The fast pace of modern life often leads to a deterioration in well-being, and if residents of villages and villages place great emphasis on eating fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat, then residents of megacities ...
The use of drugs to improve the condition of liver tissues is useful not only for the corresponding diseases, but also for their prevention. Such drugs are called hepatoprotectors. In total, more than six hundred of them have been developed. They differ…
An amazingly perfect and complex human organ is the eye. In 2022, 70% of eye diseases are the result of fundamental changes in the body. The most common visual impairments are: refraction - this is myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism ....
The modern rhythm of life leads people to a number of problems of the psychological spectrum - mood drops and emotional stress rises, they become apathetic and anxious, suffer from sleep and appetite disorders. Very successful with...
The eyes are an important human organ, and it is definitely not worth treating it with disdain. The problem of choosing an ophthalmological clinic to this day remains very relevant. What should you look into...
You live for yourself, you get on and suddenly at one fine moment you find out that you are pregnant. The news may be expected or a surprise, but one thing is clear that now nothing will be the same and ...
One of the most popular drugs purchased in pharmacies is absorbents. This class of drugs cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, removes gases that poison the body, and neutralizes the effects of poisons and toxins. Often…
The eyes are one of the main organs of perception of the environment. Violation of the visual system worsens the quality of life and complicates life. The ophthalmological clinic specializes in the study and treatment of diseases of the visual system. Eye…
Every person from childhood knows about the benefits of vitamins that are necessary for normal life. Vitamins of groups K and D are synthesized by the body on their own, the rest must be obtained from the outside in the form of products, special tablets ...
The eyes, being one of the most significant sense organs, allow us to see the world, navigate in it and receive information about what surrounds us. A person is very dependent on vision, perhaps more ...