Why on cold days, and especially in strong winds, does the skin experience noticeable discomfort, lose moisture, become drier, and show unpleasant or painful signs of chapping? And the usual daily care creams and ...
People who are far from medicine do not see the difference between a stethoscope, a phonendoscope and a stethophonendoscope. Despite the similar functionality, these devices have distinctive features, but they all help the doctor to obtain information about the condition ...
Eye diseases are common among all ages. It is necessary to buy medicines for treatment after consulting a specialist, an ophthalmologist. Considering the ranking of the best cataract drops for 2022,…
Stroke is a common brain disease that affects a large number of people.Many factors contribute to this: age after 55 years, heredity, the presence of bad habits, as well as chronic heart disease and ...
Combination or mixed skin requires special care. In addition to standard cleansing and exfoliation (no more than 1 time per week), it is necessary to use moisturizers daily, preferably marked “for combination skin” ....
Health is considered the most important human value. Modern life is very active, so there is little time left for self-care. That is why people are looking for new means of maintaining health. The massage chair is an effective…
In the autumn and winter periods of the year, colds affect almost every person. But not everyone has the opportunity to fully be treated at home or spend time on sick leave. In such situations, it is recommended to use ...
Immunostimulating supplements or multivitamins are needed to strengthen the body. They contain many necessary substances. There is an opinion that in order to protect your body from infection, you must definitely drink such drugs. But it is not…
Unfortunately, most people in the modern world spend their lives in a sitting position, this is not due to laziness, but to work and study.This lifestyle is not good for...
The accelerated rhythm of modern life forces the population to actively move, work for a long time in a standing position, and walk long distances. In most cases, this leads to chronic fatigue, the emergence and development of various ...