Corsets on the neck are necessary for a person to relieve the load from the spine after injuries, with various diseases. Wearing such a device helps to relax the muscles and allows you to relieve muscle spasm. It increases blood flow...
A good immune defense of the body is a guarantee of good health. Therefore, you need to take care of it constantly. Past illnesses and the negative impact of external factors reduce the effectiveness of immunity. Improve its functioning and help the body ...
When a child has a fever during an illness, the body experiences tremendous stress. Pediatricians advise to bring down the temperature in any way if it rises to +38 degrees or more. For this you need to apply…
The common cold can be contracted regardless of the time of year. The disease affects the human body in the winter months and early spring due to a lack of vitamins. In autumn, damp, unstable weather provokes an ailment. In summer, the culprits ...
The wrist is one of the most vulnerable places in the human body. At the same time, it takes on significant loads. In these conditions, various injuries of the wrist joint are not uncommon. In order for them…
Since the shoulder joint makes a large number of movements, it is most often injured. More than others suffer those people who go in for sports. There is also a risk of injury to the shoulder and ...
Ankle injuries happen not only in big-time sports, but also in the lives of ordinary people. From an accident, which is popularly called a dislocation of the ankle, unfortunately, no one is immune. Damaged…
Any woman in the wardrobe must have a variety of tights and stockings. In addition to the usual knitwear and products that correct the figure, there is also medical underwear. Today, many women purchase special anti-embolic stockings, ...
Modern people, both adults and children, spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. Lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle lead to the development of many health problems, from which ...
The elbow has a complex structure and belongs to large joints. Injuries to this part of the body often occur during hard physical work or sports. To alleviate the suffering of the patient, various ...