Boxing bandages are an effective means of protection, significantly reducing the risk of skin inflammation and injury to the athlete's hands. This is especially true for beginner boxers. Rating of the best manufacturers of sports bandages and review ...
In mixed martial arts (also MMA), as in any area of martial arts held by the UFC fighting organization, equipment plays a big role. This is especially true of special gloves, which are lining on the hands ...
The expression "the brakes were invented by a coward" refers to people who have never faced the need to stop in time. This is especially true for two-wheeled vehicles, because in the driver's car the body of the vehicle protects, but here ...
Of all the variety of available types of bicycles, it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular brand or manufacturer. The article will focus on how to choose road and track bikes. Also…
A bicycle is an indispensable means of transportation in the summer season. The variety of models is uncountable. Each commodity unit has its own nuances and capabilities, this also applies to the price segment. Therefore, the circle was narrowed ...
The purpose of a mountain bike is to allow you to go where it is not possible to get through on a regular, urban model. Therefore, for comfortable operation in such conditions, high-quality depreciation is necessary, which is provided by a solid fork. However…
PVC boats for lovers of water hobbies are a reliable means of transportation on a pond. However, acquiring such a design for oneself, the question arises: to buy a boat with an inflatable bottom or with payolas. Due…
The rim is one of the main elements of the bike, which requires extremely rare replacement. However, faced with such a problem, the question arises: what model do you need for your two-wheeled vehicle? The review was compiled by popular…
A bicycle is a maneuverable, economical, environmentally friendly transport, very useful for maintaining fitness and health. Of course, if it is chosen with skill, assembled from quality blocks and parts, meets your needs….
At the beginning of the 21st century, BMX (beymix) appeared in the list of summer Olympic disciplines, which is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds. Bicycle Moto eXtreme - velomotocross. Demand was quickly responded to...