The organs of vision are subjected to a lot of stress every day. Redness and itching often occur, such symptoms can be provoked by various factors and cause discomfort for a person. Properly selected drops eliminate discomfort and unpleasant symptoms ....
In bedridden patients, bedsores appear on some parts of the body subject to constant pressure. Skin lesions are sometimes very dangerous. The most frequently stressed parts of the body are the sacrum, coccyx, hip joint, ...
Children's skin needs protection from the sun. What safe products contain, at what age to use and how to choose the best sunscreen for children's skin, we'll talk in the article. How to choose sunscreen...
Thickening of the blood can be the beginning of such serious diseases as varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and other malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. The editors of present you…
One of the common procedures in dentistry, in addition to fillings, cleaning stones, is tooth extraction or extraction. This happens only when the tooth completely becomes unusable, and its stay in ...
Varicose veins are a rather insidious disease and can overtake when you do not expect it at all. According to statistics, more than 50% of adults in Russia suffer from it, so the rating of the best venotonics ...
Spring is the period when the reserves of vitamins in the human body become minimal. This can lead to various health problems - feeling unwell, fatigue, depression, metabolic disorders, bone fragility, and ...
A healthy diet and the right nutritional supplements help you lead an active lifestyle and recover quickly from illness. Studying the rating of the best vitamins for energy and vigor for 2022, you can choose a quality complex ....
The appearance of a new family member should be approached consciously. Therefore, it is better to start planning pregnancy in advance. With such a correct approach, the baby and mother will have good health, pregnancy and childbirth will not ...
Regardless of what supplements there are, they are all produced and taken in order to make the body more resilient to physical exertion and, if necessary, restore health in a short time. To choose…