lego - a popular company that produces a wide range of designers. However, the cost of the designer is high, so many parents purchase analogues. Cheaper copies are almost indistinguishable from the originals. Therefore, they are also very popular with children. When choosing a constructor, we recommend paying attention to cheap LEGO analogues: users highlight the best brands and sets for 2022.
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When choosing a designer, it is necessary to take into account the preference of the child. The popular LEGO brand has a wide variety of models for all ages. Even if an analogue is purchased, it is important to consider the following features:
When buying inexpensive designers, you need to make sure that the plastic is of high quality. Preference should be given to ABS plastic, which does not harm babies.Many Chinese constructors are of good quality and can replace LEGO
Among the large assortment of designers, it is necessary to single out firms that have proven their quality. Manufacturers offer kits for all ages.
The set is designed for the little ones. However, despite the fact that all the details are large, they should only be used under adult supervision. The plastic is of high quality and does not contain toxic substances. Therefore, even if the child licks the block, it will not harm him. The set contains not only fastening parts, there are also cubes. The set includes parts that help the baby develop fine motor skills.
The manufacturer offers a wide range of sets for all ages, including schoolchildren. All kits have been quality tested.
The price is 2000 rubles.
The building set is perfect for a small child. With the help of such a product, the baby learns shapes and colors, develops imagination and hand motor skills. The cubes are very convenient for children's hands and do not have sharp corners, which is also very important.
The kit comes with 60 parts that can be used to make castles and other structures. The manufacturer offers several options, with a different number of parts.
The cost is 1000 rubles.
The set is of high quality, and will be an ideal option for the baby. With the help of details, you can create playgrounds. All products are large and have slightly rounded corners. Therefore, during the game, the baby will not get hurt.
The manufacturer takes famous children's cartoons as a basis. Therefore, kids are happy to play Peppa Pig or Masha and the Bear. Also, the kits include many additional components, such as dishes, trees or animals.
The cost is 900 rubles.
The manufacturer offers a wide range of designers. Every detail is exactly like LEGO. The manufacturer takes into account all the wishes of children, so it often produces kits with domestic equipment. Designers can be chosen absolutely for any age. Every detail is high quality and made of safe plastic. All kits are tested accordingly.
Choosing this set, parents help the child develop imagination and fine motor skills of hands. There are 61 pieces in the set. All components are bright and firmly attached to each other. The manufacturer recommends using the construction set for ages 3 and up.
The cost is from 800 rubles. The manufacturer offers a wide range of models for both boys and girls.
This constructor is an analogue of LEGO Duplo.It has an affordable cost and is often chosen by parents for the development of fine motor skills of the baby. Plastic quality, no smell. The set comes with a special container for convenient storage of the product. There are 33 blocks in the set.
All components are of high quality and children like it. It should also be noted that the model has an affordable price.
The cost is 1600 rubles.
This model is suitable for children over 3 years of age. All parts are durable and easy to put together. The set contains figures of people and animals, so the folded construction set can turn into a fun game. The kid acquires thinking skills and develops hand motor skills. Also together with parents will be able to study colors and shapes. There are 26 pieces in the set.
The cost is 700 rubles.
Ideal for boys over 6 years of age. The model is produced by a Chinese brand and, unlike other kits, has an affordable price. The material is non-toxic and is not damaged during assembly.
The manufacturer offers various options for sets on different topics. In addition to copying many LEGO variants, the company has recently offered its own variants of figures for every taste.
The price of the set is 1000 rubles.
The manufacturer offers a wide range of different sets for both boys and girls. A large selection of possible locations allows you to develop the imagination of the child. The designer completely imitates the real LEGO. On sale you can find both large and small sets.
This set consists of 508 parts. The package includes furniture, animals and other components in order to create the desired location. It should be noted that the instruction contains visual drawings, according to which the baby will be able to assemble the structure. There is also an instruction in Russian. All parts are of high quality and bright design.
The cost of the set is 1000 rubles.
The classic designer is made of high-quality plastic. The model has a large number of blocks, will allow you to spend your free time with enthusiasm. All finished models can be equipped with motors, so the equipment can move.
The model has great popularity, which is associated with the strength of plastic and their compatibility with other designers, including LEGO. Using the constructor, you can develop such useful skills as thinking and logic. It also develops creative features and motor skills of the hands.
The cost is 2300 rubles.
Products from a Chinese manufacturer.A feature of this brand is that the world's masterpieces of architecture are taken as the basis. Collecting the designer will be interesting for both adults and children. The parts are durable and made of high quality plastic. Therefore, the designer will last a long period. The manufacturer offers a wide range of kits. This model is very popular among children. The package includes 1048 pcs.
The cost is 4000 rubles.
All products are classic and imitate LEGO. The parts are assembled simply, so each kid will be able to assemble on their own without the help of adults. The kit comes with a handy instruction that describes every detail and has a visual guide on how to assemble the helicopter.
The set contains 502 items. The blocks are placed in a convenient package, which is easy to always take with you. Also included are 4 people who can be placed inside the helicopter.
Price - 1100 rubles
A classic type of construction set that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Most often, the company produces various types of equipment. This set is suitable for older children. Since the kit comes with 500 small items, which must be assembled strictly according to the instructions. Develops motor skills and logic, and also teaches perseverance.
The manufacturer offers a large number of models with military equipment. Some models completely imitate World of Tanks and World of Warship vehicles.Models are very similar to real technology and will also be of interest to adults.
The cost is 4000 rubles.
The manufacturer uses high-quality plastic, which is absolutely safe for humans and has no unpleasant odor. All parts are identical to LEGO, so they attract the attention of children. The designer has 2345 pieces. The child can use all products for one design, or make separate figures.
The cubes are tightly connected to each other. Also included are figures of men for a complete recreation of the location. Such additional products develop imagination and allow you to spend your free time with interest.
The cost is 4500 rubles.
This brand appeared relatively recently, but it is already very popular among users. Since the designer has small blocks, it is most often used for adults and teenagers. The parts are all smooth and easily connected to each other.
The brand offers a small range of sets. However, according to users, the models have many additional bells and whistles. These include the presence of doors to the fighters, where you can put the pilot, unusual locations. This allows the child to turn on the imagination and feel like in space.
The cost is 1600 rubles.
The Chinese manufacturer offers teenagers a model of weapons that they need to assemble on their own. The details are very high quality and can keep the child busy for a long period.
Plastic has good characteristics, all components are smooth without chips and marriage. Using blocks, you can make a full-fledged weapon for yard games. Includes 863 parts. It should also be noted that the assembled weapon can shoot, although the bullets travel a short distance.
The cost is 3000 rubles.
This brand is just beginning to conquer the market, but already has great popularity. Despite the fact that all the models of the brand are similar to LEGO, the manufacturer never carries out a complete copy. Always adding their own features that give the finished structure an unusual appearance. Many ready-made designs have lighting and additional decorations.
The parts are durable and painted with high quality paint. Models are provided for the older age, in addition to the fact that all the blocks must be assembled, it is also important to correctly install the driving elements.
It should be noted that you can control the models through a special joystick or smartphone. Thanks to such a gift, the child develops logic, interest in technology and electronics. Blocks can be combined with other models from this manufacturer, and create unique combinations.
The cost is 2500 rubles.
LEGO designers are very popular, as well as a large assortment. However, it should be noted that the cost of the original designer is high. Therefore, many parents choose alternative solutions, paying attention to analogues. Analogues are of good quality and are presented in a large assortment. Choosing the right model, you should take into account the age of the child and individual preferences. Choosing cheap LEGO counterparts: it is recommended to study the best brands and sets according to users for 2022.