
  1. Criteria for choosing cakes to order
  2. Features of cakes to order
  3. Where are the best cakes to order in Volgograd

Where are the best cakes to order in Volgograd in 2022

Where are the best cakes to order in Volgograd in 2022

The cake is considered to be a masterpiece of confectionery art. This delicacy is loved by everyone, regardless of age. Any family celebration, whether it be a wedding, anniversary, anniversary or children's party, traditionally cannot do without an intricately designed and appetizing cake.

Today, Volgograd stores offer a huge selection, but a custom-made cake is original, individual and deliciously delicious. We present a list of confectionery workshops in Volgograd, where it is better to go for a custom-made cake, and we offer you to figure out how to choose the best one.

Criteria for choosing cakes to order

In 2022, many Volgograd confectioners offer custom cake making.Colorful portfolios and vibrant galleries on websites amaze with the abundance of options for this dessert.

In order for the cake to become a memorable moment of the festive tea party, it is important to know the selection criteria when ordering: appearance, confectionery characteristics, theme and cost.


Cakes are ordered for events and celebrations with a large number of people. Therefore, an important selection criterion is size and weight, so that the cake is not only beautiful and original, but also enough for all the guests. The average size of one serving of this wonderful dessert is 150 g. It is better to order a slightly larger cake.

External characteristics include form. Basically, these are geometric shapes: circle, oval, square, rectangle. There is a growing demand for cakes in the form of objects: books, hearts, balls, numbers and others.

You can order cakes of different designs, depending on the number of tiers on rigid frames that do not allow the upper tier to crush and ruin the lower one. Each tier is a separate cake, decorated in combination with the rest. Often order one-, two- and three-tier. But, at the request of the client, a sweet design can consist of more tiers. Usually "multi-story" cakes are ordered for a wedding celebration.

A custom-made festive cake is characterized by an original appearance. This is achieved by combining the form, confectionery decorations and cooking method. Sometimes the cake is baked as a whole, like a pie with a filling. It is possible, when baking, to lay the filling in the already prepared frame (walls and bottom), like Italian cakes. The most popular modular cake is baked and formed in layers: cakes, filling and decorations.

Confectionery characteristics

In addition to a beautiful and original appearance, it is important that the confectionery characteristics are up to par, so that the form matches the content.
When ordering, be sure to pay attention to the cake dough, the type of filling and what and how the cake will be decorated.

According to the type of cake dough, cakes are:

  1. Biscuit. Delicate and fluffy, the most popular among cakes to order. The desired taste is given with the help of cocoa, nuts, vanilla and other ingredients. Before laying the cakes and connecting with the filling, they must be soaked in sugar syrup. You can add alcohol to the syrup (most often it is cognac or liquor), coffee or vanilla sugar. As well as citrus zest, juice of berries or fruits, honey, condensed milk. There are a lot of options, the main thing is that the impregnation is in harmony with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Sand. A budget option. The skins are thin and crumbly. Sand dough impregnation is not required. It is better to order a not very dense cream or fruit-based filling.
  3. Wafer. Rarely made to order, because the taste is specific and without frills. The price is much cheaper than the rest, because it is easy to prepare: wafer cakes are stacked on top of each other and smeared with filling.
  4. Curd. Cottage cheese-flour desserts with pieces of berries or fruits. These inexpensive cakes consist of one pie-type cake. Almost never made to order.

When the type of cake dough is determined, the filling is selected. It can be sour cream, honey, fruit or chocolate. Or walnut, vanilla, with condensed milk, soufflé. Confectionery professionals can create an incredible variety of amazing options from simple ingredients for every taste.

When choosing the filling, it is taken into account whether the guests for whom the cake is ordered are allergic to certain products.These are chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, wheat and various types of nuts. Therefore, it is safest to make a delicious and beautiful cake with the manager of a confectionery company, who will tell you how to replace this or that product or filling ingredient.

When the filling is selected, you can proceed to the choice of design and decoration. The most common materials:

  • Culinary mastic. Used to decorate the most original and complex cakes. This plastic, powdered sugar cooking material levels the surface. Small and complex decorations are made from mastic.
  • Glaze. In the manufacture of cakes to order, chocolate and all types of sugar icing (lemon, orange and coffee) are most often used. The advantage of glaze, in addition to decorative use, is a pleasant taste. The disadvantage is brittleness after solidification.
  • Cream. The second most popular decoration material after mastic. In addition to the classic butter and custard, they use cheese, chocolate, with cream, with condensed milk. The cream allows you to decorate the cake with flowers and patterns, make congratulatory inscriptions.
  • Fudge. Unlike glaze, with which it is often confused, eggs are not used in the preparation of fudge, so it is plastic and does not crumble. There is a classic sugar fudge, chocolate and sour cream. Cakes and pastries decorated with fondant look elegant.
  • Other materials: you can decorate the cake with berries and pieces of fruit, marzipan, nuts, chocolate, whipped cream, dragee and marmalade. It all depends on the imagination of the confectioner.


Original and memorable cakes to order are thematic, dedicated to important dates and events. Consider the topics of wedding, family, corporate and children's desserts.

Wedding cakes have one theme - love.Therefore, they are made in delicate pastel colors, more often there is white, pink and red. They decorate them with hearts, flowers, figurines of newlyweds, doves, openwork patterns.

The theme of family cakes depends on the holiday for which it is ordered. Birthday, anniversary, anniversary, christening, professional holiday of one of the family members, etc. It all depends on the imagination of the customer - the cake is often of complex shape and appropriate decorations.

Corporate cakes are decorated in a playful manner, using caricature figures made of mastic and humorous inscriptions. Such cakes have the theme of a professional holiday (a cake for the day of a teacher or a doctor), the birthday of one of the colleagues or an important event for the whole team.

Children's cakes to order - the most common. After all, children love sweet, bright and beautiful. All this can be embodied in a cake. The theme of children's cakes has no boundaries, it all depends on the interests, gender and age of the child, as well as on the celebration for which he is ordered. Basically it is a birthday or an event in life. The kid and teenager are offered different options for decorating and decorating cakes.


The average price of cakes to order consists of many components:

  1. The complexity of the shape and design of the cake. A single-tier cake of a simple shape is much cheaper than a voluminous confectionery product in several tiers with rigid frames, or a themed cake in the form of an object with small ornamental figurines.
  2. A set of products for the preparation of cakes, fillings and decoration. The price of some products is higher, others are lower, this adds up to the cost of the cake.
  3. Decoration and decoration.Some cakes are decorated only with cream and an inscription, while others require cutting out figures and decorative elements.
  4. Weight and size also directly affect the price. Confectioners indicate the price of a cake to order per kilogram. For a festive dessert, this is the minimum weight. But usually cakes to order are made more than one kilogram.
  5. Urgency. There are times when a cake is needed urgently. As the manufacturing technology progresses (for example, the minimum time for impregnating cakes), confectioners take on urgent orders. But such work is paid at a higher rate.

All criteria are important when choosing a birthday cake so that the celebration is bright and memorable. Mistakes in choosing a cake can cause a failed tea party. In particular, if one of the guests is allergic to the product used in the preparation of the cake. It is even worse if, when cut into pieces, not everyone managed to taste the confectionery masterpiece.

Features of cakes to order

The confectionery industry has come a long way. If earlier the cake was a traditional biscuit with classic roses and a congratulatory inscription, now it is a work of art.

A custom-made cake takes into account the individual characteristics of the client and wishes in terms of content, shape and decoration. Mastic, which replaced the old-fashioned glaze, works wonders in turning a piece of biscuit into a masterpiece, which is served at the festive table and in itself is already a wonderful, beautiful and tasty gift.

Confectioners make any cakes to order: for any event, of any shape and design, from any products and with any unique decoration. The result is always excellent.

Below are tips on what to look for when ordering a cake.

You should immediately specify the size and weight of the cake to order, choose a design. You can proceed from your imagination or choose a sample from the manufacturer's catalog.

The choice of toppings is limited only by the gastronomic preferences of the client. There are no other restrictions: any products, ingredients, mixes are available to modern confectioners. Many manufacturers practice free tasting. This is convenient for choosing the right filling for the future cake.

For those who eat gluten-free food, confectioners can offer fruit and curd desserts, or reduce the percentage of gluten in baked goods.

The turnaround time for custom cakes is at least three days. Therefore, it is better to take care of the sweet component of the celebration in advance.

Where are the best cakes to order in Volgograd

We offer a rating of the most popular places in Volgograd in 2022, where the best custom-made cakes are made.

Chain of cafes and culinary "Cappuccino"

The most popular confectionery network in Volgograd. In 2022, Cappuccino celebrates its 10th anniversary, has its own production, a pastry shop and more than ten cafes and shops in different parts of the city. Attractive interface, catalog and detailed content of the Cappuccino website attracts the attention of buyers.

Cappuccino offers decorating cakes with any materials. Mastic, chocolate, icing, velor (chocolate coating), ice cream cake or a newfangled “naked” cake are used. The company specializes in the use of the latest technologies for decorating cakes: waffle bouquets, ruffles, caramel and chocolate decorations. And also metallic, ombre and icing for making exquisite and original cakes. Production time: from 5 to 14 days.

Cake can be ordered:

  1. by phone (if the cake is standard, without decorative frills);
  2. at any Cappuccino point in the catalog;
  3. on the site from the gallery of cakes.

Cappuccino professional confectioners make a cake to order, even from a photo.

It is possible to order additional sweets for the Candy Bar (sweet table) on any topic.

A minimum of inedible decor elements is used, about which the manufacturer warns in advance.

Cakes are packed in branded boxes and delivered to the client's address.

The cost of a cake to order is 1200-1500 rubles per kilogram.

Customer reviews are positive, customers note the good work of confectioners and excellent results on time.

  • own production;
  • content site;
  • the presence of feedback on the site;
  • points of reception of orders in different parts of the city;
  • a large selection of decorations for cakes;
  • use of the latest confectionery technologies;
  • convenient ways to order cakes;
  • cake to order from a photo;
  • jewelry made from natural ingredients;
  • departure of the confectioner;
  • working hours without days off;
  • value for money;
  • a large selection of desserts for Candy Bar;
  • delivery to the client.
  • no.

Addresses in Volgograd: st. Shtemenko, 5; st. N. Joy, 26; Zhukov Ave., 117; TRK "Europe City Mall"; Shopping center "Voroshilovsky"; SEC "Pyramid"; Lenin Ave., 22; Rokossovskogo st., 54
Tel. 8-800-770-0494 (24/7)
Working hours of the cake orders department: 10.00 - 18.00 (daily)

Cooking "Sweets-Lambs"

The second most popular culinary chain in Volgograd offers an excellent selection and original design of cakes to order.Skilled craftsmen will quickly make a custom-made cake using safe base, filling and decoration ingredients. Production time: from three to seven days.

The company provides home delivery (cost 300 rubles). When ordering a cake from 2000 rubles, the courier will deliver it to the desired address for free.

In the confectionery of this company, you can order a Vegan cake with various decoration options, as well as cakes without baking based on natural products.

The cost of a cake to order is from 1000 rubles per kilogram (price is lower without mastic).

Airy fresh pastries, the most delicate filling and great design, according to customers, distinguish cakes to order from Volgograd culinary Sweets-Baranochki.

  • working hours of the order department: from 7.30 to 21.00 seven days a week;
  • a wide selection of cakes to order on the site;
  • Possibility to order Vegan cake;
  • Express delivery;
  • value for money;
  • many places in the city.
  • uninformative site.

Addresses in Volgograd: Lenin Ave., 93; st. Rokossovsky, 52; pr. Universitetsky, 21; st. Novoremeslennaya, 14; st. Workers and Peasants, 18; st. Mira, 12; Lenin Ave., 5.
Phone: +7 (8442) 55-10-50 (orders); +7 (8442) 43-65-22 (unified call center)
Working hours: from 7.30 to 21.00 daily

Confectionery "Cream-Caramel"

In 2010, the confectionery Cream-Caramel appeared on the Volgograd market. Her artisans specialize in making limited-edition custom-made cakes and call their creations "little treats" and "sweet, harmless temptations."

Despite the fact that the company's website does not have a portfolio and a catalog of cakes, many buyers turn to this place to order a festive dessert. Experienced confectioners are ready to make any customer's dream come true in a real original cake.

Cream-Caramel offers decoration of sweet tables (Candy Bar). A catalog of desserts is already being created on the site.

The minimum cake to order weighs 2.5 kg, production time is 7 days. It is possible to place an urgent order. Orders are accepted online around the clock. Conversations on the design and content of the cake with the manager and pastry chef are held from 9.00 to 21.00 seven days a week.

How much a kilogram of a cake to order costs is not indicated on the website, but it is noted that the price depends on the complexity of the design.

The company's courier will deliver the order on time to the specified address.

In the opinion of buyers, if you want to order a cake where it is cheaper, then you can safely contact Cream Caramel: the prices will pleasantly surprise you. Also, the clients of this network of confectionery shops in Volgograd note that the quality here is always on top. There are very rare cases of discrepancy between the finished and desired cake.

  • low prices;
  • Express delivery;
  • experienced confectioners;
  • round-the-clock acceptance of orders on the site;
  • the opportunity to arrange a sweet table with a variety of desserts;
  • cake to order according to the client's photo.
  • the site is not fully designed, not all functions work;
  • there is no catalog of cakes;
  • long term of order execution;
  • not always ready and desired cake are the same in design.

Addresses in Volgograd: st. 8th Air Army, 40; st. Sheksninskaya. 26; sq. 40th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, 7
Working hours: 09.00-21.00 daily

Confectionery "SladkoYozhka"

For more than 10 years, Volgograd residents have been pleased with confectionery and bakery products from SladkoYozhka, whose principles are craftsmanship, assortment and naturalness.

SladkoYozhka works with trusted suppliers of natural and safe ingredients from Russia and Europe to manufacture its products. Pastry creams use natural cream and butter of animal origin.

All cake decorations are fully edible. Each cake is unique, no two are the same thanks to the handmade work of masters. The company's website contains a detailed catalog of ready-made cakes to order with a detailed recipe and description. An order can be placed in any of the seven pastry shops.

SladkoYozhka is famous for its constant promotions, discounts and events for customers: master classes and tastings.

The cost of a cake to order is from 900 rubles per kilogram. The minimum weight is 1.5 kg.

Customer reviews are mostly positive, there are moderate, affordable prices for everyone with excellent product quality.

  • affordable prices;
  • handmade to order;
  • use of fresh high quality products;
  • discounts and promotions for customers;
  • fast order execution;
  • cake tasting.
  • no courier delivery.

Addresses in Volgograd: st. Metallurgists, 10; Lenin Ave., 21; st. Tkacheva, 5 B; st. Ardatovskaya, 29 B, st. Kropotkina, 1 A; st. N. Joy, 13; Shopping center "Park House".
Phone (switchboard): +7(8442)73-61-91
Working hours: 08.00 – 20.00 seven days a week

Confectionery enterprise "Uslada"

The network of confectionery shops "Uslada" has recently entered the Volgograd market, but has already won the recognition of the townspeople due to the high quality of products.Today, this company holds the record for the number of branches. In different districts of the city, 20 Uslada confectionery shops have been opened.

The peculiarity of this confectionery enterprise in Volgograd is the production of cakes according to homemade recipes that have become classics of cooking. For baking and decorating cakes to order, only high quality natural products are used here, without preservatives and GMOs.

Products that have passed certification and strict hygienic control are made by hand. The enterprise was awarded the Volgograd quality mark "Public recognition".

Cake to order in "Uslada" can be made according to the catalog or according to the customer's own sketch. In both cases, the result will be excellent, and the company's courier will deliver a festive dessert to the celebration for only 300 rubles. When ordering from 2000 rubles, delivery is free.

The cost of a cake to order is not indicated on the website, but you can order its calculation according to the main characteristics of the ordered product.

The minimum weight of a cake to order is 2 kg. In cases where complex decoration is required - 3 kg.

Customer reviews, both positive and negative, associated with an inconvenient site.

  • handmade;
  • exclusive cakes to order;
  • high quality ingredients;
  • Express delivery;
  • a huge number of branches;
  • working hours without days off;
  • Volgograd quality mark.
  • there is no detailed information on the site in direct access.

Addresses in Volgograd: st. 8th Air Army, 40; avenue Heroes of Stalingrad, 39; st. Eremenko, 98; Heroes of Stalingrad Ave., 10 B; University Avenue, 70; st. Kirov, 149 G; st. Eliseeva, 13; st. Dvinskaya, 7 A; st. Rokossovsky, 56; st. Eletskaya, 11 A; TRC Park House; Krasnopolyanskaya st., 14; st. Parkhomenko, 55; etc.Heroes of Stalingrad, 17; street of the 51st Guards Division, 9 A; st. Razdolnaya, 1 A; st. Library, 16/4; TC Cosmos; st. 64th Army, 67 B; Lenin Ave., 43.
Phone: +7(844)295-68-14; +7(988)495-33-49

An original and colorful, with a unique design, a custom-made cake is so different from its counterparts that line the windows of pastry shops. It carries the mood of the holiday.

It depends on the choice of a reliable confectionery company how this holiday will be remembered. We hope that the review of Volgograd confectionery companies will help you make the right choice.

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