Disorders of the nervous system, mental disorders are becoming a serious problem of our time. Some of them pass without a trace without medical intervention, but in some severe cases, the help of a psychiatrist is required. For a long time, mental problems ...
Our lives move at an ever-accelerating pace. An extremely large number of stressful situations cannot but affect the mental health of our fellow citizens, and the number of mental illnesses is growing at a tremendous speed. When…
A mental disorder is an inability to adapt to living conditions and the resolution of life problems, as well as a change in behavior, feelings and thinking. According to the World Health Organization, every 4-5 people have a behavioral…
The modern rhythm of life requires more and more from people, so it is not surprising that every third person is in a state of stress or chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, in our country...
It is possible to draw a certain parallel between the failure of a computer due to the failure of some parts or programs and the disruption of a person's normal life due to mental problems. Repairing a computer is not...
Adults and children suffer from diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders. At the same time, the patient's physical condition remains normal, deviations occur in the sensory-emotional perception of the world. Mental disorders are aggravated in the spring, ...
Most Russians treat psychiatry with humor, but in real life everything is much more serious. According to WHO statistics, 20% of all Russian residents turn to psychiatric clinics for help and about ...
A psychiatric hospital is a facility that specializes in the treatment of serious disorders and illnesses related to mental health. It is necessary to spend the night in a hospital for therapy (on average 8-10 days), in private…
A healthy nervous system provides a person with the smooth functioning of all organs, allows for many years to live a healthy, happy life. But what to do if she failed, and the mental state was shaken? The answer is obvious: you need...
Modern man, with his fast and active pace of life, is in constant nervous and psychological stress. Possible problems at work, in personal life can lead to anxiety, depression….