The famous French fashion designer Christian Dior said that after a certain period of time from the moment of meeting a woman, it will be forgotten what she was wearing, but her fragrance will remain ...
Skin care involves not only the use of creams, but also familiarity with serums and emulsions. This is what they call more “heavy artillery” for the skin, since any serum is a concentrated product, ...
It is difficult to find a woman who does not dream of healthy, radiant skin. However, the reality is that malnutrition, stress, lack of sleep and lack of care make the skin dull and ugly. For help…
The desire for youth and beauty is quite natural for women. This is not just a whim or a tribute to fashion. Beautiful, young and well-groomed skin is part of a successful image. Therefore, many ladies are willing to spend ...
Every girl wants to have perfect skin. Under the influence of time and sunlight, the skin undergoes changes. Small wrinkles, age spots appear. All this can be masked with a bronzer. What is bronzer...
Chinese cosmetics have long attracted women's attention, and when placing orders on Ali Express, many look in the direction of face creams, thinking: “To take or not to take?”. It seems like you want it because...
Every woman wants to be beautiful. And the hairstyle plays an important role. Curlers can make graceful curls out of straight curls or simply add additional volume. How to choose the right one and...
Specialized barbershops for men are increasingly appearing in various Russian cities. However, many people prefer to avoid such establishments, as there is an opinion about the high cost of barbershop services. The statement is only partly true. So,…
Applying makeup requires special skills and tools that keep decorative cosmetics on the face for a long time. Using a make-up base allows you to apply cosmetics evenly, which is very important especially in summer…
Many of us have already fallen in love with the Chinese platform Aliexpress and are constantly ordering some things that please the soul and body from there. This article will offer an excellent selection of face masks and patches….