
  1. Really possible income
  2. What is the point of making money? TOP factors
  3. The best ways to make money on YouTube
  4. Where to begin? Step by step guide for beginners

How to make money on YouTube? Ranking of the best ways for 2022

How to make money on YouTube? Ranking of the best ways for 2022

Blogging (vlogging) has become such a common activity that even small children have successfully entered this area. There are many stories on the Web that tell how little vloggers get more money than their parents together.

Really possible income

To date, YouTube video hosting is the most affordable method of making money on the Web, since almost every person has a PC and other devices with a camera, which makes it easy to record videos and publish them on your own channel.

Everyone knows that every day most of the users do not miss the opportunity to transform their knowledge and experience in the field of video recording into an auxiliary or even the main source of profit, which can be organized completely without investment.

By the way, the amount of the above profit has no limits, since everyone is able to earn money on YouTube videos: a student, a person of retirement age, an employee of a company, and even an already successful entrepreneur.

If you believe the statistics, then for the most part bloggers are the owners of their YouTube channels, who receive no more than $ 500 per month from a common video hosting. If the user's profit here passes the mark of a thousand dollars, then he already has the opportunity to be considered a professional in the field of moneymaking.

To achieve such a mark of profit will take a lot of hard work and study.

What is the point of making money? TOP factors

If a user has a desire to earn decent amounts through YouTube video hosting, then he needs to carefully study the factors described below.

You should not lose sight of them, because otherwise you will have to stall in one place with dreams of good profits.

Profitability of the sphere

This is the most key factor that the user needs to take into account in advance - even before registering their own YouTube channel or before creating the first videos.It means that a novice blogger needs to decide on a “profitable” topic in which he is going to run his own blog. For example, according to the "classics", profitable areas on the Web are considered to be:

  1. Entrepreneurial activity;
  2. Financing;
  3. Earnings on the Internet;
  4. construction site;
  5. medicine.

Conversely, if a beginner is going to blog about cooking, DIY embroidery, or gardening, then he will probably be able to reach an exceptionally small income. What's the matter? The fact that the key profit on video hosting goes to bloggers from advertising placed in their videos.

In this regard, the higher the cost of advertising, the more income the blogger has. In "profitable" topics, advertising is expensive, because here the income of advertisers is much higher when compared with "budget" topics.

By the way, in vain, most users believe that if they know how to embroider, collect something interesting or fish, then they definitely should create videos on this topic, because they have experience. This is a false point of view. In reality, the market decides what is in demand today and what is not. It is for this reason that it is necessary to make videos on “high-value” topics that are in demand.

Content quality

Everyone wants to get the best, which is why in no case look at the "freebie", if there is any analogue. In this regard, the quality of the videos and, in general, serious work on your own YouTube channel are a guarantee of long-term demand for user videos and, as a result, an increase in profits.

Do not make your own videos "without a soul". There is a saying here: “better less, but better!”.

When a novice video blogger is faced with a choice - to record a dozen low-quality videos or a couple of good ones, it would be advisable to choose the latter. Experts always recommend that you record videos with enthusiasm, work hard to ensure that they have a well-thought-out structure and, if necessary, titles and various effects.

The essence of working on the quality of videos is similar to writing an article - they literally have to be substantiated, structured and ultimately meet the wishes of the audience. Views of videos on the user channel in such a situation will be enormous.

Statistics show that quality always beats numbers, especially when it comes to videos.

The right SEO keywords

Here it would not be superfluous to recall such a wording as “relevance”, in other words, the ratio of the content of the video to its description. If a blogger has a video about how to do gardening, and in the title “the best music tracks of the year”, then, of course, people will instantly leave such a channel and in no case will they return to it.

For this reason, you need to choose the right keywords for the title and description of your own videos. Thus, the audience will easily find them and begin to subscribe to a high-quality and interesting channel.

After all, the goal of a video blogger is to turn the guests of his channel into a permanent audience and subscribers. By the way, in order to attract auxiliary traffic to YouTube, today it is possible to synchronize the channel with different social networks.

Systematic release of videos

There is a great phrase: "The constancy of the result is the key to professionalism."The goal of a beginner should not be an idea - just record a dozen or two videos in the first 7 days after registering your own channel and “score” on it for a couple of months, but post your own videos systematically!

Ideally, if a blogger publishes high quality content in a small amount, for example, a couple of videos a week, but publishes them regularly, and not uploads 10 videos at a time and forgets about the channel. It is the systematic publication of content that is the main assistant for making money on YouTube, since this means that the blogger is thinking about his own subscribers. YouTube "feels" this. As a result, and directly, the audience of the user channel often keeps an eye on the time of the release of the video and prefers to subscribe to channels in which the content is always updated.

Number of video views

This is the most "transparent" and fair factor, which is calculated with incredible ease. It means that advertising revenue on the user channel is in any case predictable.

There is an almost direct relationship between the number of video views and the blogger's profit. In other words, the higher the number of views a channel has in a certain time, the higher the amount of profit that can be extracted. Understanding this connection, a beginner has the opportunity to monitor how his channel "grows" by leaps and bounds with the systematic placement of good and informative content.

The more videos and views, the more famous the channel and the more income!

Monetization Methods

We continue the analysis of this topic. Now let's stop, in fact, on earnings in video hosting.

For a better understanding, you can imagine that the user already has a YouTube channel with excellent traffic, for example, it has 30 videos and the total number of views is more than 10 thousand per day. Pretty good result. However, if a blogger does not monetize his content, in other words, has not done anything yet that would help him earn money on his channel, then he does not carry monetary value in terms of trading performance.

A beginner can monetize their own channel both by advertising offered directly by video hosting (contextual advertising), and by other methods, for example, by promoting their own products or services. More details about what are the best methods of monetizing your channel, as well as a description of their advantages and disadvantages, are written below.

Quality of monetization

Suppose a novice blogger already knows how exactly he is going to make money on his own videos, but this is only 1 stage. The second will be the competent distribution of monetization funds. For example, if a blogger has decided that he will receive income from the channel through affiliate programs, then it would be advisable for him to think about how exactly he will “insert” the products of partners so that the maximum number of channel subscribers acquires them.

The best ways to make money on YouTube

And now the most interesting! Below are the best ways to make money from a YouTube channel for 2022, as well as what actions you need to take in order to receive a maximum amount of profit with the current number of visits.

Simply put, the same channel is able to “give” with a similar number of visits both a thousand rubles a month and a thousand rubles a day!

Direct advertising in commercials
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Direct advertising is considered an image at the beginning of the video, it can be a watermark, text or other mention of the company, product or service of the advertiser with whom the blogger cooperates. For example, a newcomer maintains his own blog on tourism in European countries. In this case, at the beginning of any video, he has the opportunity to overlay an image lasting several seconds with an advertisement for a travel agency specializing in the implementation of tours to European countries and the provision of associated services.

A blogger can receive money for such advertising, for example, at a predetermined rate for publishing both in one video and in several videos on a specific topic.

  • Excellent profit;
  • Possibility to request an advance payment.
  • You will have to spend a lot of time and put a lot of effort into dialogues, thinking about the plot, “finishing” negative comments, resolving conflict situations, etc.

Contextual advertising from Google
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Such advertising includes appearing messages that correspond to the theme of user videos. Directly video hosting automatically adjusts them to the blogger's videos. Following this, the user receives payment for each click on such a message.

This method is the simplest and most famous!

But, most often it is not the most profitable, despite the fact that the profit that comes from audience clicks on contextual advertising is considered to be the best from a position of stability.

  • The simplest and most popular method;
  • Nothing prevents you from plunging into creativity.
  • Not the most profitable;
  • The smallest withdrawal limit is $100;
  • Small profit per click;
  • Uncomfortable to withdraw money;
  • Can't take prepayment.

Selling own products or offering services
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Guided by the points of view of successful bloggers, it is possible to state with confidence that this method is the most cost-effective in this ranking. For example, if you make money through contextual advertising, then the blogger will receive only a smaller share of the funds due to which the advertiser sells his own products or services, which means that he is profitable!

By selling their own products, of course, the blogger takes "the whole jackpot", which is possible to get through advertising. With this, everything is clear. When looking at YouTube revenue from an advertiser's perspective, it's sometimes more efficient to post your own ads on other channels (using someone else's videos) than to earn third-party ad revenue and modest referral fees.

  • The most cost-effective method;
  • Money can be transferred to a bank or electronic payment systems.
  • Not detected.

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Affiliates are an excellent source of income for channels with a narrow focus and a high number of visits.

If, for one reason or another, the user does not want to sell their products or offer services, then it is possible to promote products of other authors through their own channel that correspond to the subject of the user's blog.

To this end, it is possible to publish partner links and alerts in your own videos, after which, from each affiliate sale, you can collect the earned commission “by blood and sweat”, the volume of which today fluctuates between 40-100 percent.

  • A good way to earn money for channels with a narrow focus;
  • The price of advertisements is significantly higher than that of other methods;
  • Videos similar to the blogger's content will start showing his ads;
  • The minimum withdrawal threshold often starts at $0.5;
  • Most often, the user support service is in Russian;
  • Earned money can be withdrawn through various electronic payment systems or to your bank card;
  • The presence of a referral system.
  • To make money in this way, you need a beginner's channel to meet the rules for the number of subscribers and views.

Profit from other people's videos
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It is possible to earn money through video hosting even without creating your own content. To this end, the user will need to find the necessary videos and publish them on their own channel, and after using any of the above methods, put them on monetization.

  • No need to create your own content, which saves a lot of time.
  • The user does not promote himself, which means that he loses his audience;
  • Claims for violation of the author's rights are possible;
  • At any time, directly video hosting is able to remove all videos and ban the channel;
  • The inability to competently organize the topic of your own videos and their plot, since the videos are not copyrighted.

Mixed way of earning (own blog with YouTube channel)
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This combination provides an opportunity to grow traffic and create ancillary revenue opportunities.

The principle of the method is simple. For example, if a beginner has his own blog on the WordPress engine, then from it he has the ability to redirect traffic from the channel and back. If the user has configured synchronization of his blogs with social networks, then this will enable his blogs to "change" the audience.

  • You can increase the amount of traffic and create ancillary revenue opportunities.
  • Not detected.

Where to begin? Step by step guide for beginners

These are simple actions containing three easy steps:

Stage 1 - channel registration

You must register your own profile with Google because YouTube is a property of Google.

Stage 2 - channel design and adding videos

The main thing is not to forget that you don’t need to upload videos of other authors to your own channel, because for this reason you can instantly be banned, and all the activities of a novice blogger will be in vain. After registration, the user will have his own channel in the video hosting.

After that, it needs to be “tidy up” and add videos, which are subsequently planned to be monetized.

To design a channel, you need to click on the channel design icon and select the appropriate image so that the custom channel header looks more attractive. The blogger has the opportunity to put just a suitable image, and order a design for his own channel from professionals with a personal logo and in a specific style. This will require some investment and time, but the credibility of such a channel will be much better, as evidenced by the statistics of successful bloggers.

Stage 3 - monetization

To bring the channel to monetization, you can use the function directly integrated into the video hosting.

To do this, you need to go to the official YouTube website and find "My Channel" in the menu. After that, you need to click on "Video Manager".In the window that appears, click on "Channel" - "Status and functions". In the window that opens, find the "Monetization" function, but do not rush to "Apply" yet. After that, again go to the "Channel" tab and in the "Country" drop-down menu, find and select "USA".

The fact is that in this way it will be easier to pass moderation on YouTube and bring the channel to monetization. After that, you should go to "Status and functions". After that, next to the “Monetization” item, the “Enable” icon should appear. If everything was done correctly, then after some period of time the application submitted by the novice blogger will be moderated and the user will be sent a confirmation notification.

That's all. Now, anyone who has read this article to the end knows how to make money on YouTube in 2022.


