Toxins gradually accumulate in the body. The reason may be poor ecology, low-quality food. Over time, natural filters (kidneys and liver) cease to cope, then special preparations come to the rescue - absorbents ....
To choose the right shaving product, you need to focus on several conditions that they must have: Good hydration, the ability to carefully remove all hairs with minimal effort, because a comfortable shaving process affects…
Chronic allergic skin disease - atopic dermatitis, has several names: childhood eczema, neurodermatitis. Whatever term is used when making a diagnosis, the essence remains the same: periodically the disease returns. Most often atopic...
Every nursing mother worries about the amount of breast milk, believing that it is produced too little.Such assumptions may arise due to frequent attachment, the baby's concern that he or for too long, ...
Deficiency of coenzyme Q10 in the body leads to a decrease in energy produced, disruptions in the work of the cardiovascular, endocrine and immune systems, deterioration of the blood, skin, hair and nails. Prevent unpleasant and dangerous processes...
Everyone knows that in order to restore working capacity and just have a good rest, you need to get a good night's sleep. To do this, you should choose the right mattress, since it is from a well-chosen mattress that will not depend on…
Sometimes it is necessary to exclude sugar from the diet, when switching to dietary or sports nutrition, for example. It’s hard enough to do without sweets, but sweeteners can be used. The rating below will help you navigate and choose ...
Urticaria, like any skin disease, causes a lot of inconvenience, the main of which is severe itching and ugly watery blisters or a rash on the face, hands, and body. The question is how...
Proper treatment of pain, inflammation of the hearing organs - only under the guidance of specialists.Studying the rating of the best antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media for 2022, you can choose the right drug, using the advice of doctors ....
Excessive tearing of the eyes is a common problem among people of all age groups. Various factors provoke inflammation: allergies, ophthalmic diseases, as well as lacrimation - a consequence of long work at the computer monitor. Efficient and…