Don't want your child to be afraid of dentists like fire and run their teeth into adulthood, avoiding anxious feelings and unpleasant childhood memories? Then you should choose a good commercial clinic, and ...
Pediatric dentistry is an independent area in dentistry, in which it is necessary to have special knowledge and skills, because the treatment of a child is a particularly responsible and delicate procedure. A pediatric dentist should not only…
For most adults, going to the dentist is one of the most "terrible" problems. This fear comes from childhood. Therefore, in order not to pass on these childhood fears from generation to generation, parents ...
The first trip to the dentist is always exciting.The further attitude of the baby to dental treatment depends on how it passes, either it will be tears and fear, or trust ...
Teeth need to be protected from a young age, more precisely, from infancy. The kid needs to be taught to brush his teeth as early as possible. First, just with a brush, then, using children's toothpaste with various flavors. It is also important to regularly...
It is very important to know how to choose the right clinic for children's dentistry. The mood of the child, parents, qualification of the doctor is important. An important role is played by the appearance of the clinic and the quality of the equipment. From this…
The need to take the child to the dentist sooner or later arises for all parents. Now in every city there are several private clinics that provide dental treatment services, but you need to look for it ...
Rotavirus infection most often collapses quite suddenly and covers instantly. A trip to the sea, a trip to a kindergarten or school, a walk in a public place, contact with an infected person - all this ...
On the Internet, you can now easily find a rating of the best remedies for the common cold, which is considered a fairly harmless disease. However, an unhealthy person in such a situation experiences significant discomfort in the form of congestion ...
Migraine is a dangerous disease that manifests itself in the form of unbearable headache attacks. The discomfort is felt so strongly that the person is not able to do anything at all. Attacks last from several hours to several ...