Aesthetic taping is an effective procedure that restores facial contours. This method also eliminates mimic wrinkles and folds on the forehead. You don't even need to go to a beauty parlor to get the desired result. Professional advice will help you choose the right teips. It remains only to learn how to perform the procedures correctly.
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Tape is called a cotton tape, which has elastic properties and a hypoallergenic base. It is fixed on the skin to provide a lifting effect, for all areas the level of tension is different.The muscle activity of the face will be low, which minimizes hypertonicity, and the lymph circulates freely. There is a reduction in wrinkles, a decrease in edema, an improvement in the condition of the face.
Taping - what is it? This is a technique that reduces the activity of muscle tissue. Its main task, speaking strictly for aesthetic purposes, is the fight against wrinkles. The effect is visible almost immediately after applying the patch.
The main advantage of taping is the simplicity of the procedure, it can be done at home. The technique not only tightens the skin, but also refreshes it, lifts the eyebrow line, gives a clear outline to the cheekbones. The procedure is performed not only for the face. The neck is also treated with such patches.
If there were no major problems with the skin, deep wrinkles, swelling, tapes can be applied from the age of 25. It is at this age that shallow mimic wrinkles appear. The use of this tool contributes to the elimination of deficiencies. Older women should not expect quick results after the first session.
Such products serve as an addition to home care. With regular use of the patch, an excellent result is provided. Stick it on for 1-8 hours. Efficiency will be increased by maintaining skin hydration, performing self-massage, and taking the right amount of pure water.
It is necessary to remove tapes correctly, carefully, in order to exclude damage to the skin. To remove the patch, it is pulled off the edge, and then rolled up without haste and sudden movements. Rolling is performed from the center to the periphery. If the patch is fixed very firmly, it is difficult to remove it. In this case, the edge can be treated with oil or water.
An active life rhythm and constant fatigue affect only well-being, but are also immediately displayed on the face. With age, every woman observes changes. That is why many people want to improve the freshness and elasticity of the skin.
Hollywood women have always wanted to slow down the aging process in order to look much younger. Marlene Dietrich and Joan Crawford pioneered the use of glue and silk bands to tighten their faces. The result is smooth skin, and the contour of the face becomes outlined.
After that, teips appeared - adhesive plasters on cotton with a hypoallergenic coating. Body heat activates the adhesive so that it adheres well to the skin. Teip has characteristics similar to human skin. Therefore, recovery is stimulated.
What is taping for? It allows you to get rid of numerous problems. Procedures allow:
In Europe, applications with teips have long been made. The procedures quickly became popular. The result of such a lift is excellent. The technique is ideal for women who are afraid to use surgical methods. Still procedures are suitable as express rejuvenation if an important event is coming. They are also performed in addition to basic care.
What to pay attention to first of all? Problematic skin with rash, rosacea needs careful handling. She needs gentle teips. But even when using them, it is important to monitor the reaction.The patch must be applied according to a specific scheme, and not as a mask.
Before attaching the patch, it is forbidden to stretch it. In order for the adhesive base to better bond with the skin, you should rub the tape a little after fixing it on the desired area. It is advisable not to attach a plaster to the hairline, otherwise you can cause headaches.
After the procedure, after 15 minutes, you need to look at the result. It is important to identify if there is any asymmetry, creases. If the procedure is performed at night, then you can not sleep on your stomach. At first, the result may not be too noticeable. A positive effect is observed with regular sessions, the correct application of patches.
When choosing such products for the face and body, it is necessary to take into account several features:
To ensure an effective transformation allows the choice of a quality patch. Korean products are considered the best. She has all the necessary characteristics. It is also safe for people.
According to experts, it is better to buy goods in a pharmacy. You should not choose products from unverified sellers, otherwise there is a risk that a low-quality product will be given. And it will not bring the desired result.
Many teips are produced for the face and neck. Each patch has its own characteristics, advantages.Which company is better to buy products? It is important to look not only at the company, but also to evaluate the quality. The rating of the best products will help you choose the right option.
The product has a reinforced grip. It is made from hypoallergenic cotton. Glue begins to act due to body temperature. The strips fit perfectly to the body.
Elasticity allows you to stretch them up to almost 80%. The product is suitable for the prevention of bruises and injuries. The strips are applied to the face and with dislocations of the jaw. Can be applied to face and body.
The patch is used in aesthetic cosmetology. With its help, the oval of the face is modeled, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin becomes elastic, blood circulation is restored.
The product from the South Korean brand has been tested by world experts. They also proved the safety and effectiveness of the product. The kit includes instructions, thanks to which you can conduct sessions yourself.
Ribbons are made from natural cotton. The tool allows you to eliminate injuries, as well as eliminate damage. The stretching of the tape occurs by 190%, and this is ensured with the help of an innovative formula.
Tape improves muscle endurance. It is recommended for athletes and beginners. During recovery, the remedy relieves pain, swelling, hematomas, bruises.
The tape is suitable for sensitive skin. It is used not only for taping the face, but also for recovery from injuries. The product stretches perfectly, speeds up recovery. It is also used for prevention, if there is a risk of injury.
The tool is ideal for sensitive dermis, since the adhesive contains 7% less active substances. And yet the mount is still of high quality.
The ribbon has a length of 500 cm. The company produces several colors: pink, beige, blue. The product is moisture resistant, there is no latex in the glue, so it is safe, can be used for sensitive skin.
The product is allowed to be worn for 5 days. At the same time, physical activity is permissible, as well as bathing in the shower. The product is not deformed. Remains elastic. The kit includes instructions.
Tape with tourmaline can speed up recovery and rehabilitation. With it, edema is eliminated, an analgesic effect is provided. Fastened for 3 days, adapts to the features of the body.
It is important to consider the presence of contraindications. The tool is not suitable for elevated temperature, thrombosis, dermatological problems, open wounds.
According to buyers, these are the best means for facial rejuvenation. All of these types can be used independently.You just need to read the instructions first.
Taping, like other cosmetic procedures, needs preparation. But it is very easy to do. It is required to prepare the skin, warm up the muscles, increase blood flow. It is enough to do a facial massage for 5-10 minutes. A special roller may be used.
Before sticking, the skin is degreased with alcohol. Then the patch itself is fixed. To prevent damage to the adhesive part, the tape is held by the backing. The procedure is carried out taking into account simple rules:
According to customer reviews, the procedures are easily performed at home. It is especially easy to conduct sessions if detailed instructions are attached to the product.
How to choose a method of gluing tapes? It all depends on the desired effect. Therefore, each case has its own characteristics and rules.
The technique allows you to lift sagging zones. Can be used when signs of aging appear. Sessions will help get rid of crow's feet, as well as correct the area between the eyebrows and forehead.
A swollen face, drooping eyelids are natural problems. Their appearance is associated with weight gain, working at a PC with a lowered face.Taping for lifting is performed as follows:
This technique allows you to reduce the appearance of wrinkles that occur during aging. After a few sessions, the first results will be noticeable.
Tapes allow you to get rid of crow's feet. Sessions can be carried out in 2 ways: 2 stripes or pasting the eyes in a circle. It is enough to make 2 strips 4 cm wide. The middle of the ribbon is fixed to the outer corner of the eye. The other two ends are attached to the top and bottom.
Video tutorial on getting rid of wrinkles:
The presented tapes help get rid of forehead wrinkling - another common problem. You will need a wide patch. It is important that its length matches the height of the forehead. You need to stick ribbons from a horizontal line above the bridge of the nose and eyebrows. The hand makes a slight tension of the skin of the forehead towards the hair. It remains to fix the patch.
Video instruction for working with the nasolabial fold:
The procedure consists in reducing edema, normalizing lymph circulation. The procedure is very simple:
The procedure is also very simple:
It is necessary to wear tapes for 30 minutes - 8 hours. Adhesion is also allowed overnight. Express lifting for several hours allows you to quickly refresh your face if an important event is expected.
The course should include at least 20 procedures. With highly noticeable age-related changes, up to 50 sessions are required. This will be enough to get a good effect.
Age after 30 years is the best time to perform taping. But if highly visible wrinkles cause inconvenience, it is allowed to conduct sessions earlier.
Taping cannot be performed in several cases:
The taping procedure is becoming more and more popular, as it allows you to get rid of many cosmetic imperfections. It is enough to choose the appropriate tapes that will help solve your problem. It is also important to follow these procedures correctly in order to get the desired effect.