This means of personal armor protection - NIB, is recognized as the most popular in official areas from military personnel to private security companies. To date, there are a large number of models from different brands, different not only ...
Sandbag (from the English word "sandbag" - "a bag of sand") is a sports device designed for strength training. The projectile is popular with athletes involved in the following areas of training: crossfit, powerlifting, bodyrock system, tabata, ...
In the hustle and bustle of a busy, everyday life, there is an urgent need to bring your inner well-being into a state of peace and balance. To do this, you should completely relax and take the most comfortable position ...
Two-wheeled transport is used for recreation, work, travel, trips to shops by all categories of people (men, women, children). Considering the ranking of the best bike racks for 2022, you can choose the right model for ...
Yoga classes are considered very beneficial for the whole body. They contribute to the complete relaxation of the body, improve brain activity, and have a positive effect on the nervous and respiratory systems. This practice is not just for men...
Flowers decorate our lives, help to say words of love to a loved one, express gratitude and joy. But without water, any living bouquet will quickly wither. He needs a vessel that will not only preserve the plants...
Training loops and elastic bands are popular not only among professional athletes, but also among amateurs. They help to reduce the load during exercise, but at the same time they effectively work out certain muscle groups ....
Pneumatic weapons today can be purchased by anyone. At the same time, depending on the combat characteristics, some popular models are available without registration and any special permits. The main thing is that the value ...
For those who are familiar with archery firsthand, the unpleasant sensation left by a tight bowstring on the forearm is probably remembered. This negative experience was the reason for the creation of an effective, ...
A bicycle is not only a means of transportation.These are health, communication with like-minded people, new impressions, active recreation with the family. This is a way to cheat the ubiquitous traffic jams and get to your destination faster…