
  1. The best internal filters
  2. The best external filters
  3. Summarizing

Best Aquarium Filters in 2022

Best Aquarium Filters in 2022

Contemplation of aquarium fish has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. These silent inhabitants of an artificial reservoir do not create much trouble for their owner, but this does not mean that care is not required for them and their habitat. In order to create optimal conditions for the existence of fish and other microorganisms, mechanical, chemical and biological water treatment is important. A good aquarium filter will help in this matter. How to choose the best from the available variety of popular models is discussed in this article.

The best internal filters

EHEIM aquaball 180
votes 1

A distinctive feature of the device is a spherical head, which ensures the movement of water flow in various directions. The built-in diffuser ensures the enrichment of the liquid in the aquarium with oxygen. Through the power regulator, you can change the water flow. The mechanical-biological purification of the liquid medium of the aquarium is carried out by means of sponge cartridges in the filter housing. The filter cloth in the filter box enhances the mechanical cleaning effect.

The design provides for such a connection of compartments (modules), which makes it possible to wash them locally. This is important in terms of preserving beneficial bacteria. In addition, a blockage in one of the compartments will not affect the operation of the filter as a whole. There is a special compartment for the filter substrate.
Package features: in addition to the filtering device, the kit includes a holder, an aeration nozzle, a flute, 3 suction cups. It is advisable to use for containers from 80 to 180 liters. Throughput from 210 to 650 l/h.

The average price is 2600 rubles.

EHEIM aquaball 180


  • aeration;
  • moving head;
  • the presence of a nozzle that distributes the flow;
  • modular block connection scheme;
  • the possibility of replacing the substrate.
  • suction cups weaken during operation and hold the cleaning mechanism worse.

TETRA EasyCrystal FilterBox 600
votes 1

The design is designed for aquariums with a capacity of 50 to 150 liters. It has a capacity of 600 l / h and a power of 7.5 watts. Attaches with suction cups to a comfortable position. An additional section provides the integration of a thermostat.
It is characterized by the presence of a three-stage method of water filtration, including mechanical, biological, chemical. As filter materials are used:

  • double-sided sponge for mechanical cleaning - the white side is intended for screening out large conglomerate, the green one is responsible for the quality of fine filtration;
  • activated carbon - provides chemical treatment of the liquid medium, removes pollution and eliminates odors;
  • a bio-sponge populated with beneficial bacteria - with its help, biological water purification is realized, decomposition of harmful components is ensured.

The device is easy to maintain: a monthly replacement of the biofiltration sponge is required, it does not need to be washed.
The average cost is 1060 rubles.

TETRA EasyCrystal FilterBox 600


  • price;
  • compactness of the product, which saves space in the aquarium;
  • optimal cleaning of the aquarium environment;
  • there is no need to rinse the sponge - the cartridge needs to be replaced.
  • aeration is not provided;
  • monthly cost of buying a new cartridge.

EHEIM aquaCorner 60
votes 0

The corner model is designed for installation on walls up to 5 mm thick. The design feature prevents shrimp from entering the filter due to the presence of a tightly installed sponge. Sponge cleaning can be done by means of a removable front cover. The sponge filter is important for mechanical cleaning. The plastic container ensures the use of activated carbon and other adsorbents. Substrate Pro, included in the package, is involved in the biological purification of the liquid. Water flows out of the filter over the surface of the head in the form of an impromptu waterfall. Aeration is provided, the surface film is accelerated at the same time. The large area of ​​the intake grid provides a significant filtering area on the washcloth.

The design does not provide for the presence of suction cups.The basic nozzle is put on the corner of the aquarium and keeps the filter on the wall. This can be inconvenient for owners of aquariums with lids: in this case, you will have to make a slot in the lid or abandon the model. On the other hand, suction cups weaken over time, and such a nozzle has no expiration date, it will be used for a long time (until it breaks).

The filter is designed for aquariums with fresh or sea water with a capacity of 10 to 60 liters. Productivity — 200 l/h.

The average cost is 2139-2500 rubles.

EHEIM aquaCorner 60


  • silent, easy to maintain;
  • effective water purification in small containers;
  • corner design saves space in the aquarium.
  • lack of suction cups, inconvenient for aquariums with lids;
    access to the rotary chamber is difficult.

Juwel Bioflow 8.0
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The device is designed for aquariums with a capacity of 300 to 500 liters. Productivity of the unit makes 1000 l/hour. Its own volume is 7 liters, which is very close to that of external devices.

The filter material is located in convenient baskets: the top cloth retains large dirt particles, the black sponge helps remove chemical impurities, the blue one contains bacteria to purify the water, the green one reduces the nitrate content in the water. These filter elements of various degrees of density provide complete mechanical, chemical and biological cleaning.

The design feature of the filter is that it is fixedly built into the aquarium. The absence of hoses and couplings allows efficient use of pump power. The considerable volume of the apparatus provides a significant interval between cleanings with high efficiency.Ease of maintenance is achieved due to free access to the filter media of the device.

Experienced aquarists rate the model quite highly, but you will have to pay a tidy sum for it - from 9460 to 13750 rubles.

Juwel Bioflow 8.0


  • safe work;
  • high level of performance;
  • ease of maintenance and operation.
  • considerable cost of the product;
  • rather fast wear of materials providing rough cleaning.

Barbus WP-300F
votes 0

Model for miniature aquariums up to 20 liters. A device with a power of 2 kW is capable of processing 150 l / h.

Mechanical filtration is possible thanks to a sponge that absorbs dirt and provides water purification. The uniform distribution of the water flow is realized by means of a water flute system. The main feature of the model is its configuration. In addition to the water flute nozzle, the set includes the following interchangeable nozzles:

  • filtration and sprinkling;
  • circulation and filtration;
  • filtration and aeration.

Such a range of nozzles provides a choice of options for the movement of water flow in each case. The compact case in the form of a glass is attached to the walls of the container using suction cups.
You will have to pay an average of 350 rubles for the device.

Barbus WP-300F


  • value for money;
  • silent operation;
  • compact model with advanced equipment for small aquariums.
  • the hole for the flute is larger than necessary: ​​it should be fastened with a seal.

The best external filters

ADA Super Jet ES-1200
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The canister filter makes a favorable initial visual impression: the body is made of stainless steel, which is the strong point of the Aqua Design Amano brand, giving the potential user a feeling of reliability and high quality of the product.

The design of the device ensures efficient circulation of the liquid, reducing the load on the pump, which ensures an increase in the duration of the filter device. The mechanism with a capacity of 12 liters has a capacity of 16-19 l / min and a maximum water lifting height of 2.4-3.4 m, designed for artificial reservoirs with overall dimensions of 0.9x0.45x0.6m (1.2x0.45x0.6m).

The kit comes with Bio Rio M fillers that stimulate the dissolution of oxygen in the aquarium water: this increases the activity of beneficial bacteria and, as a result, the efficiency of the biological filtration process.

The pump is attached to the body of the device: this eliminates the effect of electromagnetic waves on bacterial colonies in the device, which contributes to their comfortable development.

The filter implements the main cleaning methods:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • biological.

The first allows you to remove large particles from the liquid medium (fragments of algae, food residues and life of aquatic inhabitants). The second - removes pollution due to the adsorption capacity of activated carbon. Carbon is often used at the initial stage of starting an aquarium to purify the water and prevent water staining and ammonia poisoning of the inhabitants of an artificial reservoir. Due to the fact that the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is limited, for its effective use it is necessary to change the carbon twice a month.

The third cleaning method is given a key position.Settlements of microorganisms in the filter are involved in the process of assimilation and decomposition of organic matter, plankton, microbes in the water: nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium, which is contained in fish excrement, into nitrite, and then into nitrate.

The average cost of the device: 75,000 rubles.

ADA Super Jet ES-1200


  • stylish design, stainless steel case;
  • 3 effective ways to purify water;
  • productive pump.
  • applicable only to freshwater artificial reservoirs;
  • high price.

TETRA EX-1200 Plus
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The external filter device with a volume of 12 liters and a power consumption of 19.5 W is designed for large aquariums from 200 to 500 liters with both fresh and sea water. Can also be used in terrariums. The throughput of the device is 1300 l/h. The water column reaches a lifting height of up to 1 m 80 cm. Unlike its predecessors, it consumes up to 20% less energy.

The model is equipped with 4 containers for filter media, among which are the following:

  • 1 - CR - ceramic rings - thanks to them, the water flow is distributed evenly, large particles of dirt are removed;
  • 2 - BB - bio-balls - take part in biofiltration: a powerful colony of beneficial bacteria is formed on their surface;
  • 3 - BF - standard filter sponge - important for mechanical cleaning of aquarium water;
  • 4 - CF - carbon filler: plays a role in the removal of harmful substances and unpleasant odors from the liquid medium by chemical means;
  • 5 - FF - finely porous sponge: used for fine water purification.

The average cost is from 8300 to 11000 rubles.

TETRA EX-1200 Plus


  • the kit includes everything you need for a simple and quick installation, including filter media;
  • powerful and silent in work;
  • reduced energy consumption.
  • after a couple of years of operation, leaks are possible.

Eheim Professional 3 2073
votes 0

The external innovative device is designed for artificial reservoirs with fresh or sea water with a capacity of up to 350 liters. The pump develops a capacity of up to 1050 l / h, providing water lift up to 1.8 m. The filter is characterized by a volume of 7.4 l and a power consumption of 16 watts.

The device, made according to the latest technologies, in comparison with models similar in performance, is quiet in operation and lacks vibrations.

The device is equipped with:

  • filter materials for mechanical filtration;
  • fillers for bacterial biological treatment;
  • filters against harmful chemicals.

The design is equipped with a pre-filter - pre-filter. The convenient location of which in the upper part of the device facilitates its removal and washing from large particles of debris. Fillers and substrates are locally placed in baskets, so that access to them does not create difficulties during the operation and maintenance of the device. A distinctive feature of the design is that the hoses are connected by means of a safety adapter. Tightness of a design is guaranteed by powerful latched locks.

A powerful pump contributes to less energy consumption, which reduces the cost of maintaining the aquarium.The presence of a special button-pump for pumping liquid into the aquarium, ensures the simplicity and speed of starting the mechanism into operation. The filter is easy to connect and put into operation. At the time of purchase, it is fully equipped and ready for use. For such a product, you will have to pay from 14,000 to 17,500 rubles.

Eheim Professional 3 2073


  • attractive appearance;
  • decent level of workmanship;
  • cleanable pre-filter;
  • economical in terms of energy consumption.
  • according to user reviews, the likelihood of leaks during operation.

Aquael Multikani 800
votes 0

An external device in the form of a cylindrical container with a lid contains filter cleaning materials (in the form of sponges, ceramic liners). Also, the user is offered a range of additional containers containing mechanical, biological, chemical liners. They can be combined linearly or sequentially: up to a maximum of eight containers can be combined. Depending on their number, the design can work with aquariums from 20 to 300 liters. This filter is a good choice for those aquarists who plan to increase the size of their aquariums. The possibility of expanding the design will save material resources, as well as ensure the continuity of biological filtration in the aquarium, ensuring the purity of the water it is filled with.

The filter mechanism is driven by an independent pump. At the request of the user, the capacity can be increased from 650 l/h to 800 l/h.

The average cost is from 2700 to 3400 rubles.

Aquael Multikani 800
  • expandable up to 8 modules;
  • versatility - applicable for containers from 20 to 300 liters;
  • independent external pump;
  • ease of installation and operation.
  • no critical ones were found.

JBL CristalProfi e702 greenline
votes 0

The external filter is designed for aquariums from 60 to 200 liters. Differs in simplicity of assembly, silent work, productivity up to 700 l/h, profitability (power consumption 9 W).

Cleaning is carried out in three ways. The presence of the filter material is provided by the complete set. Replacing the pre-filter is easy. Due to its regular replacement, it is not necessary to clean the rest of the filter very often.

The considerable volume of the filter device realizes a worthy bio-filtration performance due to the presence of various filter layers. The self-cleaning process is possible thanks to balls that provide biological cleaning.

At the joints, the hoses can rotate 360 ​​degrees. It is possible to avoid water leakage when the device is turned off thanks to the safety valve.

The updated model features a larger top filter basket with a pre-filter that is twice as large, less prone to clogging and thus less frequent cleaning.

Estimated cost - 8400 rubles.

JBL CristalProfi e702 greenline
  • silent;
  • powerful, economical;
  • ease of detaching the filter from the tubes for cleaning;
  • high-quality hoses and a "knee" that do not clog, do not require frequent maintenance.
  • quality of filter materials: increased granularity of sponges, insufficient efficiency of biological treatment (ball design).


When choosing a filter, it is important to consider the volume of the aquarium.For small containers, it is better to purchase internal devices. They may include mechanical, biological, chemical filter elements. Such mechanisms do not create difficulties during operation. They are characterized by a lower cost than external ones. But they are noisier. Due to the low efficiency of individual mechanical filters, additional soil cleaning may be required.

External filters are characterized by high-quality mechanical, chemical, biological cleaning of the liquid. Such devices are preferred for large aquariums. Their installation is not difficult, they are easy to maintain. But they take up a lot of space and are expensive.


