Car roof rack is an essential item for travel enthusiasts. Only with it does the owner have the opportunity to place various things on top of the car that do not fit in the passenger compartment. Because of this, you don't have to...
Nowadays, more and more cars appear on the roads of cities. Who among modern people does not dream of twisting the “steering wheel” of their own car. But buying a vehicle is half the battle. The main thing -…
Now everyone knows for sure that a car is a means of transportation, not a luxury. You need to move on it competently, confidently, safely. Skills like confidence and security come with experience, but…
Every car needs repair sooner or later. If something has happened to the car, or there are suspicions of it, then you must urgently contact the car workshop. This article will review the best...
After the reforms carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of driving schools has noticeably decreased. Some could not bring the material and technical base in line with the requirements, not every school could afford to have a race track. For this reason, some educational ...
In the modern rhythm of life, people spend more and more of their time in the car. They travel the world, get stuck in traffic jams for miles on their way to and from work, use their car as…
The city of Perm is famous for statistics on those who passed the traffic police exam. This statistic says that half of the students pass the exam on the first try. There are even schools whose students in 80% of cases successfully complete ...
Nowadays, thousands of cars pass through the streets every day in every city. The larger the population of the city, the more cars in it. And each driver must first learn how to manage it and ...
The ability to drive a car is a skill necessary for a modern person. After all, driving a car gives tangible mobility and freedom, allows you to solve more issues, visit more places. However, to feel safe, you need to…
After a car has traveled a large number of kilometers, minor repairs of spare parts subject to regular wear are ensured.The safety of drivers and passengers depends on the parts that create braking acceleration due to interaction with the wheel surface. Diversity…