It is extremely difficult to park a car in a city, because you often have to back up, while maneuvering between various obstacles. In addition, there are various "dead zones" that are not available for review ...
This review provides a rating of popular three-wheeler models from the best manufacturers. Here we will tell you: what it is, how to choose the right product, orient on the price, give advice on what ...
Currently, LED lamps are trying to completely replace the "classic" halogen / xenon lamps from the design of the car. And the reason for this was not only their reduced power consumption. Among other things, they are much more resistant to vibrations…
Backhoe loaders (hereinafter referred to as "EP") refer to the type of hybrid special equipment, whose design, appearance and scope are always determined by specific tasks. In most cases, this technique is a universal solution ...
In 2022, all major engineering companies are trying to make their products as affordable, economical and safe as possible. However, the last point directly depends on the owner of the vehicle and often requires additional ...
Machine parts are subject to the negative effect of wear and tear, and the battery is in a special risk zone. The correct operation of this component depends on the quality of service. The power supply of the car directly depends on the battery terminals, so you should ...
Dust, dirt, snow, rain drops most often settle in the form of dirty spots on car windows. Traditional rubber wipers are not always able to cope with pollution, improve visibility. In the article we will talk ...
Motor graders are trailed or self-propelled vehicles that are used throughout Russia in a wide variety of civil infrastructure projects. They come in different sizes and specifications and are used in construction, maintenance and earthmoving…
Today, the need to pump up a wheel is a rather rare occurrence in the everyday life of an average motorist. Modern tires perfectly hold the right pressure, and if you manage to “catch” a nail with the wheel, then the problem is as fast as possible ...
The road by car to your home office or to your grandfather in the village can suddenly become complicated. An accident, an attempted robbery or another attack - no one is 100% insured. But it will be possible to prove the correctness, ...