The coastal northern peoples could not imagine their existence without the Aleut canoes and Inuit kayaks, which, in principle, are one and the same. Only thanks to the presence of such devices it was possible to hunt the beast ...
An overview of the characteristics of the oars shows how diverse they are and how to choose the best option for easy holding of the selected line, smooth acceleration and turning of the boat, as well as the implementation of the Eskimo coup. Of great importance…
Camping allows you to escape from the constant bustle and rejuvenate, but before you go on such a trip, you should be well prepared. First of all, you need a quality tent. Enough to pay attention…
Those who prefer outdoor activities to sitting on the couch know how important it is to have a knife with you when traveling, but it is strictly forbidden to store it in a bag or pocket, as this is fraught with…
A life jacket is an important attribute that keeps a person afloat. This device also protects against sudden changes in weather and cushions spontaneous falls. Vests are of different types. Choice depends on age...
With the help of a rug, you can not only do yoga or do fitness exercises. It creates a special zone for creative energy and acts as a space limiter in halls where there are a lot of people….
How to choose a bed for giving? This question is asked by all, without exception, the owners of private plots in the suburbs. There are several selection criteria: the appearance of the product, practicality, functionality and comfort of use. An important aspect is…
The word "frisbee" means actually a flying disc or the name of an entertaining game. The name itself has English roots "Frisbee" and is patented by Wham - O. Currently, the product of this manufacturer is a large ...
Any hunter and angler will confirm that the most important piece of equipment is a vest. It gives you the opportunity to carry everything you need for fishing and hunting, and also contributes to an even distribution of…
Catching aquatic biological resources with casting nets, according to anglers, is considered unsportsmanlike and until recently it was illegal for individuals.To date, this fishery is not poaching, it will be…