Sometimes it is necessary to exclude sugar from the diet, when switching to dietary or sports nutrition, for example. It’s hard enough to do without sweets, but sweeteners can be used. The rating below will help you navigate and choose ...
Urticaria, like any skin disease, causes a lot of inconvenience, the main of which is severe itching and ugly watery blisters or a rash on the face, hands, and body. The question is how...
Proper treatment of pain, inflammation of the hearing organs - only under the guidance of specialists. Studying the rating of the best antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media for 2022, you can choose the right drug, using the advice of doctors ....
Excessive tearing of the eyes is a common problem among people of all age groups.Various factors provoke inflammation: allergies, ophthalmic diseases, as well as lacrimation - a consequence of long work at the computer monitor. Efficient and…
The organs of vision are subjected to a lot of stress every day. Redness and itching often occur, such symptoms can be provoked by various factors and cause discomfort for a person. Properly selected drops eliminate discomfort and unpleasant symptoms ....
In the modern world, it is difficult to meet a girl who does not use cosmetics at all. One of the main roles in makeup is played by mascara, which makes the look expressive, attracts attention and emphasizes beauty….
Appearance invariably occupies the minds of the weak and strong half of humanity. You can easily understand the fashion for clothes, shoes, accessories by referring to seasonal trends, stylists, and new fashion designers. But the face! You can't buy it...
Often, when caring for the skin of the face, girls forget about the lips. Few people attach such enormous importance to them, which ultimately leads to disastrous consequences. The skin of the lips is extremely exposed to the environment ...
In bedridden patients, bedsores appear on some parts of the body subject to constant pressure.Skin lesions are sometimes very dangerous. The most frequently stressed parts of the body are the sacrum, coccyx, hip joint, ...
Children's skin needs protection from the sun. What safe products contain, at what age to use and how to choose the best sunscreen for children's skin, we'll talk in the article. How to choose sunscreen...