HMD Global has unveiled an entry-level smartphone. The novelty received a 5.71-inch IPS display with a resolution of HD + 1520x720 pixels. The processor is Qualcomm QM215 (28 nm) quad-core ARM Cortex-A53. Announcement of a new smartphone...
Recently, HMD Global announced the release of the Nokia C2 smartphone on its website. This super-budget device, which is included in the rating of quality devices, will be released on the Android Go software, which will allow it to…
Every day we are faced with the supply of various smartphones and gadgets, technological innovations to the market. You do not have time to deal with the device and the operation of one model, as we are already offered another, no less attractive ...
It became known that Google plans to release an updated line of budget smartphones Pixel 4a. Little is known about the new smartphone yet. If you believe the information on the network, then the start of sales has already begun on ...
HMD Global has unveiled the new Nokia 8.3 smartphone, the brand's first 5G network-enabled smartphone. Although this is not a flagship, however, in terms of characteristics, it stands at ...
Getting lucky in the wireless market is no easy feat, and creating the recipe for the perfect smartphone is even more so. For Vivo, however, the maneuver was easy, and…
Another March surprise was the ZTE Axon 11 smartphone with 5G support. Its width was 73.4 mm, length - 159.2 mm and thickness - 7.9 mm. For men with large...
The market of smartphones and gadgets does not stand still, and every day we are offered more and more new and improved products. Reviews of new products or reviews of models help to choose a really worthwhile thing ...
The protection of personal property, a private house, an apartment is an urgent problem, the solution of which should be approached responsibly, having the necessary information. Analyzing the rating of the best alarms for an apartment and a summer residence for 2022, you can ...
Snow or rain? Cloudy or clear? Slippery, dry? Will it drip or gush like a bucket? Final chord: "how many degrees above zero?" The meteorological situation for a modern person is an opportunity to foresee…