When applying makeup, lips are painted last. Lipstick is the finishing touch in creating the image of a woman. It is enough to change only the color and the degree of gloss, and a lady with a standard appearance turns into ...
This article will focus on dressing materials. There is an opinion that they are only suitable for being in places where first aid is provided, and that they are still ...
Baby colic is a common occurrence in newborns, the occurrence of which can lead to serious consequences. Colic may occur a few weeks after birth. They are accompanied by prolonged crying of the child (more than 3 hours), ...
When planning the birth of a child, you need to know which days will be favorable for conception. This period is called ovulation, when the egg is mature and ready for fertilization. There are different ways to determine the ovulatory period. The most…
Pimples are a lot of trouble. Affected areas of the skin on the face and body spoil the aesthetic appearance of a person, leading to feelings and stress, and this may also indicate diseases of the internal organs. To…
Chondroprotectors are drugs whose main purpose is to protect cartilage tissue from destruction. They can be prescribed for a disease such as arthritis, as well as for acute pain in the spine, hips, ...
Collagen dietary supplements have recently become more and more popular. Well-known bloggers recommend them for weight loss and skin rejuvenation, to restore ligaments and joints during active sports. Which of these…
Green tea is popular not only as a tasty and thirst-quenching drink, but also as a means used in cosmetology. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of useful substances (vitamins, ...
At any age, a woman wants to look young and beautiful. The condition of the skin plays a big role in this, because it is no secret that after 30 years it begins to be exposed to external negative influences and ...
A sheet mask is a popular and sought-after beauty product, which was introduced by Korean women. Thanks to tissue products, in just 15-20 minutes, even dull and withered skin can be restored to a radiant appearance. They are comfortable…