Before everyone who wants to learn to dance, the usual question arises - how to choose the best dance school for yourself? The teachers of each studio will assure that they will teach anyone to dance. But how not to be mistaken ...
Dancing is now at the peak of popularity, more and more people are choosing it as a way to get in shape, spend time with pleasure, find good health and express their own emotions. Numerous schools...
Dancing is a combination of sport and art, a great mood and a charge of vivacity, an exciting way to spend time. If you want to take up dancing, but something stops you - insecurity, age characteristics, possible criticism, ...
Harmonious, comprehensive development of the child involves not only intellectual, but also active, physical activities. Dance training helps to instill in children a sense of beauty from early childhood, to learn to perceive harmony and a sense of rhythm, to understand ...
Dance is inner freedom, the ability to know oneself, overcoming inveterate complexes, revealing sexuality and sensual pleasure. It is not surprising that more and more people are beginning to wonder where to learn to dance, which direction to choose, ...
From year to year, dances are gaining more and more fans. Moreover, not only children, but also adults are amenable to this hobby. Dance allows you to usefully spend time and find new friends, develops ...
The modern world is dangerous and ruthless. In order to survive in it, it is recommended to know the basics of self-defense, simple combinations of punches and kicks. Some people try to learn a couple of tricks that are based ...
With the beginning of the cycling season, many users are wondering about repairing their own bike, or assembling a new horse for the coming season. In this world of speed and complete freedom, many manufacturers offer their own…
A good pump for any cyclist is one of the varieties of car pumps that are designed specifically for inflating tires on bicycles. There are many types of similar devices for pumping air in bicycles. For…
Considering two types of martial arts - boxing and kickboxing, it should be noted that they have many differences and, at the same time, a large number of similarities. First of all, the main similarity is ...