In April 2019, SAMSUNG introduced its new Galaxy View 2 tablet to the market. The updated model became the heir to the first modification, a hybrid of a tablet computer and a multimedia TV. The device of the first generation did not find ...
Finding a good watch for everyday and sports life is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the possibilities and technical indicators. Attention is offered to the novelties of this season, popular models of sports watches of past years and some…
Wireless headsets are used for more than just talking on a mobile device. Modern users use such gadgets to listen to music or study audio books, the convenience and quality of models are improving daily. Many users find it difficult...
The Samsung brand is once again trying to create a trend for tablet PCs with a novelty, despite the ever-decreasing need for such devices. With small external transformations, "fresh stuffing" and innovative ...
Tablets have become an integral part of our lives. Access to social networks, watching videos and movies, working with documents, games are just a small part of the capabilities of these gadgets. They are simply irreplaceable...
Not so long ago, Acer introduced its new creation - a 12-inch tablet Switch 3. Given the characteristics of the gadget, it is easily suitable for both office and home purposes ....
Without waiting for the established demonstration planned for the fall, Apple introduced an updated series of Apple iPad Mini and iPad Air (2019) tablet PCs, the advantages and disadvantages of which are discussed in this article. Positioning How...
Today, new items in the world of electronics replace each other at a fantastic speed, and most people are no longer even surprised by new developments. If we talk about the leader of cutting-edge ideas, then now ...
Electronic accessories are a separate segment of the gadget market. This segment has shown impressive growth over the past few years. The average smart watch in 2019 boasts functionality that is in no way inferior to smartphones. Huami...
Most recently, the official release of the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active smart watch took place, a modern device for sports that can measure blood pressure. The gadget model will be sold only in early March…