Liquid plastic is a polymer-based adhesive mixture that is commonly used for bonding plastic and other objects. For example, to ensure a snug fit of frames in windows and doors to ...
An optical cable (other names: fiber optic cable, fiber optic cable, optical fiber - “OB”) is a wire capable of transmitting information signals in the optical wave range through light guides. Currently, a similar method of transmission (with ...
Alkyd-urethane varnish helps to preserve the structure of wooden surfaces, their natural appearance, protects, and ensures durability of use. Below are recommendations on how to choose the right varnish for the price, what new products and popular models are offered by manufacturers, ...
A special sprinkler for the shower is called a watering can. To date, there are a huge number of different models.Watering cans are made from various materials, depending on the functionality of use. How beautiful it is to stand under the stream of water, ...
The main unsolvable problem when integrating a conventional Ethernet network for an industrial field is that the routing and delivery of information packets via the TCP / IP protocol cannot provide the desired level of performance on a scale ...
Lacquer for exterior processing of various bases (from brick and concrete to wood, chipboard and plastic) is used not only as a decorative coating. Proper varnishing is designed to qualitatively protect the surface from mechanical…
For decorating walls, many different materials are produced that differ in appearance, functionality, quality and cost. Among them, decorative paint can be distinguished. In the article we will consider in more detail what this type is ...
Acrylic lacquers have become widespread quite recently, however, in a short period of time they have already earned recognition and have become an indispensable product on the building materials market. They can easily be mixed with water, ether or…
Varnishes for interior use are used at the final stage of surface treatment, to improve its performance, provide protection and durability. The choice depends on the characteristics of the material being processed, the composition itself, as well as the conditions…
A triaxial cable (aka triax or triaxial) is a type of electrical cable that is somewhat similar to coaxial, but differs from the latter in the presence of a third insulating layer and a second shielding conductor. Triax is capable of...