The spine is the support of the human body, which distributes the load, regulates the depreciation of organs. Excess weight, metabolic disorders, a sedentary lifestyle, strong physical exertion lead to diseases of the spine. It is advisable to treat in specialized ...
Today, girls and guys dream of taking part in fashion shows, whom nature has endowed with certain external data. Previously, only a few dreamed of a career as a fashion model. But demand creates supply. AND…
You will not envy people who have problems with their teeth - in addition to unpleasant sensations while chewing food, they are forced to spend a large amount of money to maintain them in good condition. Often the usual...
If you are faced with a pathology or disease of the ears, throat, nose, you should urgently contact a competent otolaryngologist. Not so long ago, finding a reliable ENT clinic was a problem. People went to the state without ...
In former times, the problem of educating children who are not full-fledged members of society, due to their physical and intellectual deviations from the norm, was pushed "to the periphery." This phenomenon tried not to advertise. Modern world…
It is very difficult for parents of special children to accept the very fact of sending a son or daughter to a special school. Therefore, many of them resort to the services of a tutor and try to arrange a child in a regular general education ...
In modern times, courier services are gaining more and more popularity and are in demand in all corners of the planet. Postal items are a thing of the past, their place is taken by a variety of transportation and issuing companies ...
Stroke has always been a dangerous medical emergency, and rightly so. According to statistics, a stroke occurs in the world every 40 seconds, and every four minutes a death is recorded as a result of a stroke, which is ...
It is hard for every parent of a “special” child to realize that their baby is not like everyone else. Some of them get depressed, some are angry, some are shy, but almost all parents of such kids are trying ...
Today yoga has become widespread in all corners of the world. Someone is engaged in it, plunging completely into the philosophical meaning, someone opens up new physical possibilities without going into details. Teaching has come to the West...