In modern medicine, the catheterization procedure is used. It is needed: Firstly, for carrying out diagnostic studies, which are performed only by introducing special devices (catheters) into the cavity or canal of the human body. With absence…
Modern methods of treatment in the form of ointment dressings for skin lesions promote high-quality, rapid healing and exclude injury to painful areas, and prevent their re-infection. The ranking also presents the best ointment dressings for ...
Many patients after surgery on the intestines and urinary organs have to live with a stoma. This prospect frightens them because it brings significant inconvenience, requires a change in lifestyle and contributes to ...
Vision problems are the so-called scourge of the 21st century.Computers, phones, various other devices, as well as a sedentary lifestyle and a lot of stressful situations, have a huge impact on people's vision ....
Nutrition is an essential condition for normal human life. But sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that a person loses for some time, and in the worst cases forever, the ability to eat in the usual way ....
During the period of flu and colds, parents try to protect their child as much as possible from the disease. And if the disease is already progressing, they try to raise his immunity without harm to health. Among the variety of drugs ...
In patients with circulatory disorders with a sedentary lifestyle, the threat of bedsores inevitably arises. Human organs and tissues are saturated with oxygen through capillaries with elastic walls. With prolonged lying or sitting position ...
There are a lot of people who are bedridden due to illness and need special care. And a special discomfort is to go to the toilet like a healthy person. But not only…
Alopecia is the scientific name for baldness. There are different types of alopecia and their causes.To deal with this problem, first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly caused the hair loss. AND…
Cough is considered one of the most unpleasant symptoms of many infectious diseases. It is difficult to deal with it, since each of its varieties requires a different medicine. The most important thing in treatment is to eliminate the cause of the disease, ...