For optimal orientation in the environment, nature has endowed man with sense organs. A special place among them belongs to the organ of vision: it ensures the successful performance of labor functions, promotes the implementation of diverse opportunities for recreation and…
Clear vision is hard work. To see better, people drink dietary supplements, eat carrots regularly, and even do eye exercises. What to do if all this does not help? Search…
Healthy teeth provide a beautiful smile. And, if there is not enough money for Hollywood, and the gums bleed mercilessly, you need to choose the right paste. This will stop the beginning changes in the oral cavity. Periodontitis and periodontal disease is necessary ...
For well-coordinated work, it is necessary to regularly check the body for failures and threats.Medical laboratories are the best way to cope with this important task. The only problem is how not to…
Many residents of Volgograd and the region face the question of how to choose the best medical analysis laboratories and how much this or that procedure costs in different institutions. Timely delivery of analyzes is a necessary measure ...
Currently, among all the existing diagnostic methods, laboratory tests provide the greatest amount of information: their role is also significant in carrying out preventive examinations, diagnosing diseases, and in case of hospitalization. Similar…
Residents of our country are constantly faced with the problem of obtaining papers and certificates. Enroll a child in a kindergarten or school, get a job as an employee, specialist or simple worker, visit the pool, section, get ...
Medical laboratories serving the residents of the city of Kazan daily perform an important function for the citizens. Today, there are about 200 such medical laboratories in this city, where specialists with appropriate qualifications conduct laboratory ...
It is very difficult to stay absolutely healthy in our time. In those moments when a lot of time and nerves are spent on work, it is difficult to maintain your body and carefully monitor it. Plus to…
Unfortunately, every person in life has a situation when doctors refer patients for tests to make a more accurate diagnosis or to prescribe the right treatment. The main goal is…