the difference in the image, but will be upset that the tablet quickly sits down.


You cannot put a SIM card into a device that does not support 3G, which means that getting online from such a tablet is really only when there is a wireless Wi-Fi network. Usually, Wi-Fi devices are significantly more affordable when compared to their 3G counterparts. In this regard, a person who wants to use the tablet for the most part at home, it is advisable to buy a tablet without a place for a SIM card.


The power of the battery is how much time the device can operate without recharging. This criterion must be taken into account solely in conjunction with the performance and screen parameters of the tablet.

A device with top-end hardware and an FHD-type screen, of course, will land the tablet quickly when compared with a cheap gadget. For an affordable tablet, on the contrary, a capacious battery will become an unnecessary excess.


It makes no sense to expect high-quality photos from a tablet PC. The fact is that such devices shoot worse when compared with smartphones, since this does not apply to the main options of the tablet.

The hallmark of tablet PCs in this context is that the front cameras are usually just as good as the rear ones. The quality of the picture from the front camera matters, because the user, due to the likely lack of a call option on the device, will most likely use Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and other applications.

The most popular tablet OS in the world

Today, tablet PCs with the following operating systems are common:

  • Windows - from Microsoft Corporation;
  • Android - from Google;
  • iOS - from the well-known company Apple;
  • MeeGo, from veteran electronics companies Nokia and Intel;
  • BlackBerry OS is from the brand of the same name.

Windows VS Android

When there was only one OS on tablet PCs - Android, there were no such disputes. But at some point, Microsoft intervened in this sector of the market, and intervened quite successfully, because of which the question of which OS is best for tablet PCs again took a new turn.

A competent choice of OS for a tablet PC is the key to the comfort of using the gadget, its speed (the time interval for the system to respond to user actions) and durability. Each of these systems has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Windows (Microsoft)

Tablet PCs on the Windows operating system are quite famous among users. Initially, the OS was created in order to run on PCs and laptops. But thanks to the adaptability of the platform, it is put on some Tablet PCs.

Of the main properties of this OS, it should be noted that the platform has many options, since it was developed for personal computers. It can perform various types of tasks.If the device has good power, and inside there is a mid-range chipset, then it can easily replace an ordinary PC.

For an ordinary user, it is worth noting the key disadvantage, which is that the OS is not adapted to work with a touchscreen. There is no separate shell for the touch display. In addition, taking into account the system requirements, in order for the device to function quickly and without lags, it must be equipped with a powerful battery.

Experts advise buying tablets exclusively with Windows 8th generation, as it has been adapted to work with touch displays. The OS interface is very similar to Windows Phone.

  • Full-featured OS for tablet PCs;
  • Supports constantly used games and applications (for example, Microsoft Office, Adobe, etc.);
  • Comfort in use;
  • Nimbleness and stability;
  • Optimization.
  • According to buyers, the cost often seems exaggerated;
  • A relatively small selection of games and programs in the built-in application store.

Android (Google)

This OS was created in order to work with touch displays. The first editions were made for compact tablets, and some time later, when tablets began to be in demand, Google demonstrated a tablet PC on the Android 3.0 operating system.

Of the advantages, users note its publicity. Due to this, each user has the opportunity to configure it for himself. It is really possible to improve a certain gadget with your own hands if you know how to handle the platform. In this regard, tablet devices on the Android OS have become so widespread.

The OS was shown on 09/23/2008. It is developed on the Linux kernel.Today it is owned by the world-famous Google corporation. The system is released under the permission of Apache 2.0. According to statistics, more than a billion gadgets operate on this OS.

  • Cost (the most budget options will cost the user 1,500 rubles);
  • Comfortable widgets;
  • Many programs;
  • Built-in Google services;
  • It is possible to use tablet devices as a cell phone.
  • The relevance of the firmware;
  • Unoptimized system;
  • Publicity of the file system.

How to make a choice?

Which system to choose depends entirely on the purpose for which the device is purchased. If there is a desire to use a huge number of useful and, importantly, free programs, the systematic need to clear memory does not make it difficult, and there is also a desire to often watch videos and there is no need to work with office programs, then an Android tablet PC will be the best option.

In other cases, it is desirable to give preference to tablets based on Windows. However, it must be borne in mind that it must be productive. The OS itself does a good job of optimizing memory, but programs can consume a lot of resources one way or another. The devices themselves on this operating system are multifunctional.

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