
  1. The composition of the goat milk mixture
  2. Criteria for choosing a goat milk formula
  3. The Best Goat Milk Infant Formulas in 2022
  4. Pediatrician's advice

Goat Milk Infant Formula: Top Rankings for 2022

Goat Milk Infant Formula: Top Rankings for 2022

Breastfeeding is the best nutritional option for a newborn. However, this is not always possible for various reasons. With artificial or mixed feeding, many mothers choose goat milk mixtures for their children. The reason for the growing popularity of these products is that goat's milk is well tolerated by babies, is well digested and helps improve digestion, which is so important for the crumbs.

The composition of the goat milk mixture

Whole milk, beloved by many adults, is absolutely not suitable for newborn crumbs. Therefore, natural animal milk adapts, i.e. is brought into line with the nutritional value of breast milk for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and some other important ingredients. Mixes contain:

  • Probiotics - cope with the task of normalizing the intestinal microflora, improve digestion;
  • Beta-casein - a protein that prevents dyspepsia, does not provoke allergies and is perfectly absorbed by the digestive system of the crumbs;
  • Lactose - milk sugar;
  • Natural oligosaccharides and nucleotides of goat's milk - they, among other things, help strengthen the immunity of the crumbs;
  • Vitamins PP, A, which help to improve metabolic processes and blood flow in a growing body, and also positively affect the organs of vision;
  • Minerals, including potassium, iodine, iron, folic acid, as well as phosphorus and calcium, useful for the development of bones and brain;
  • Fats and fatty acids: this component is represented by vegetable or palm oil (palmitic acid), sometimes fish oil, Omega-3 and Omega-6 are present;
  • An additional source of carbohydrates - maltodextrin, is not present in all mixtures, only where carbohydrates obtained due to lactose are not enough;
  • Whey protein - improves digestion, normalizes the intestinal microflora, softens the stool.

Advantages of goat milk formulas

  1. Easy digestion by the child's body. This is due to the fact that goat milk protein (casein) forms a looser and easier to digest clot (coagulate) in the stomach, which is digested and absorbed faster and better than cow's milk coagulate.
  2. The risk of allergic reactions to the product is minimal.
  3. If the composition is chosen correctly, and its ingredients contain vitamins and useful trace elements, then taking such a product will help saturate the child's body with useful substances for full development.
  4. The mixture dissolves easily and has a pleasant taste.

As for the disadvantages, they are most often associated with a high price and a more limited range when compared with a similar product based on cow's milk.

Criteria for choosing a goat milk mixture

Before purchasing the mixture, we recommend that you consult a pediatrician who will give recommendations on nutrition, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the baby, his height, weight, development rate.

Further, when buying, you should pay attention to:

  1. Appropriate mixture for the age of the child. As a rule, a number is put on the mixture indicating the age limit. So, the product with the number “1” is suitable for the smallest, from six months to a year - with the number “2”, etc.
  2. Whether the mixture is adapted, it is this product that is recommended for newborns, since it is as close as possible in composition to breast milk.
  3. The protein content, the indicator should not exceed 15 g / l, a composition with a large amount of protein can provoke obesity in the future.
  4. The need for special, therapeutic nutrition. As a rule, such special mixtures are prescribed for various health problems. Most often these are problems with digestion, a general weakening of the body.
  5. The ratio of whey proteins and casein. A suitable initial formula (from 0 to 6 months) is one with more whey component.
  6. The composition should contain fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6, as they stimulate the development of the visual system, brain cells, and help strengthen immunity.
  7. The presence of prebiotics and probiotics in the composition - in the case when the baby has problems with stool, constipation.

Important! If the baby suffers from flatulence and frequent regurgitation, it is recommended that he use cow's milk mixtures that contain starch.And the best option is a goat milk mixture adapted in terms of whey content (at least 55% for the first mixtures).

Where could I buy

Mixtures in a wide range are presented in retail and pharmacy chains. Experts recommend buying baby food either in pharmacies or in specialized baby food stores.

When buying, in addition to the composition, it is imperative to evaluate:

  1. The integrity of the package;
  2. Best before date.

The Best Goat Milk Infant Formulas in 2022


The manufacturer of the product is the New Zealand company Bibikol, the basis is whole goat milk powder, which provides the product with milk fat saturated with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also contains palmitic acid.

An additional source of fat in the mixture is fish oil, a product that is enriched with beneficial trace elements and contains docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids.

Lactose and maltodextrin in the composition are a source of carbohydrates. As for the plant component, here it is sunflower, coconut and canola oils. Among the useful trace elements: taurine, carnitine, choline, lecithin, iron, zinc, copper, folic acid, thiamine, sodium, calcium, etc.

The manufacturer of the mixture, Nanny, draws the attention of the consumer to the fact that the content of polyunsaturated acids in the composition of New Zealand goat's milk is much higher than in cow's.

goat milk mixture Nanny
  • The composition is enriched with a large number of useful trace elements;
  • There is no palm oil among the ingredients;
  • The product is well absorbed, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The mixture is produced in the context of age categories: up to six months, from 6 months. up to a year, up to one and a half years, over 18 months.
  • No.


Another version of the adapted mixture, the composition of which is as close as possible to breast milk. The use of the product has a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nutrition is easily digested, ensures the development of the crumbs.

A special IQ-complex as part of the mixture has a positive effect on the development of the child's cognitive abilities.

The components of the mixture provide:

  1. Restoration of intestinal microflora, normalization of its work due to the presence of pro- and prebiotics in the composition;
  2. Improving metabolism due to L-carnitine;
  3. Prevention of constipation: the formation of soft stools is promoted by fat globules of goat's milk;
  4. Development of the cognitive activity of the crumbs, his visual system due to the components of a special IQ-complex;
  5. Prevention of rickets, and iron and iodine deficiency;
  6. Strengthening the immunity of the baby, due to the presence of 5 nucleotides in the composition.

goat milk mix Mamako
  • The product is well tolerated and absorbed;
  • Works well for the prevention and control of constipation;
  • The composition is enriched with useful components, trace elements;
  • Does not contain palm oil;
  • It has good solubility in water.
  • Some parents note the pungent smell of fish oil.


This adapted blend is based on whole goat's milk with the addition of whey protein from sheep's and goat's milk. The composition, which includes ingredients of natural origin, without GMOs, allows you to provide the crumbs with a sufficient amount of nutrients. Thereby allowing the child to develop properly, mentally and physically.

The use of this product contributes to the comfortable digestion of the child, since goat milk fat, in comparison with cow milk, has a more uniform consistency, its droplet size is smaller, which allows it to be absorbed almost completely.

Other useful ingredients include polyunsaturated fatty acids, fructooligosaccharides. Their presence ensures the optimal growth of the child's body, the development of mental abilities, the formation of a healthy intestinal microflora.

goat milk mix GOATTINY
  • Easily digestible, makes digestion comfortable;
  • The composition is enriched with useful components.
  • Does not immediately dissolve in water.

MD Mil Goat

As part of this adapted mixture, the required proportion is observed, where the ratio of whey proteins and casein is 60:40.

In addition to the nutritional function, the ingredients of the mixture contribute to:

  1. Prevention of dysbacteriosis, optimization of the digestive system, due to prebiotics in the composition;
  2. Fast absorption of nutrients thanks to vegetable oils and high-quality protein;
  3. Full formation of the nervous and cardiovascular systems due to the presence of nutrients;
  4. Getting enough carbohydrates from lactose and galactooligosaccharides.

goat milk mix MD Mil Goat
  • The composition is enriched with useful microelements, nutrients;
  • Whey protein and casein are in the optimal ratio;
  • The product is well absorbed and tolerated by the growing organism;
  • Helps normalize stool.
  • Clumping is noted when dissolved in water.

Pediatrician's advice

Buying a mixture is a responsible business. However, regardless of the product chosen, it is important to follow some feeding rules.

  • Use of specially prepared utensils.

Feeding bottles must first be thoroughly washed with a brush and boiled for 5-10 minutes or sterilized in a special device, a sterilizer.

The container must be thoroughly dried before dilution.

The nipple on the bottle should have such a hole from which the diluted product will be dosed in drops, and not flow out in a continuous stream.

  • Compliance with the diet.

If the "on demand" mode is used during breastfeeding, then with artificial feeding, one should adhere to a clear schedule and frequency, so a newborn eats 7-9 times a day, and a six-month-old - 5-6 times. In this case, it is desirable to organize feeding at about the same time.

  • Give a certain amount of formula in one feeding.

This will allow you not to overfeed the baby, providing him with the necessary amount of nutrients. So, for example, a child of the first two months of age should be given milk per day in the amount of 1/5 of his weight, at 2-4 months. - 1/6, etc. The resulting value must be distributed between the number of feedings per day.

  • Water for breeding should be boiled.

In this case, the water temperature at the time of breeding should be about 50 degrees.

  • Before direct feeding, the finished product must be checked for optimal temperature.

A simple way to drip on your wrist, if the hand endures, then you can start feeding. Otherwise, you need to cool down a little more.

Important! When feeding a baby from a bottle, it is necessary to control that the liquid completely fills the nipple and the neck of the bottle, forcing the air to the bottom. This will prevent the child from swallowing air bubbles that can provoke colic.

So, by choosing a suitable goat milk mixture, in accordance with the age and health indicators of the child, it is possible to ensure good nutrition and the intake of a sufficient amount of useful substances and microelements into the baby's body.

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