I want to wear beautiful shoes, but painful corns that do not go away at all and corns that only spoil the whole appearance interfere. Many people suffer with this problem. However, getting rid of it is enough ...
The skin of men, like that of women, requires regular care. Especially if the epidermis is prone to the appearance of inflammatory processes. The choice of men's cosmetics is large, so there are often difficulties when buying. However, it is important to…
After the birth of a child, any nursing mother is puzzled by the search for a magic jar of pills that will help her regain strength. Our article will demonstrate the ranking of the best vitamins for nursing mothers for 2022 and ...
Lichen is, of course, not fatal, but a very unpleasant disease. Children are most often infected, adults - extremely rarely. The disease is contagious, spreads very quickly and requires immediate medical attention.In a timely manner…
Women, like men, want to be slim and beautiful. However, not everyone has time for regular visits to fitness rooms or jogging. Diets do not always lead to what you want, especially if you need ...
Cough syrups are often used to suppress the cough reflex or, if necessary, stimulate the expectoration of mucus. They are of several types, differing in active ingredients - mucolytic, antitussive, expectorant and combined. The syrup is chosen...
Iron deficiency in the body leads to various undesirable consequences. This trace element delivers oxygen through the blood throughout the body. In the case of anemia, the circulatory system is disturbed, and the consequences of oxygen starvation are manifested ...
Giardia are the simplest parasites that disrupt the full functioning of the internal organs of a person, thereby worsening his general condition. As a rule, infection occurs as a result of the penetration of Giardia spores (cysts) into the body through ...
In medicine, sinusitis is known by another name - sinusitis. This is a disease that develops in the maxillary cavity. During the pathological process, the nasal cavity becomes inflamed, which is directly connected with the sinus.It is also possible the action of pathogenic ...
The first hydrophilic oil was created by the German pharmacist Michael Babor. The formula that made it possible to "make friends" of oil and water was patented in 1955. Initially, the product was intended to moisturize and nourish the skin. And only through...