In order to assess the condition of a sick person, analyzes have long been used in medicine. Any biological fluid of a person can convey information about the disease. For example, deciphering the indicators of a general blood test allows you to find out if there is ...
Every person who takes his health seriously sooner or later faces the problem of choosing a medical institution for testing. In every city there are now a large number of private centers and public ...
Health care is an integral part of many people's lives. Visiting a doctor isn't just for emergencies. This is necessary for the prevention and regular monitoring of their own condition. To…
Where is the best place to go to get the exact result of a medical examination? What types of tests can be taken in a particular institution? These and many other questions can be found in the article. The review provides popular…
The level of modern medicine is so high that many diseases are cured at an early stage. The most important role in the diagnosis is played by the results of laboratory tests. In Nizhny Novgorod in 2022, such studies are being carried out ...
A married couple who cannot have a child faces a difficult choice: adoption or IVF? In most cases, parents choose to maintain a genetic relationship with their baby, which means that their choice ...
The choice of a laboratory for the delivery of material for medical tests will sooner or later be for everyone. Gone are the days when people had to stand in line at the clinic from early morning to…
For many families, the diagnosis of infertility is perceived as a death sentence. However, in our time, this problem can be solved with the help of in vitro fertilization. For those who do not understand what this operation is, you should do ...
The health of your own and loved ones is a matter of paramount importance. That is why it is important to know where to go for the necessary medical help, including that related to the examination of the body for…
Every person sooner or later faces the need to pass any tests. The reason may be a commission when applying for a job or a visit to the doctor. However, turning to the choice of organization for holding…