Parrots are demanding birds that need timely care. In order to make care easy, pet owners use feeders and drinkers. Devices are provided for safe use and timely water supply ...
For a person who is not keen on horse breeding, these noble animals seem the same. What is not so, today there are about 250 different species, with their own special features. This makes the acquisition of an artiodactyl pet - ...
With the onset of warm seasons, dogs begin to more actively explore bushes and trees. But, unfortunately, there they can be in danger in the form of ticks and other parasites. In the event of late detection...
When purchasing a large pet, the owner must familiarize himself with the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay for the dog. After all, if the rules are not followed, the animal will suffer from an insufficient amount of space allotted for it, or get sick ...
Allergic diseases are not limited to humans. Pets can also suffer from its manifestations. This is especially true for cats that live in cities. Specially designed food for pets will help keep your pet healthy…
Dogs for most people are not just pets, but members of their families, who are surrounded by love and care. Properly selected nutrition is an important part of pet care, because it…
Spring or any other period of sexual activity of non-neutered / non-neutered cats and cats is a turbulent time not only for the animals themselves, but also for their owners. Animals become more excitable...
Pets, just like people, are often exposed to various stresses. Anxiety in cats can provoke even the most harmless action, like a walk on the street, going to the vet, moving, the arrival of guests and ...
Increasingly, cat lovers opt for representatives of the Scottish breed. Such cats are distinguished by a calm character and become a good family friend. But before you get a new pet, you should ...
The life expectancy and condition of small four-legged pets largely depends on the conditions of maintenance and nutrition. You can buy meat, vegetables, homemade eggs and much more on your own, cook food by counting calories and…